Michael Van Amburgh
Professor of Dairy Nutrition, Animal Science

My program is devoted to discovery and problem solving contemporary issues in nutrition, physiology and management in the dairy and livestock industries and disseminating new knowledge to students and the industry.
Research Focus
Research efforts in my laboratory are multifaceted and focused on several aspects of productive efficiency of dairy cattle. With increasing pressure on the dairy industry to reduce the environmental impact of cattle, we are currently working on developing a basic understanding of whole animal nitrogen metabolism and efficiency of use of absorbed amino acids. We have embarked on several studies employing stable isotopes of nitrogen compounds to understand urea nitrogen recycling and the ultimate distribution and partitioning of intake nitrogen on a systems basis. This work is leading to new dietary strategies that allow nutritionists to reduce the amount of nitrogen (crude protein) fed to lactating cows while maintaining milk production thus improving the efficiency of use of absorbed feed nitrogen and reducing the amount of manure nitrogen excreted into the environment per unit of milk produced. Data from studies like these are being used further develop the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS). Recent application of this new knowledge and improvements in the model have allowed us to formulate diets for high producing lactating cattle at 14% CP while maintaining milk yield in excess of 43 kg/d.
My group is furthering this work with new studies examining the role of carbohydrate digestion and site of digestion on the partitioning of those substrates to milk. This has direct effects on the overall efficiency of the animal and how absorbed amino acids are utilized. We are embarking on studies that allow us to further describe the efficiency of use of absorbed amino acids with the goal of further enhancing the efficiency of use of protein by the lactating dairy cow. In support of this work, we have developed an assay that allows us to predict the indigestibility of nitrogen containing feeds in the small intestine of the cow. This is aiding our ability to determine what is first limiting in dairy cattle diets.
In support of the CNCPS, we are also developing new tools to describe how NDF digestion occurs in various feeds. Our focus is primarily forages and our goal is to better describe the rate and extent of NDF digestion for use in the model with the objective of linking this to dry matter intake and whole farm forage allocation to reduce the importation of non-farm raised feeds, thus reducing the importation of nutrients such as phosphorous and nitrogen.
Finally, the lab has a 20 year history of engaging in research to enhance our understanding of the nutrient requirements and management of calves and heifers. Previous work identified time and not nutrient intake as the primary factor influencing pre-pubertal mammary development as measured by DNA. This has significant implications for years of research into this very perplexing and controversial issue and allows us to redirect of efforts on factors that can be manipulated and have a larger impact on future milk potential. To that point, recent work has demonstrated that early life nutrient intake and growth rates prior to weaning have an epigenetic or developmental effect on the calf that results in greater milk yield over the life of the animal as an adult. Further, in collaboration a some colleagues, we were able to demonstrate that pre-weaning growth rates accounted for up to 25% of the variation in first lactation milk production. This is a significant finding and one that provides us with a new direction and with profound implications for early life management of calves and heifers. Further, as part of the research into early life, we have started to understand the role that components of colostrum play in communicating to the neonate and are currently conducting work to appreciate the effect of those lactocrine signals.
Outreach and Extension Focus
I do not have an official extension appointment, but because of the focus of my research and teaching program, I am asked to participate in extension and educational programs around the state and around the world. My extension activities are related to the Pro-Dairy program and other extension programs in the state. I do not have a formal extension program but am involved in developing activities like Winter Dairy Management meetings when the topic requires my expertise. I do extension meetings around the state if time allows and the topic is pertinent to my research and teaching. This impacts mostly producers and feed industry professionals in the state.
My outreach activities are a function of my research program. Due to my involvement with the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System and CPM Dairy, I spend a significant amount of time training and communicating with the dairy and livestock industry – including producers, feed chemists, nutritionists and academics, about how to apply and interpret the model. This takes place on a state, national and international basis. For example, I spoke at the National Forage Testing Association meeting about chemical analyses required for better prediction of cattle requirements and the variation associated with many of these assays. This impacts anyone that sends a sample into one of those labs, since we guide the procedures.
In addition, my research work in several areas of ruminant growth, development, nutrition and physiology has some basis in application and results in my being asked to various conferences in the U.S. and elsewhere.
Teaching Focus
My teaching focus is undergraduate and graduate student programs in animal science, dairy management, nutrition, and physiology. I believe in integrating our understanding of the biological principles of dairy cattle function and metabolism with management and quantitative decision making to improve productivity of whatever management system students encounter. It is also important to link concepts with practice and this is done through experiential learning activities I develop as part of the Dairy Fellows Program and overall dairy program. I also advise the Cornell University Dairy Science Club and through that have developed several international experiential learning courses to expose students to other cultures, production and food systems.
- Doctorate
Cornell University - 1996 - Bachelor of Science
The Ohio State University - 1984
Awards & Honors
- American Dairy Science Association, Most-Cited Paper Award in the Nutrition, Feeding and Calves section of the Journal of Dairy Science (2018) American Dairy Science Association
- Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow Award (2016) Cornell University
- 2012: Donald C. Burgett Distinguished Advisor Award (2012) College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University
Courses Taught
- ANSC 3511: Junior Dairy Fellows
- ANSC 3560: International Dairy Study Trip
- ANSC 4110: Integrated Cattle Nutrition
- ANSC 4120: Whole-Farm Nutrient Management
- ANSC 4510: Dairy Herd Business Management
- ANSC 4560: Dairy Management Fellowship
- ANSC 2550: Dairy Study Trip to Italy
- ANSC 4940: Special Topics in Animal Science
- ANSC 4960: Internship in Animal Science
- AGSCI 4960: Internship in Agricultural Sciences
- ANSC 4970: Individual Study in Animal Science
- ANSC 6940: Special Topics in Animal Science
- ANSC 7900: Graduate-Level Thesis Research
- ANSC 9900: Doctoral-Level Thesis Research
Selected Publications
Journal Publications
- Van Amburgh, M. E., Russomanno, K. L., Higgs, R. A., & Chase , L. E. (2019). Invited Review: Modifications to the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System related to environmental issues—Capability to evaluate nitrogen and phosphorus excretion and enteric carbon dioxide and methane emissions at the animal level. Applied Animal Science. 35:101-113.
- Van Amburgh, M. E., Collao-Saenz , E., Higgs, R., Ross, D., Recktenwald, E., Raffrenato, E., Chase, L. E., Overton, T. R., Mills, J., & Foskolos, A. (2015). The Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System: Updates to the model and evaluation of version 6.5. Journal of Dairy Science. 98:6361-6380.
- Higgs, R. J., Chase, L. E., Ross, D., & Van Amburgh, M. E. (2015). Updating the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System feed library and analyzing model sensitivity to feed inputs. Journal of Dairy Science. 98:6340-6360.
- Recktenwald, E., Ross, D., Fessenden, S., Wall, C., & Van Amburgh, M. E. (2014). Urea-N recycling in lactating dairy cows fed diets with 2 different levels of dietary crude protein and starch with or without Rumensin. Journal of Dairy Science. 97:1611-1622.
- Soberon, F., & Van Amburgh, M. E. (2013). Lactation Biology Symposium: The effect of nutrient intake from milk or milk replacer of preweaned dairy calves on lactation milk yield as adults: a meta-analysis of current data. Journal of Animal Science. 91:706-12.
- Soberon, F., & Van Amburgh, M. E. (2013). Lactation Biology Symposium: The effect of nutrient intake from milk or milk replacer of preweaned dairy calves on lactation milk yield as adults: a meta-analysis of current data. Journal of Animal Science. 91:706-712.
- HIggs, R., Chase, L. E., & Van Amburgh, M. E. (2012). Case Study: Application and evaluation of the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System as a tool to improve nitrogen utilization in commercial dairy herds. The Professional Animal Scientist. 28:370-378.
- Soberon, F., Raffrenato, E., Everett, R. W., & Van Amburgh, M. E. (2012). Pre-weaning milk replacer intake and effects on long-term productivity of dairy calves. Journal of Dairy Science. 95:783-793.
- HIggs, R., Chase, L. E., & Van Amburgh, M. E. (2012). Development and evaluation of equations in the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System to predict nitrogen excretion in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 95:2004-2014.
Conference Proceedings
- Russomanno, K., Van Amburgh, M. E., & HIggs, R. (2012). An Evaluation of Using ByProduct Feeds in Lactating Cow Diets on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Using CNCPS v6.1. Proc. Cornell Nutr. Conf.. Cornell University Animal Science, Cornell University Animal Science, Ithaca, NY 130-145 p.
Presentations and Activities
- Determination of the first limiting physical factors in corn silage hybrids: modeling multiple pools of ruminal aNDFom digestion. Cornell Nutrition Conference. October 2018. Department of Animal Science, Cornell University. Syracuse, NY United States.
- Applications of uNDF in ration modeling and formulation. Cornell Nutrition Conference. October 2014. Cornell. Syracuse.
- Balancing for intestinal nitrogen indigestibility in high producing lactating cattle: one step closer to feeding a cow like a pig? Cornell Nutrition Conference. October 2014. Cornell. Syracuse.
- Milk protein: formulating for low protein diets. ADSA Discover Conference 22 Milk Components: Maximizing Farm Gate Returns and Meeting Manufacturing Needs. October 2011. American Dairy Science Association. Itasca, IL.
- Are there limits to milk fat and protein production: What can we learn from other countries? ADSA Discover Conference 22, Milk Components: Opportunities for Maximizing Farm Gate Returns and Meeting Manufacturing Needs. October 2011. American Dairy Science Association. Itasca, IL.
- Formulating and management of rations for dairy cattle. 2nd International Symposium on Dairy Cow Nutrition and Milk Quality.. May 2011. Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,. Beijing, China.
- Advances in nitrogen metabolism and utilization in dairy cattle. 2nd International Symposium on Dairy Cow Nutrition and Milk Quality. May 2011. Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Beijing, China.
- Taking the long view: Treat them nice as babies and they will be better adults. Western Dairy Management Conference. March 2011. Western Dairy Management Conference. Reno, Nevada.
Contact Information
272 Morrison Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
mev1 [at] cornell.edu
Additional Links
Michael in the news

- Ruminant Center
- Animal Science

- Dairy Fellows Program
- Animal Science