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Adam Wild

Senior Extension Associate, Henry and Mildred Uihlein Director, Uihlein Maple Research Forest, Natural Resources and the Environment

Adam Wild

Contact Information

Cornell University Uihlein Maple Research Forest
157 Bear Cub Ln, Lake Placid, NY 12946

(518) 523-9337

adw94 [at]

Selected Publications

  • Wild, A.D. & Yanai, R.D. (2015). "Soil Nutrients Affect Sweetness of Sugar Maple Sap." Forest Ecology and Management. 341:30-36.   
  • Yania, RD., Yang, Y., Wild, AD., Smith, KT., Driscoll, CT.  (2020) “New approaches to understand mercury in trees: radial and longitudinal patterns of mercury in tree rings and genetic control of mercury in maple sap” - Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. (2020) 231:248
  • Aulenbach, A., Burns, D., Shanley, J., Yanai, R.D., Bae, K., Wild, A.D., Yang, Y., Dong, Y. (2016). "Approaches to solute load estimation for solutes with varying dynamics from five diverse small watersheds” - EcoSphere 7(6).
  • “Plugging Plight in 3/16” tubing” - Maple News, January 2021.                               
  • “Increasing Syrup Production by Re-tapping Maples within the Sap Season.” Maple Syrup Digest. December 1, 2020.
  • “Beech syrup can add value to your operation out of pesky trees.” - Maple News, September 2020.        
  • “2020 Birch Syrup Production at Cornell’s Uihlein Maple Research Forest” - Maple News, June 2020. 
  • “Sweet News – 2020 Maple Season Report”- Adirondack Almanac, April 2020.
  • “Region Saw Average to Above Average Maple Season” - Lake Placid News, April, 2020.