Information for CALS Emeriti Faculty (Tenure-track)
The title of professor emeritus/emerita is a special designation given to retired faculty with distinguished and meritorious service to the University. It is granted after a positive recommendation of the department faculty, chair, dean and the provost. Faculty achieving professor emeritus/emerita status should be aware of special benefits associated with the title.
Upon request, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences will provide an allocation of $2,000 per year to a maximum of $10,000 to support professional activities for active emeriti faculty. To request this funding, the professor emeritus/emerita should confer with their unit chair/director. The chair/director should then send a request to their senior associate dean outlining the faculty member’s proposed activities. Requests for funding should be made after any previous emeriti funding allocations have been expended, unless there are extenuating circumstances.
University Archivist
The University is interested in collecting materials from Cornell faculty to add to the University Archives maintained at Kroch Library. For more information on contributing materials to the University Archives, please contact Eileen Keating at eek2 [at] (eek2[at]cornell[dot]edu) or 607-255-3530.
Cornell Association of Professors Emeriti (CAPE)
CAPE has many helpful resources for professors emeriti, including a list of benefits, newsletter, events and activities. For more information, please check their website at Information on 'perks and opportunities', including office space and parking, can be found at the Dean of Faculty website. CAPE maintains an office in 229 Day Hall with office hours 8:30 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The phone number is 607-255-6608.

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