Matias Flores
Ph.D. Student, Development Sociology, Department of Global Development

Research Focus
I use a socio-historical approach to study higher education community engagement, developed in three lines of research: 1) Recovering the history of community engagement practices in the Global South, focusing on Latin America; 2) Understanding the politics and university imaginaries of the next-generation engaged-scholars in Chile, in a context of sociopolitical change; 3) Fostering a global dialogue in higher education community engagement, reflecting in the limits and potential reproduction of neo-colonial dynamics.
Main inspirations: Paulo Freire (Brazil), Amanda Labarca (Chile), Orlando Fals Borda (Colombia).
Recent Publications (English and Spanish)
Flores, M. G. (2024). Amanda Labarca: Obra y contribuciones manifiestas y latentes a la extensión universitaria. En-Claves Del Pensamiento, 35, 44–65.
Flores, M. G., Colacci, R., & Cano, A. (2023). Critical community engagement and the Latin American ethos: Contributions to a Global South dialogue. African Journal of Higher Education Community Engagement, 1(1), 64–82.
- Cano Menoni, A., & Flores, M. G. (2023). Tendencias de la Extensión Universitaria en América Latina: Chile, México, Uruguay y redes regionales. InterCambios. Dilemas y transiciones de la Educación Superior, 10, 47–61.
- Flores, M. G. (2023). Reseña / Vinculación con el Medio universitaria: Estado del arte y reflexiones en contexto. +E: Revista de Extensión Universitaria, 13(19), 1–3.
- Salas, G., Millán, J. D., Flores, M. G., Albornoz, G., Ramos-Vera, J., & Winkler, M. I. (2023). The literary in Amanda Labarca: A philosophical-political project. Bajo Palabra, Revista de Filosofía, ÉPOCA N°II(32), 151–170.
- Flores, M. G., & Dougnac, P. (2023). Book Review: Textos Clave de La Extensión Crítica Latinoamericana y Caribeña (Key Readings on Critical Community Engagement in Latin America and the Caribbean). International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, 11(1), 1–3.
Professional Experience
Before starting my MS/Ph.D. studies, I worked at Universidad de Chile in the Vice-Provost Office of Community Engagement and Communications, where I coordinated the Data and Analysis Unit. In that position, I researched the experience of faculty, students, and community members, conducted quantitative studies for external accreditation, organized seminars on community engagement, and co-edited a book that gathered more than 50 community engagement projects.
I serve as Chair-elect at the International Association of Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) Graduate Student Network (GradSN). I co-founded the Grupo de Estudios en Vinculación con el Medio y Extensión Universitaria (GEVEX).
- 2023 - Master of Science in Development Sociology, Cornell University
- 2014 - Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, Universidad de Chile
Awards and Honors
- Latin American and Caribbean Program (LACS) Graduate Fellow '21-'22
- Equal Opportunities Doctorate Scholarship '18, Fulbright Chile - Asociación Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID) (Beca de Doctorado Igualdad de Oportunidades)
Higher education community engagement
History of university extension and community engagement in Latin America
Decolonizing higher education
Contact Information
mf785 [at]
Matias in the news

- Polson Institute for Global Development
- Department of Global Development
- Global Development