IPM for Fruits
Tree fruit, grape, and berry crops benefit from implementing IPM—environmentally and economically sensible ways to protect crops from insects, plant diseases, weeds, and vertebrate pests.
Pest Alert
Spotted Lanternfly
Spotted lanternfly has proven to be a serious pest of grapes (both cultivated and wild). They are swarm feeders and up to 400 Spotted lanternfly adults per vine have been reported. Feeding by a population this high has been shown to weaken the vine, leading to loss of winter hardiness, reduced or no return bloom or crop, and even vine death.
Pest Alert
Spotted Wing Drosophila
Unlike other fruit and vinegar flies, which lay their eggs on past ripe or rotting fruit, spotted wing drosophila lay their eggs inside fresh fruit, often before harvest. Significant damage can be done by the larvae feeding inside the fruit. After only a few days, the fruit skin becomes dimpled or wrinkled, forming craters in the fruit, and making it susceptible to decays and rots.
Cornell fruit resources
Much of our Fruit IPM information is housed on the Cornell Fruit Resources website.
Organic Production and IPM Guides
These organic guides for fruit production are an outlines of cultural and pest management practices and includes topics that have an impact on improving plant health and reducing pest problems.
Senior Extension Associate
NYS Integrated Pest Management
- (443) 421-7970
- aew232 [at] cornell.edu