Angela George
Dairy Environmental Specialist, PRO-DAIRY
Angela George is a Dairy Environmental Specialist within the Dairy Environmental Systems group of PRO-DAIRY. Angela has a strong background working with dairy farms, primarily in the areas of manure, financial, and herd management. Her main job focuses as an Environmental Specialist are researching greenhouse gas and methane emissions, utilizing renewable energy from dairy waste, and assisting farmers with manure management. Angela has a B.S in Animal Science from SUNY Cobleskill.
Contact Information
425 Riley-Robb
ag2292 [at]
Angela in the news
Field Note
Angela George is a dairy environmental specialist with the Dairy Environmental Systems group of PRO-DAIRY. She focuses on researching greenhouse gas and methane emissions, utilizing renewable energy from dairy waste and assisting farmers with...
- Animal Science
- Climate Change
This fact sheet written by Angela George and Lauren Ray, PRO-DAIRY Dairy Environmental Systems, was shared in the October PRO-DAIRY e-Leader newsletter, distributed to an email list of nearly 7,000 dairy producers, agriservice, and legislators...
- Cornell Cooperative Extension
- Animal Science