Graduate Student Support
Graduate student tuition, stipend, and health insurance:
- Tuition: The Graduate School tuition rate is announced on the Graduate School Tuition Rates webpage. CALS will support half of the tuition for assistantships paid on grants/contracts to college faculty. If mandatory cost sharing (matching) is required by a sponsor, the supported component can be listed as cost share (match) on proposals.
- Stipend: The Graduate School Stipend rates are announced on the Graduate School Stipend Rates webpage. The Graduate School has recommended that we use an escalation rate of 2.3% of the minimum stipend amount for all years for which stipends are not already established.
- Health Insurance: The current health insurance rate for graduate students can be found on the Graduate School Health Insurance Rates webpage. The Graduate School is currently recommending a 8.9% increase per year.
Tuition support:
CALS will pay 50% of the tuition for graduate research assistantships that are supported on research grants to faculty, external fellowships, new faculty start-up funds, and faculty discretionary funds. Tuition is not supported for students funded on Cornell-based endowments. For those graduate assistantships funded by federal, state or non-government sponsored agreements, the 50% support from the college can be reported as cost sharing. The remainder of the tuition and health insurance must be paid by the grant or from other sources.