James Watkins
Associate Director, Cornell Biological Field Station and Senior Research Associate, Natural Resources and the Environment
I have an oceanography background now useful for studying large lakes. Between degrees I spent time teaching marine science on tall ships in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Now I’m happy to settle down in central New York with its abundance of beautiful and diverse lakes. I’m interested in both traditional and emerging technological approaches to studying the spatial ecology of aquatic organisms from plankton, benthos, and fish.
M.S. 1994 Oceanography, Oregon State University
Ph.D. 2011 Aquatic Ecology, Cornell University
Recent Research
Plankton ecology of Great Lakes and connections to fish communities. Food web connections and disruption. Early detection of invasive species. New monitoring technologies. Spatial ecology.
Selected Publications
- Watkins, J, B Weidel, A Fisk, LG Rudstam. 2017. Cooperative science to inform Lake Ontario management: Research from the 2013 Lake Ontario CSMI program. J. Great Lakes Res. 43:779-781.
- Watkins, JM, PD Collingsworth, NE Saavedra, BP O’Malley, LG Rudstam. 2017. Fine-scale zooplankton diel vertical migration revealed by traditional net sampling and a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC) in Lake Ontario. J. Great Lakes Res. 43: 804-812.
- Scofield, AE, JM Watkins, BC Weidel, FJ Luckey, LG Rudstam. 2017. The deep chlorophyll layer in Lake Ontario: extent, mechanisms of formation, and abiotic predictors. J. Great Lakes Res. 43:782-794.
- Barbiero, RP, LG Rudstam, JM Watkins and B Lesht. 2019. A cross-lake comparison of crustacean zooplankton communities in the Great Lakes 1997-2016. J. Great Lakes Res. 45:672-690.
- Holda, TJ, K Bowen, BC Weidel, J Holden, MJ Connerton, JM Watkins, PJ Sullivan and LG Rudstam. 2019. Status of Mysis diluviana in Lake Ontario in 2013. J. Great Lakes Res. 45: 307–316.
Contact Information
Cornell Biological Field Station, Bridgeport, NY 13030
Bruckner Hall B07
Ithaca, NY 14853
jmw237 [at] cornell.edu
Additional Links
James in the news
- Biological Field Station
- Cornell Cooperative Extension
- New York Sea Grant Institute
- Biological Field Station
- Natural Resources and the Environment
- Ecosystems