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  • New York State Integrated Pest Management
New York State Integrated Pest Management Director Alejandro Calixto presented the 2020 Excellence in IPM Award to Cornell Cooperative Extension’s (CCE) Dan Wixted during the 2023 Ronald D. Gardner Food Processing Pest Management Workshop February 7.

Wixted, an extension support specialist for CCE’s Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP), was nominated by peers for showcasing—through enthusiastic outreach and extension—a commitment to sharing strategies and resources to help all of New York’s 20 million residents find safe and effective ways to manage pests.

The Excellence in IPM Award recognizes an individual who has supported the adoption of safe and sustainable IPM practices by: developing new tools; implementing or evaluating IPM methods in their operations, businesses or organizations; encouraging demonstrations and adoption of IPM; promoting IPM and bolstering the adoption of IPM practices; or educating others about IPM.

While presenting the award, Calixto touted Wixted’s collaborative spirit and passion for sustainable pest management.

The award was originally slated to be presented in 2021 but was delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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Conferences Graduate student Julia Goolsby et al. presented “Cross-Park RAD Project: Insights for Responding to Ecological Transformation in the National Park Service” at the National Park Service North Coast & Cascades Science Days. This...
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The Great Backyard Bird Count, organized by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in collaboration with Audubon and Birds Canada, is Feb. 14-17 and invites volunteers to watch birds and record what they see, enriching the Cornell Lab’s trove of data.

  • Lab of Ornithology
  • Animals