But inside, where tiny home builders would typically tuck away hidden storage and multi-use furniture, are a variety of energy-saving innovation demonstrations, turning it into a mobile education and outreach station.
Owned and operated by the Get Your GreenBack program housed at Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) Tompkins County, the PowerHouse helps CCE educators tackle environmental issues and social inequities by making energy savings concepts tangible and easy to understand. Displayed across the Southern Tier, and soon other areas of New York state, the PowerHouse is staffed by employees of the Smart Energy Choices Southern Tier program, Get Your GreenBack Tompkins, and Energy Navigator volunteers.
“We hope visitors will leave the PowerHouse with greater energy literacy,” said Emily Belle, community energy outreach and advising program leader for Get Your GreenBacks Tompkins.
As COVID-19 restrictions ease, she hopes to take the PowerHouse on the road to reach more residents of New York state. “Once folks understand these concepts, our educators can point out incentive programs and rebates to help offset the costs of any upgrades.”