Typhlodromus pyri–Predatory Mite
Biocontrol Agent Factsheet
Typhlodromus pyri provides excellent control of some spider mites, such as European red mite, and also feeds on rust mites. It is a more generalist predator with a varied diet and it can be found in mixed populations with specialist predators enhancing biological control.
Pests Targeted: Mites
Pest Stage: All life stages of the pest are attacked by this predator.
Commercially Available? No
Scientific Name: Typhlodromus pyri
Biocontrol Agent Type: Predator

Common Names
Relative effectiveness
Typhlodromus pyri is an effective predator of non-web spinning spider mites (such as European red mite) and rust mites. It will also feed on web spinning spider mites (such as twospotted spider mite) but other predators will likely need to be present to achieve adequate control. Unlike some phytoseiid mites, T. pyri can also feed on pollen and fungi (like powdery mildew) in times of prey scarcity. This may allow it to be effective at earlier points during a pest mite outbreak. |
Where to use
Fruit (especially apples, grapes, blackberries, hops) grown outside
This species is not commercially available and is instead naturally present on a variety of crops.
About Typhlodromus pyri
Typhlodromus pyri is found in tree fruit and grape crops in temperate and mildly humid areas worldwide. It provides excellent control of some spider mites, such as European red mite, and also feeds on rust mites. It is a more generalist predator with a varied diet and it can be found in mixed populations with specialist predators (such as Galendromus occidentalis), enhancing biological control.
- Native/Non-native: Native
- Preferred climate: temperate, cold tolerant
- Region: Worldwide in temperate areas with higher humidity
- Established: Yes
- Where established: Found worldwide, typically in temperate areas with slightly higher humidity
Typhlodromus pyri Appearance
These predatory mites are tear-drop shaped and semi-translucent off-white, cream, or yellowish in color. Their gut may change to red, brown, or green in color depending on the prey they have been eating. Eggs are semi-opaque, chicken egg shaped, and 0.2 mm long. Adults are approximately 0.3 mm long and indistinguishable from most other phytoseiid predatory mites without very high magnification and specialist training; while some people can see adults with the naked eye, to confirm identification, they should be viewed with a hand lens or microscope.

Most phytoseiid mites, including Typhlodromus pyri, are tear-drop shaped and yellow or cream colored.

A picture taken under a microscope of a female Typhlodromus pyri mite, showing the setae (hairs) important for identifying the specimen to species.
Life Cycle
The life cycle of Typhlodromus pyri at typical western US summer temperatures.

How to Use Typhlodromus pyri
Biocontrol category: Conservation—attract and protect from the surrounding environment
When to use: Typhlodromus pyri thrives in temperate environments that are somewhat cool and humid. It is capable of overwintering in vineyards and orchards.
Maximizing effectiveness: This predatory mite is not commercially available. Conservation involves judicious use of pesticides (see below). It does not thrive in very hot, arid environments, such as the central valleys of Washington and Oregon.
Pest stage: All life stages of the pest are attacked by this predator.
Mode of action: Predator
Conservation: The primary method for conserving predatory mites is to avoid or limit harmful pesticide applications when possible. See Compatibility for pesticide selectivity information. The presence of rust mites, especially in apples where they are rarely pests, can aid conservation of T. pyri, which will feed on rust mites when spider mites are scarce. Pesticides that harm rust mites may reduce populations of predatory mites.
Compatibility: Typhlodromus pyri tends to be less sensitive to pesticides than other phytoseiids. While some populations are resistant to pyrethroids, in general, the use of pyrethroids, organophosphates, carbamates, and neonicotinoids should be avoided or reduced to conserve this predator. (Any time you use a pesticide, you must read and follow the label directions and comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to pesticide use. Also be sure that any pesticide used is approved for use in your country and state/province.)
Commercially available: No
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About Mite Pests Targeted by Typhlodromus pyri
Typhlodromus pyri is a better predator of non-webspinning spider mites (such as European red mite) or rust mites than other spider mite species (such as twospotted spider mite).
Pest mite species targeted
- European red mite (Panonychus ulmi)
- Twospotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae)
- McDaniel mite (Tetranychus mcdanieli)
- Pacific mite (Tetranychus pacificus)
- Willamette mite (Eotetranychus willamette)
- Brown mite (Bryobia rubrioculus)
- Apple rust mite (Aculus schlechtendali)
- Other rust mites (Eriophyidae)
Mite Damage
Damage by spider mites appears as small yellow or white spots on leaves, indicating where they have removed chlorophyll. Further damage can cause the leaves to turn brown (bronzing) or, on sensitive tree species like pears, cause the leaves to turn black, die, and fall off of the tree. Rust mite damage can appear somewhat similar, but rust mites may also feed on the skin of fruit, resulting in downgrading or unmarketability, especially in light-skinned varieties that show damage clearly.

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Brown mite eggs.

The many tiny white spots on this tomato leaf are characteristic of damage from two-spotted spider mites.
Rebecca Schmidt-Jeffris
rebecca.schmidt [at] usda.gov (rebecca[dot]schmidt[at]usda[dot]gov)
Date: January 2022
- A slide mount of a female Typhlodromus pyri. Image credit: R. Schmidt-Jeffris.
- Most phytoseiid mites, including Typhlodromus pyri, are tear-drop shaped and yellow or cream colored. Image credit: R. Schmidt-Jeffris.
- Brown mite adult. Image credit: R. Schmidt-Jeffris
- Brown mite eggs. Image credit: R. Schmidt-Jeffris.
- The many tiny white spots on this tomato leaf are characteristic of damage from twospotted spider mites.
- The life cycle of Typhlodromus pyri at typical western US summer temperatures. Image credit: R. Schmidt-Jeffris. Image created using Biorender.com.