Ed Mabaya
Research Professor, Department of Global Development
Director, Humphrey Fellowship Program, Department of Global Development
Director, Graduate Field of Global Development, Department of Global Development

Dr. Ed Mabaya is a scholar and a development practitioner with more than two decades of experience working on development, agribusiness value chains and food security issues with a regional focus on Sub-Saharan Africa. He is a Research Professor in the Department of Global Development where his teaching, research and outreach work focuses on economic development in Africa. Additionally, Mabaya serves as Director of the Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Global Development and Director of the Humphrey Fellowship Program, a Fulbright exchange program that provides accomplished professionals from countries with emerging economies an international enrichment opportunity in leadership and public service at Cornell. He also has an appointment as Professor Extraordinary in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Stellenbosch University in South Africa.
From 2018 through June 2020 he was the Division Manager of Agribusiness Development at the African Development Bank where he managed continent-wide investments, partnerships and research in support of the Feed Africa strategy. Previously, he was a Senior Research Associate in the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University.
Mabaya’s applied research work is anchored around food marketing and distribution, enabling environments for agribusiness, seed systems, digital agriculture, and the role of efficient agricultural markets in Africa’s economic development. He has published widely on these topics in both peer reviewed outlets and popular press media. His work has received many distinguished recognitions including for “42 African Innovators to Watch in 2016” by Ventures Africa magazine, Coca Cola Africa Diaspora Network 2013 recognition for "dedicated service and contribution towards sustainable development in Africa" and the 2006 and 2017 L.A. Potts Success Story awards for “program with model resulting in high impact on poor communities”. He is a public speaker who has presented several keynote talks including TEDx-MidAtlantic and TEDx-Johannesburg.
Mabaya earned his MSc (1998) and PhD (2003) degrees in agricultural economics at Cornell University and a Bachelor of Science (1994) from the University of Zimbabwe. He is the outgoing President of African Association of Agricultural Economists (2017-2019). Mabaya was an Archbishop Desmond Tutu Leadership Fellow (2007) and The Aspen Institute’s New Voices Fellow (2016).
Current Appointments
- Research Professor, Department of Global Development
- Director, Humphrey Fellowship Program
- Director, MPS in Global Development
- Faculty Fellow, Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability
- Executive Committee Member, Cornell Institute for Digital Agriculture (CIDA)
- Advisory Board Member, Cornell Institute for African Development (IAD)
- International Research Professor, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Senior Research Associate, Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management
- Professor Extraordinary, Department of Agricultural Economics at Stellenbosch University
Honors, Awards & Fellowships
- 2021 Simon Brand Memorial Address, selected by the Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa (AEASA) to give keynote presentation at the annual conference.
- President’s Award “Presented by the membership of the African Association of Agricultural Economists to Dr. Edward Mabaya, 5th President (2017-2019). With deep appreciation for your hard work and dedicated service.” 09/26/2019.
- LA Potts Success Story award for the Student Multidisciplinary Applied Research Team (SMART) award at the Professional Agricultural Workers Conference (PAWC) for program with model resulting in high impact on poor communities (12/2016).
- Selected for “42 African Innovators to Watch” in 2016 by Ventures Africa. Ed is number 17 on the list of “superheroes” who have shown an inspired commitment to the “three P’s: Patterns – recognizing them; Preservation – innovators discard very few ideas; and Possibility – old ideas aren’t dead and buried.”
- New Voices Fellow: The Aspen Institute, Washington DC, USA (2016).
- 2016 Aspen Global Voices Fellow, selected globally among experts with “deep understanding of broad development challenges and a passion for communicating their views” (01/2016).
- Coca Cola Africa Diaspora Network 2013 recognition for "dedicated service and contribution towards sustainable development in Africa."
- Best paper presented at 2008 annual conference of the Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa (AEASA).
- Archbishop Desmond Tutu Leadership Fellow, Oxford University (2007).
- Seeds of Development Program awarded the L.A. Potts Success Story award at the Professional Agricultural Workers Conference (PAWC) for program with model resulting in high impact on poor communities (12/06).
- International Hunger Field Support Grant from First Presbyterian Church (Summer, 2000).
- University of Zimbabwe Book Prize - For best graduating student in B.Sc. Agriculture (1994).
- PhD Cornell University, Department of Applied Economics and Management, 2003
- MS Cornell University, Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics, 1998
- BS University of Zimbabwe, Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, 1994
Applied Economics and Policy
Food and Agricultural Economics
International and Development Economics and Policy
Research Interests
Building on his early life experience in Zimbabwe and subsequent training at Cornell University, Ed’s broad research interests are in the area of food and agricultural economics. Over the past two decades, he developed an applied research program on agriculture and food value chains in developing countries with a regional focus on Sub-Saharan Africa. Specifically, his research focuses on four interrelated themes: (a) Agribusiness in Developing Countries, (b) Seed Systems, (c) Digital Agriculture, and (d) Food and Nutritional Security. Wherever possible, Ed tries to integrate these themes into his teaching and outreach activities.
Agribusiness in Developing Countries
Seventy percent of all Africans— and nearly 90% of the poor—derive their livelihoods primarily from agriculture, mostly as smallholder farmers. On the consumption end, all of Africa’s poor—both urban and rural—depend heavily on the efficiency of farmers and the agro-industry value chain to deliver affordable food, which accounts for 60–70% of their total consumption expenditures. Because agribusinesses are uniquely situated between raw and natural sources of supply and the dynamics of food and fiber demand, promotion of agro-enterprise development can create opportunities for employment in both rural and urban areas, offer market access to small-holder farmers, and enhance food security by reducing post-harvest losses and extending the shelf-life of food for the rapidly increasing urban poor.
While the role of agribusiness in delivering food and nutritional security in developed countries is well acknowledged and researched, agribusiness value chains in developing countries are a relatively new phenomenon. Most agricultural value chains in developing countries have historically been dominated by government parastatals and the informal sector. However, the last two decades have seen a rapid rise of private sector-led agribusiness value chains including input suppliers, agro-processors and retail outlets. As small and medium agribusiness enterprises increasingly play a central role in increasing incomes for farmers while ensuring food security for urban households, new empirical research is needed to inform decisions by public policy makers. Ed’s research on agribusiness value chains in developing countries fills this gap in the literature. Under this theme, his research seeks to deepen our understanding of both the macro- and micro-environment in which small and medium agribusiness operate in developing countries by analyzing enabling environments and publishing agribusiness case studies that are set in developing countries.
Seed Systems in Developing Countries
Improved seeds can deliver state of the art technology to smallholder farmers including higher yields, disease and pest resistance, climate change adaptation, improved nutrition, and longer shelf life. Yet, the important role improved seeds can play to increase food security for Africa’s smallholder farmers have been hampered by weak enabling environments, controversies about GMOs and concerns about private sector competitiveness. Ed’s research on seed systems in Africa has contributed significantly to the rather scant literature on the topic. His current research work on African seed systems covers three interrelated components: (1) structure and performance of formal seed systems in Africa, and (2) the potential for GMO crops and other plant breeding innovations in Africa, (3) The African Seed Access Index.
Digital Agriculture in Developing Countries
Digital technologies can be a game changer for agriculture in developing countries. Early evidence suggests that digital technologies can deliver the following key solutions: enhance yields and scale productivity of smallholder farmers; improve efficiency of production systems and farm management; Improve traceability, sustainability and profitability of agribusinesses; and facilitate access to markets. A recent CTA/Dalberg Report on The Digitalisation of African Agriculture reveals that 40–70% increase in yield and income is reported when digital solutions are used. Despite the opportunity, African agriculture is yet to realize, at scale, the benefits that digitalization can offer. The middleware infrastructure, regulatory frameworks and data policies needed to incentivize innovators to reach the last mile are insufficient or lacking in some cases; digital literacy and human capacity to develop, integrate and access digital solutions is still nascent; and many service providers are yet to find a commercially viable business model to deliver affordable digital solutions to smallholders and agri-SMEs at scale. To fully realize the potential of digital agriculture solutions, more applied research is needed to inform key decisions by private sector, development practitioners and policy makers.
Food and Nutritional Security in Developing Countries
An estimated 820 million people (one in nine) suffer from hunger. A recent UNICEF report reveals that “at least one-in-three children under-five are malnourished and not developing properly”. These statistics are unacceptable and fortunately numerous efforts are underway to solve these global challenges. We already know that the primary cause of hunger and malnutrition is poverty. As a development economist, Ed is interested in any research that helps to alleviate poverty. For many developing countries, a key part of the breaking the vicious cycle of hunger, malnutrition and poverty is to enhance agricultural productivity and market access for smallholder farmers. Given the realities of global warning and climate change, we must develop and promote sustainable farming practices. Ed’s research seeks to inform both public policies and investment priorities around these issues especially in developing countries.
Journal Articles
- Molepo, M.R., Griffith, G., and Mabaya, E., “The Cost of Food Loss and Waste in South Africa’s Potato Value Chain”, Submitted to Agrekon, Under review.
- Porciello, J., Coggins, S., Mabaya, E., & Otunba-Payne, G. (2022). Digital agriculture services in low-and middle-income countries: A systematic scoping review. Global Food Security, 34, 100640.
- Mabaya, E., & Porciello, J. (2022). Can digital solutions transform agri-food systems in Africa?. Agrekon, 61(1), 67-79.
- Porciello, J., Coggins, S., Mabaya, E., and Otunda-Payne, G “Digital agriculture services in low- and middle-income countries: A Systematic scoping review”, Global Food Security (Under review)
- Mabaya. E., Ajayi, S.A., Tihanyi, K., Mugoya, M., and Waithaka. M., Research and Development of crop varieties in Nigeria. 36 - 40. In L. B Taiwo, J.A. Adetumbi, D.J.Ogunniyan and K.T. Kareem (eds). Proceedings of 6th Annual Conference of Association of Seed Scientists of Nigeria (ASSN) 2021, pp 36-40.
- Porciello, J., H. A. Tufan, J. Njuki, P. Winters, E. Mabaya, and R. Coffman. "Averting hunger in sub-Saharan Africa requires data and synthesis." Nature 584, no. 7819 (2020): 37-40.
- Ariga, J., Mabaya, E., Waithaka, M. and Wanzala‐Mlobela, M., Can improved agricultural technologies spur a green revolution in Africa? A multi‐country analysis of seed and fertilizer delivery systems. Agricultural Economics, November 2019.
- Tallis, Heather, Mabaya, E., et al. "Aligning evidence generation and use across health, development, and environment." Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 39 (2019): 81-93.
- Kinuthia, B.K., & Mabaya, E. (2017) The Impact of Agriculture Technology Adoption on Farmers’ Welfare in Uganda and Tanzania. Partnership for Economic Policy, number 163, February 2017
- Mabaya, E., Mandhania, A., Van der Elst, S.C., Xue, K., Li, H. and Odell, S.G., Challenges and opportunities in South Africa’s indigenous plants industry: De Fynne Nursery. International Journal on Food System Dynamics,7(2), 2016, pp.131-142.
- Mabaya, E. and Kiiti, N. “A Closer Look at the “New Era” Inclusive Agricultural and Rural Development” African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND) Vol. 16 No. 1, March 2016.
- Greyling, J.C., Vink, N. and Mabaya, E., "South Africa's Agricultural Sector Twenty Years After Democracy (1994 to 2013)", Professional Agricultural Workers Journal Volume 3, Issue 1 (2015): 10.
- Mabaya, E., Fulton, J., Simiyu-Wafukho, S., and Nang’ayo, F., “Factors Influencing Adoption of Genetically Modified Crops in Africa”, Development Southern Africa, Volume 32, Issue 5, 2015, pp 577-591.
- Mabaya, E., and Cramer, L., “Growth in a Globalized Industry: The Case of Hillside Green Growers & Exporters Ltd.” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review (IFAMR), Volume 17 Special Issue B, June 2014, pp 201-206.
- Abidoye, A.O., and Mabaya, E., “Adoption of Genetically Modified Crops in South Africa: Effects on Wholesale Maize Prices”, Agrekon: Agricultural Economics Research, Policy and Practice in Southern Africa, Volume 53, Issue 1, January 2014, pp 104-123.
- Mabaya, E., Jackson, J., Ruethling, G., Carter, C.M., and Castle, J., “Wild Fruits of Africa: Commercializing Natural Products to Improve Rural Livelihoods in Southern Africa” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review (IFAMR), Volume 17 Special Issue B, June 2014, pp 69-74.
- Mabaya, E., Ross, M., Shresta, R., and Weiss, A., “Seven Sisters: Wine and Womanhood.” Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol. 4 Issue 8, 2014, pp. 1 – 17, 2014.
- Lynch, M.K., and Mabaya, E., “Bee Natural Uganda: Unlocking the Potential of Smallholder Farmers in the West Nile” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review (IFAMR), Volume 17 Special Issue B, June 2014, pp 59-64.
- Mabaya, E., Tihanyi, K.Z., Nwoga, M., and Cacho, J., “Next Steps: The Evolution of CSR at Novus International, Inc.”, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Volume 16, Issue 3, September 2013.
- Mabaya, E., Faria, W., Jordan, D., “Markets for Marama Beans in Southern Africa: Linking Sustainable Products with Sustainable Livelihoods”, Development Southern Africa Journal, Volume 28, Issue 4, 2011, pp 447-492.
- Stephens, E.C., Mabaya, E., Cramon–Taubadel, S., and Barrett, C.B., “Spatial Price Adjustment Dynamics with and Without Trade,” Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2011.
- Mabaya, E., Jordan, D., Malope, P., Monkhei, M., and Jackson, J., “Attribute Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Fortified Cereal Foods in Botswana” Agrekon: Agricultural Economics Research, Policy and Practice in Southern Africa, Volume 49, Issue 4, December 2010.
- Mabaya, E., “Commentary on ‘Private Sector Metrics Contributions to Social Change: Customer Satisfaction Meets Agriculture Development'”, IDS Bulletin, Volume 41, Number 6, November 2010.
- Mabaya, E., Cramer, L.K., Mahiga, V.K., Pham, H.Q., Simpson, T.M., and Tang, X.C., “Supplying Improved Seed to Farmers in Rural Kenya: The Case of Freshco Kenya Ltd.”, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2009.
- Mabaya, E., “Spatial Market Integration Under Discontinuous Trade: An Analysis of Urban Spot Markets for Tomatoes in Zimbabwe”, Economie Rurale (French Agricultural Economics Journal), n°283-284, September-December 2004.
Books and Theses
- Christy, R., Karaan, M., Mabaya, E., and Tihanyi, K. (Eds) From Principles to Best Practices: A “Making Markets Matter” Guide to Managing African Agribusinesses, Market Matters Inc., 2015 ISBN: 0692417346
- Christy, R.D., da Silva, C.A., Mhlanga, N., Mabaya, E., and Tihanyi, K., (Eds.) Innovative Institutions, Public Policies, and Private Strategies for Agro-Enterprise Development, World Scientific Publishing, 2015. ISBN 978-981-4596-60-2.
- Mabaya, E., Tihanyi, K., Karaan, M., and Van Rooyen, J., Eds. “Case Studies of South Africa’s Emerging Farmers and Agribusinesses”, Stellenbosch: SunMedia, 2011. ISBN 978-1-920338-65-7.
- Mabaya, E., Smallholder Agricultural Markets in Zimbabwe: Organization, Spatial Integration and Equilibrium, PhD dissertation, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2003.
- Mabaya, E., “Smallholder Horticultural Markets in Zimbabwe: Market Organization and Price Movements”, MS Thesis, Cornell University, 1998.
Book Chapters
- Richardson, R. B., Mabaya, E., Jayne, T.S., Njiwa, D., “Chapter 1: African Food Systems Transformation: Megatrends amd Priorities for Action”, in Africa Agriculture Status Report. Accelerating African Food Systems Transformation (Issue 10). Nairobi, Kenya: Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA).
- Kupaya, T., Mutyasira, V. Richardson, R.B., Mabaya, E., Jayne, T.S., “Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations” in in Africa Agriculture Status Report. Accelerating African Food Systems Transformation (Issue 10). Nairobi, Kenya: Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA).
- Mabaya, E. “Adoption of GM crops in Africa: why the seed sector matters”. In Analyses. Africa's future...can biosciences contribute? D. J Bennett & P. J Mitton (Eds). Cambridge, UK. Benson, 2015, pp 36-45.
- Mabaya, E., and Bandama, M., “Marketing Strategy for African Agribusinesses” Chapter 2 in Christy, R., Karaan, M., Mabaya, E., and Tihanyi, K. (Eds) From Principles to Best Practices: A “Making Markets Matter” Guide to Managing African Agribusinesses, Market Matters Inc., 2015, pp 19-33.
- Mba, C., Ininda, J., Mabaya, E., and Mwongera, C., “Effective Seed Systems to Combat Climate Change” Chapter IV (Section 3) in 2014 Africa Agriculture Status Report: Climate change and smallholder agriculture in sub-Sararan Africa, Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), 2014, pp 130-139.
- Mabaya, E., and Fulton, J., “Causes of Food Aid and Emergencies in Africa”, Chapter 4 in Facknath, S., and Fernandes, T., (Eds) Food and Nutrition Security in Africa, International Council for Science (ICSU), 2015 (forthcoming).
- Sartas, M., Jackson-Malete, J., Mogotsi, K., Mabaya, E., Tihanyi, K., Chimwamurombe, P., and Chiwona-Karltun, L., “Increasing utilization of indigenous plants in Southern Africa: Development of a value chain framework for future research” in “Strengthening the Role of Universities as Hubs of Development” Published proceedings from 3rd International SANORD Symposium, 2014, available at http://www.e-pages.dk/aarhusuniversitet/736/7, pp161-173.
- Mabaya, E., Omanga, P., and DeVries, J., “Status of Seed Systems Development in Sub-Saharan Africa” Chapter 5 in Africa Agriculture Status Report: Focus on Staple Crops, Nairobi, Kenya: Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), 2013, pp 53-68.
- Christy, R.D., da Silva, C.A., Mhlanga, N., Tihanyi, K., and Mabaya, E., “Introduction: Innovative Institutions, Public Policies, and Private Strategies for Agro-Enterprise Development” in Christy, R.D., da Silva, C.A., Mhlanga, N., Tihanyi, K. and Mabaya, E., (Eds.) Innovative Institutions, Public Policies, and Private Strategies for Agro-Enterprise Development, World Scientific Publishing, 2015, pp 1-24.
- Boettiger, S., Haile, S., O’Connor, A., and Mabaya, E., “Tools for Scaling” Brief #1 in Planning For Scale: Scaling Seed Systems to Impact Smallholder Farmers, AgPartnerXchange, 2013 (available at http://media.wix.com/ugd/ad2c36_b69fad24cfde488a9aeb9f0b694f4caf.pdf)
- Mabaya, E. and Chitja J. “Institutional Innovations Linking Small-Scale Produce Farmers to Markets in South Africa” in Christy, R.D., da Silva, C.A., Mhlanga, N., Tihanyi, K. and Mabaya, E., (Eds.) Chapter 1 in Innovative Institutions, Public Policies, and Private Strategies for Agro-Enterprise Development, World Scientific Publishing, 2015, pp 1-24.
- Mabaya, E., Christy, R., and Bandama, M., “Capacity Building in Agribusiness Education and Training for sub-Saharan Africa” Chapter 11 in Swanepoel, F.J.C., Ofir, Z. and Stroebel, A. (Eds). Towards Impact and Resilience: Transformative Change in and through Agricultural Education and Training in sub-Saharan Africa. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK. 2013. pp 276-308.
- Mabaya, E. “Business Networks as Innovative Institutions to Support Agro-Industries Development” In: da Silva, C.A., & Mhlanga, N (Eds.). Innovative Policies and Institutions in Support of Agro-Industries Development. Rome, Italy. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2011, pp 9-40.
- Mabaya Edward, Aleksandra Janjic, Toniqua Hay and Tamara Struk, “Defining De Fynne: A small wholesale nursery” Chapter 18 in Mabaya Edward, Tihanyi Krisztina, Mohammad Karaan, and Johan van Rooyen, Eds., Case Studies of South Africa’s Emerging Farmers and Agribusinesses, Stellenbosch: SunMedia, 2011. pp 27-51.
- Mabaya Edward, Imani Grant, Yin Song, Krisztina Tihanyi, Phuong Tran and Jipei Zhang, “Ezulwini Chocolat: Standing up and standing out” chapter 3 in Mabaya Edward, Tihanyi Krisztina, Mohammad Karaan, and Johan van Rooyen, Eds., Case Studies of South Africa’s Emerging Farmers and Agribusinesses, Stellenbosch: SunMedia, 2011. pp 52-69.
- Mabaya Edward, Bahirah Adewunmi, Jeff Aziakou, Kristin O’Planick, Krisztina Tihanyi, “M’hudi Wines: A small business with a big vision,” chapter 4 in Mabaya Edward, Tihanyi Krisztina, Mohammad Karaan, and Johan van Rooyen, Eds., Case Studies of South Africa’s Emerging Farmers and Agribusinesses, Stellenbosch: SunMedia, 2011. pp 70-93.
- Mabaya Edward, Michelle Manket, Seth Mosner, Perla E. Parra and Krisztina Tihanyi, “Intaba Fruit Processing: A matter of jam,” chapter 7 in Mabaya Edward, Tihanyi Krisztina, Mohammad Karaan, and Johan van Rooyen, Eds., Case Studies of South Africa’s Emerging Farmers and Agribusinesses, Stellenbosch: SunMedia, 2011. pp 123-136.
- Mabaya Edward and Mohammad Kaaran, “Emerging farmers and agribusinesses in South Africa: Common Themes,” chapter 18 in Mabaya Edward, Tihanyi Krisztina, Mohammad Karaan, and Johan van Rooyen, Eds., Case Studies of South Africa’s Emerging Farmers and Agribusinesses, Stellenbosch: SunMedia, 2011. pp 297-303.
- Christy, R., Mabaya, E., Wilson, N., Mutambatsere, E., Mhlanga, N., “Enabling Environments for Competitive Agro-industries”, Chapter 6 of Agro-industries for Development, Edited by C A da Silva, D Baker, A W Shepherd, S M da Cruz, C Jenane,. CABI, 2009.
- Mabaya, E., “Transportation Costs and Spatial Integration of Agricultural Commodity Markets in Africa” Chapter 3 in Grieco, M.S. edited "Africa, Transport and the Millennium Development Goals: Achieving an Internationally Set Agenda," Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, pp32-43.
- Mabaya, E., Christy, R.D., and Tihanyi, K. “Advancing Africa’s Green Revolution Through Private Seed Companies.” Meeting the Challenges to Sustainable Growth and Development in Rural Communities; Proceedings of the 64th Annual Professional Agricultural Workers Conference. Tuskegee University, 2008. pp 2-9.
- Mabaya, E., and Christy, R.D., “Markets, Government and Development: Structural Adjustment Programs in a Global Economy” in Christy, R. edited Achieving Sustainable Communities in a Global Economy, World Scientific Publishing, 2004, pp 113-136.
- Mabaya, E., and Christy, R.D., “Wholesale Price Movements for Horticultural Produce in Zimbabwe: an Analysis of Tomato Prices in Harare” in Access and Equity Issues in Agriculture and Rural Development, Edited by Baharanyi, N., Zabawa, R., and Hill W.A., Tuskeegee University, 1998, pp 209-225.
Published Reports
- Richardson, R.B., Mabaya, E., Jayne, T.S. (Eds.) 2022, Africa Agriculture Status Report. Accelerating African Food Systems Transformation (Issue 10). Nairobi, Kenya: Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). Available at https://agra.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/AASR-2022.pdf
- Mabaya, E., Adzivor, S. Y., Wobil, J. Waithaka, M., Mugoya, M., Damba, B., Camara, M., Tihanyi, K. 2022. Ghana Country Report 2022 - The African Seed Access Index (version December 2022) Available at: gha_2022_en_country_report_dec2022_web.pdf (tasai.org)
- Mburu, J., Mabaya, E., Waithaka, M., Mugoya, M., Damba, B., Camara, M., Tihanyi, K. 2022. Kenya Country Report 2022 - The African Seed Access Index (version November 2022). Available at: ken_2022_en_country_report_dec2022_web.pdf (tasai.org)
- Mabaya, E., Kachule, R., Waithaka, M., Mugoya, M., Damba, B., Camara, M., Tihanyi, K. 2023. Malawi Country Report 2022 - The African Seed Access Index (version February 2023) Available at: mwi_2022_en_country-report_feb2023_web.pdf (tasai.org)
- Mabaya, E., Ajayi, A. S., Waithaka, M., Mugoya, M., Damba, B., Camara, M., Tihanyi, K. 2023. Nigeria Country Report 2022 - The African Seed Access Index (version February 2023) Available at: nga_2022_en_country_report_feb2023_web.pdf (tasai.org)
- Mabaya, E., Ssebuliba, R., Kyotalimye, M., Waithaka, M., Mugoya, M., Damba, B., Camara, M., Tihanyi, K. 2023. Uganda Country Report 2022 - The African Seed Access Index (version February 2023) Available at: uga_2022_en_country-report_feb2023_web.pdf (tasai.org)
- Porciello, J., Coggins, S., Otunda-Payne, G. and Mabaya, E., 2021. “A Systematic Scoping Review: How are farmers using digital services in low-and middle-income countries?” Cornell University available at https://ecommons.cornell.edu/handle/1813/103771
- Born, L., Chirinda, N., Mabaya, E., Afun-Ogidan, O., Girvetz, E., Jarvis, A. and Kropff, W., 2021. “Digital Agriculture Profile: South Africa”. FAO, Available at https://www.fao.org/3/cb2506en/cb2506en.pdf.
- Traore, S.A., Mabaya, E., Afun-Ogidan, O.D., Ajilore, B., Girvetz, E., Jarvis, A. and Kropff, W., 2021. “Digital Agriculture Profile: Côte d'Ivoire.” FAO available at https://www.fao.org/3/cb2505en/cb2505en.pdf
- Waithaka, M., and Mugoya, M., and Mabaya, E., and Tihanyi, K., 2021, Decentralized Seed Services in Africa: An Assessment of Tanzania and Uganda (March 10, 2021). ZEF Working Paper Series, Working Paper 206, 2021, Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3801498
- Kropff, W., Mabaya, E., Afun-Ogidan, K., Girvetz, E., and Jarvis, A., 2021. Digital Agriculture Profile: Côte d'Ivoire. FAO available https://www.fao.org/3/cb2507en/cb2507en.pdf
- Ndibongo Traub, L., Sihlobo, W., Mabaya, E., Jayne, T., Matthey, H., Mabuza, Z.F., Kirimi, L., Mpenda, Z., Masila, G., and Kibaara, B., “Achieving Resilience in Downstream Agri-Food Systems”, in Africa Agriculture Status Report. A Decade of Action: Building Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems in Africa (Issue 9). Nairobi, Kenya: Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). 2021.
- Waithaka, M., Mugoya, M., Mabaya, E. , and Tihanyi, K., “Decentralized Seed Services in Africa: An Assessment of Tanzania and Uganda” University of Bonn, Center for Development Research (ZEF) Working Paper Series No. 206, March 2021.
Popular Press Articles
- Mabaya, E., Rchardson, R.B., Jayne, T., “Towards zero hunger in Africa: Five steps to achieve food security”, OpEd published in The Conversation, October 7, 2022.
- Ndibongo Traub, L., Mabaya, E., and Sihlobo, W., “What it will take for Africa’s agrifood systems to thrive” OpEd published in The Conversation, January 11, 2022
- Mabaya, E., “Africa's contributions to global food are rich — and little understood”, OpEd published in The Hill, September 30, 2021.
- Mabaya, E., Nsofor, I.M. and Evanega, S., “Battling misinformation wars in Africa: Applying lessons from GMOs to COVID-19” OpEd published in The Conversation, March 8, 2021.
- Mabaya, E. and Yinusa, M., “Getting women in the driver’s seat of Africa’s agribusiness revolution.” OpED published on CNBC Africa, November 25, 2019.
- Yinusa, M., and Mabaya, E., “Agribusiness: Africa’s new investment frontier.” OpEd published on CNBC Africa, November 1, 2019.
- Dadzie, R., and Mabaya, E., “Establishing a win-win framework for foreign investment.” OpEd published in Spore Magazine, (online and print), March 28, 2019.
- Mabaya, E. and Gomera. M., “How farms are feeding the extinction of the world’s wildlife,” OpEd published in Eco-Business, July 8, 2018.
- Gomera, M., and Mabaya, E., “Killer Farms” OpEd published on Project Syndicate – The World’s Opinion Page, July 5, 2018.
- Mabaya, E., “Service learning overseas is worth the risks. Parents should be proud, not scared.” OpEd published in USA TODAY, September 5, 2017.
- Mabaya, E., “A Village Christmas Story: No Gifts But Lots Of Joy” Essay published on NPR’s Goats and Soda: Stories of life in a changing world, December 23, 2016.
- Mabaya, E., “That sweet potato in the pot. Who should I eat it with?” Essay published on NPR’s Goats and Soda: Stories of life in a changing world, November 23, 2016.
- Mabaya, E. “Climate change and 'smart seeds' in Africa”, OpEd published on Aljazeera, June 3, 2016.
- Mabaya, E. “Cooking Oil Shortage in Zimbabwe: The Economics of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies” OpEd published on New Zimbabwe, May 28, 2016.
- Mabaya, E., “Think Different: 5 Ways to Reimaging Seed Launches, Apple Style” OpEd published in the Huffington Post, April 5, 2016.
- Mabaya, E., and Ward, A.K., “A review of formal seed systems in Africa – The African Seed Access Index” published in Seed Times – The National Seed Traders Association of India Magazine, Volume 7 Number 2, April-June 2015, pp 10-35.
- Mabaya, E., and Ward, A.K., “Monitoring and evaluating a complex seed system: The African Seed Access Index”, published on Economics That Really Matters, May 2015.
- Mabaya, E., “Securing Our Daily Bread: Boosting Africa’s Wheat Production” Invited contribution published on the Wheat Matters blog, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), December 2014.
- Mabaya, E., “Zim should reconsider GMO ban”, invited opinion editorial published in The Sunday Mail, Page 7, June 1, 2014.
- Mabaya, E., “Zimbabweans have been eating GMOs for a decade and they are safe” published in Business News column of New Zimbabwe, May 28, 2014.
- Davies, P.J. and Mabaya, E., “Nine Things to Really Tell Your Friends About Genetically Modified Crops” article published in the The Scientific Ravi, pp17-18, 2013.
- Franke L., Turner, A., and Mabaya, E., “Genetically modified soyabean: a viable option for smallholders in Africa?” published by N2Africa, 2012 (Link)
- Mabaya, E., “Strengthening Africa’s private seed sector to serve smallholder farmers.” Invited editorial for Seedquest, 2006.
Selected Seminars and Presentations
- Soon-Kwon, K., Chan-Mo, P., Mabaya, E., and Fregene, M., “Super corn in the era of global food shortage”, invited presentation, Columbia University, February 22, 2023.
- Mabaya, E., Jayne, T., Richardson, R.B., “Megatrends shaping Food systems in Africa”, invited plenary presentation at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Week, Seattle, USA, January 11, 2023.
- Fang, L., Gaiji, S., Mabaya, E., and Shah, P., “How to harness science and technologies to boost the development of smart agriculture.” Invited panel presentations at the FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2022: Innovation Dialogue, October 14, 2022.
- Mabaya. E., Jayne, T., Richardson, R.B., “2022 African Agriculture Status Report”, invited plenary presentation at the AGRF Summit Africa Food Systems Forum, Kigali, Rwanda, September 5-9, 2022.
- Mabaya, E., “Formalizing seed systems for evidence-based decision making and predictable production”, invited presentation at the AGRF Summit Africa Food Systems Forum, Kigali, Rwanda, September 5-9, 2022.
- Mabaya. E., “Role of Digital Technologies in Transforming Agri-Food Systems in Africa”, invited seminar presentation, Cornell University, Institute for Africa Development seminar series, September 22, 2022.
- Kangacha, J., Mabaya, E., Porceillo, J., “The Impact of COVID-19 on Digital Agriculture in Kenya”, invited presentation at the 32nd World Conference for the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA), Costa Rica, June 18-23, 2022.
- Mabaya, E., and Waitaka, M., “Statistics on Seed Sector in Africa”, invited plenary presentation at the Africa Seed Traders Association (AFSTA) Annual congress, Djerba, Tunisia, March 1,2022.
- Mabaya, E., “Challenges and Priority Action Areas for Seed Systems Development”, invited presentation at the The Future of Sustainable Food: Let’s talk about Seed Systems forum, organized by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, February 9, 2022.
- Mabaya, E., “Will digital solutions transform agriculture and food systems in Africa?” Invited Simon Brand Memorial Address at the Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa (AEASA) Annual Conference, October 7, 2021.
- Mabaya et al, “Going Beyond the Farm: Achieving Resilience in Downstream Agri-food Systems” Invited panelist at the 8th Annual RENAPRI stakeholder Conference, November 18, 2021.
- Porciello, J., and Mabaya, E., “Evidence Gaps on the use of digital services by farmers in developing countries”, paper presented at the 31st Triennial International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), August 31, 2021.
- Mabaya, E., Pray, C., Zeng, M., Schroeder, K., Afun-Ogidan, O.D., Keizire, B., “Digital Agriculture in Developing Countries: Current Evidence and Future Prospects”, sysmposium at the 31st Triennial International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), August 31, 2021.
- Mabaya E., “Getting seed to farmers” invited panelist at the launch of the Access to Seed Index for Eastern and Southern Africa”, invited panelist, October 15, 2021.
- Mabaya, E., “Africa’s Pivotal Role in Shaping the Global Food Ecosystem”, invited panelist for The Changing Narratives Launch Event on the sidelines of the UN Food Systems Summit, October 21, 2021.
- Mabaya, E., et al, “Farming in the Future: A look at Digital Tools and Disruptive Technologies”, invited plenary panel at the 2021 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) 2021 Annual conference, Virtual Event, July 23, 2021.
- Mabaya, E., “Getting Improved Seed to Smallholder Farmers in Zimbabwe: Emerging Issues and Lessons from other African Countries”, an invited webinar presentation to Zimbabwe Plant Breeder Association and Zimbabwe Seed Traders Association, March 18, 2021.
- Mabaya, E., “Digitalization of Agricultural Value Chains in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges” invited plenary presentation at the 3rd Seoul Dialogue on Africa hosted by the Korea-Africa Foundation, Seoul, Korea, December 8-9, 2020.
- Mabaya, E., and Constant, A., “Strengthening Intra-Africa Regional Trade” invited plenary presentation at the 2020 Concordia Africa Initiative Conference, Virtual Conference, December 3, 2020.
- Mabaya, E., invited panelist at the Elephants, gazelles and survival entrepreneurs: Promoting dynamic transformation in African Agricultural Value Chains at the 2020 Regional Network of Agricultural Policy Research Institutes (ReNAPRI) 2020 Conference, Virtual, November 18, 2020.
- Mabaya, E., “Getting Improved Seed to Smallholder Farmers” Invited Seminar presented in the Perspectives in International Development Seminar Series, Cornell University, November 11, 2020.
- Mabaya, E., and Mude, E., “Leveraging COVID-19 response to catalyze Africa’s paradigm shift from Green Revolution to Nutritional Security”, Invited seminar in the International Nutrition Seminar Series, Cornell University, November 5, 2020.
- Mabaya, E., “The role of improved seed and fertilizers in transforming smallholder agriculture in Africa” invited Seminar presented in the Institute for African Development Seminar Series, Cornell University, November 5, 2020.
- Mabaya, E., “Seed Policies and Regulatory Reform” invited panelist at the 2020 ReSAKSS Conference - Sustaining Africa’s Agrifood System Transformation, Virtual Conference, November 3-5, 2020.
- Mabaya, E., “Digitization of Africa’s Agrofood Value Chains: The Effects of COVID-19 on Scaling Up Solutions”, Invited plenary presentation at the 30th World Conference for the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA), Virtual Conference, September 23-24, 2020.
- Mabaya, E., et al, “Reconstructing Equity and Access in Food Systems”, Invited plenary panelist at the 2020 Borlaug Dialogue, World Food Prize, Virtual Conference, October 12-16, 2020.
- Mabaya, E., and Howard, J., “Implications of COVID-19 for Scaling Strategies and Pathways” plenary presentation at the 5th Annual Workshop of the Global Community of Practice on Scaling Development Outcomes, Virtual Conference, October 19-30, 2020.
- Mabaya, E., et al, “The Great Debate: Food, Markets, Trade and Agriculture in the context of COVID” Invited plenary panelist, AGRF Summit 2020, Virtual Summit, September 8-11, 2020.
- “Getting productivity enhancing technologies to farmers: A multi-country analysis of improved seed delivery systems in Africa” Presidential address given at the 6th African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) triennial conference held in collaboration with the Nigerian Association of Agricultural Economist (NAAE), Abuja, Nigeria, Sept 23-26, 2019.
- “Key lessons from South Korea on the Feed Africa strategy” invited paper presented at the 1st Seoul Dialogue on Africa, Seoul, South Korea, December 4-5, 2018.
- “Can technology still give Africa a Green Revolution? Multi-country analysis of improved seed, fertilizer and allied technology delivery systems” invited plenary paper presented at the 30th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Vancouver, Canada, 28 July – 2 August 2018.
- “Hunger Busters 2.0” invited presentation at the TEDx at TEDxJohannesburgSalon, Johannesburg, South Africa, March 2018.
- “Structure, Conduct and Performance of the Formal Seed Sector in Africa”, invited seminar presented to the Department of Agricultural Economics at University of Nairobi, Kenya, March 30, 2017.
- “The African Seed Access Index: Towards Competitive Seed Systems Serving Smallholder Farmers” invited presentation at the Seed Security for Food Security Forum – World Food Prize held in Des Moines, Iowa, October 17-19, 2017.
- “Africa’s Food Trade Deficit: The Role of Technology”, Invited plenary paper presented at the 2017 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) conference, Miami, USA, June 18-21, 2017.
- “Findings from 2017 studies: The African Seed Access Index” invited presentation at the 2017 African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, September 4-8, 2017.
- “Role of Agricultural Technology in Improving Rural Livelihoods” invited keynote presentation at the International Development Enterprises (iDE) Canada Annual Gala, held in Winnipeg, Canada, November 1, 2017.
- “Getting Improved Seed to Smallholder Farmers in Africa: Lessons from the African Seed Access Index” invited seminar presented in Spring 2017 Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development (CIIFAD) Seminar Series, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA, April 17, 2017
- “The power of agriculture to transform rural livelihoods”, invited presentation at the TEDx MidAtlantic event, Washington DC, USA, October 21, 2016.
- “It all starts with a seed – How CIMMYT has changed the world” invited opening keynote delivered at the 50th anniversary of the International Maize and Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Mexico City, Mexico, September 27 to 29, 2016.
- “Performance of the formal seed sector in Africa: Findings from the African Seed Access Index” Contributed paper presented at the 5th Conference of African Association Agricultural Economists, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 23-26 September, 2016.
- “Banishing Hunger: Inventive Strategies To Feed The World”, invited panel discussion moderated by Senator Thom Daschle presented at the 2016 Aspen Ideas Festival, Aspen, CO, USA, June 24, 2016.
- “Food Security in Africa: The role of the seed sector”, invited presentation at the “Just Governance for Human Security 2016” Conference, Caux, Switzerland, July 12-17, 2016.
- “The African Seed Access Index: Towards Competitive Seed Systems Serving Smallholder Farmers” invited presentation at the Seed Security for Food Security Forum – World Food Prize held in Des Moine, Iowa, October 14-16, 2015.
- “Seed Industry perspectives on Genetically Modified Crops in Africa”, Contributed paper presented at the 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), Milan, Italy, August 8-14, 2015.
- “Rethinking Food Security for Africa’s Urban Consumer”, paper presented at the 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), Milan, Italy, August 8-14, 2015.
- “The African Seed Access Index”, Presented at The African Green Revolution Forum 2014, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, September 1-4, 2014.
- “Enabling Efficient and Inclusive Agricultural and Food Systems in Africa”, Plenary presentation at the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) and the Corporate Council on Africa (CCA) organized Agribusiness and Food World Forum, Cape Town International Conference Centre, June 15-19, 2014.
- “Status of Legislation for GM crops in Sub Saharan Africa” paper presented at The International Consortium on Applied Bioeconomy Research conference, held at Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya, June 18-24, 2014.
- “Hopes and Fears of Genetically Modified Crops in Africa: Perspectives from the African Seed Sector”, invited presentation at the United Nations Environment Programme - World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), Cambridge, United Kingdom, April 9, 2014.
- “Infrastructure and Development: The Urban-Rural Divide and the Effect of Climate Change”, invited presentation for the Sankofa54: African Youth Empowerment Conference, Yale University, New Haven, CT, April 5, 2014.
- “Appraising The Potential For Genetically Modified Crops In Africa: Perspectives From The Seed Sector", Seminar presented at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) head offices, Washington, DC., December 12, 2013.
- “Adoption of Genetically Modified Crops in South Africa: Effects on wholesale maize prices”, contributed paper presented at the 4th African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) conference held in Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia on September 22-25, 2013.
- “Towards Inclusive Agribusiness Models for Africa”, Invited keynote presentation at the African Green Revolution Forum 2013, Maputo, 04-06 September, 2013.
- “Socio-economic Issues Affecting Indigenous Food Crop Utilization in Africa”, paper presented at the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) annual meeting, McCormick Place South, Chicago, USA, July 13-16, 2013.
- “The Drivers of Change in African Agriculture: Consumption, Transaction Costs and The Role of Agribusiness in Meeting the Demand for Food”, presented at 28th Triennial Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), Rafain Palace Hotel, Iguacu Falls, Brazil, 18-24 August, 2012.
- “Institutional Innovations Linking Small-Scale Produce Farmers to Markets in South Africa: Implications for Public Policy and Private Strategy”, paper presented at 28th Triennial Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), Rafain Palace Hotel, Iguacu Falls, Brazil, 18-24 August, 2012.
- “Next Steps: Rethinking the Future of CSR at Novus International” paper presented at the 2012 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) World Symposium, Le Royal Meridien Hotel in Shangai, China, 11-12 June, 2012.
- “Africa’s Evolving Seed Sector: Implications for Land Use,” seminar presented at the Natural Resource Management and Livelihoods in International Development Graduate Research School, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, 21 September, 2011.
- “Sowing the Seeds of Development in Africa”, Seminar Presentation for Spring 2011 Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development (CIIFAD) Seminar Series, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA, April 20, 2011.
- “Building a Vibrant and Competitive Seed Sector in Africa”, invited presentation at presented the African Green Revolution Forum, Accra, Ghana, September 2-4 2010.
- “The Current State of Agribusiness Education and Training in Africa”, paper presented at the 3rd African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) and 48th Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa (AEASA) Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, September 19-23, 2010.
- “Socio-economic and Marketing of Processed Morama Beans”, paper presented at the 15th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2010.
- “Business Networks As Innovative Institutions to Support Agro-Industries Development”, invited paper presented at the FAO pre-conference workshop on Innovative policies and institutions to support agro-industries development held at the 27th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), Beijing, China, August 2009, Forthcoming publication.
- “Attribute Preference and Willingness to Pay for Fortified Cereal Foods in Botswana” plenary paper presented at the 46th Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa (AEASA) annual conference, Windhoek, Namibia, September 2008, winner of 1st Prize Best Contributed Paper.
- “Enabling Environment for Competitive Agro-Industries” invited plenary paper presented at the FAO Global Agro-Industries Forum: Increasing Competitiveness and Development Impact, New Delhi, India, 8-11 April 2008.
- “Marketing Opportunities and Challenges for African Fruits and Vegetables”, A Paper presented at the Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, July 16-20, 2005.
- “Pricing Efficiency Under Discontinuous Trade: An analysis of Urban Spot Markets for Tomatoes in Zimbabwe” A paper presented at the Agricultural Association of South Africa (AEASA) annual meetings, Sormerset, South Africa, September, 2004.
- “Market Structure and Price Movements in Zimbabwe’s Smallholder Horticultural Markets” Paper presented at the International Association of Agricultural Economists International Symposium, Pretoria, South Africa, August 10-15, 1998.
- "Horticultural Marketing in Zimbabwe: Margins, Price Transmission and Spatial Market Integration" Paper presented at the 57th European Association of Agricultural Economists Seminar 1998, The Netherlands, September 23-36, 1998
Contact Information
Warren Hall 275A
Ithaca, NY 14853
em37 [at] cornell.edu
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- Department of Global Development
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Two alums are leading an effort to give Rwandan farmers the tools to grow and sell grains - with the ultimate goal of lifting communities out of poverty and improving food security across East Africa.
- Department of Global Development
- Agriculture
- Field Crops