Robin Dando
Professor, Food Science
My training prior to joining Cornell is in Physics, Physiology and Neuroscience, primarily working on the interactions between our body and the food we consume, and how this shapes our preference. The mammalian taste system consists of many complex events which take a simple receptor activation at the taste bud, to a rich and emotional response such as that elicited by our favorite foods. We tend to underestimate the true nature or depth of these interactions. My lab uses biological techniques and those from psychophysics to elucidate the nature of some of these processes, and understand how they can in turn be swayed by factors such as our body’s physiology, an illness, or even by our mood.
Teaching Focus
Robin teaches the Sensory Evaluation of Foods course FDSC4100, supervises the sensory journal club FDSC6950 and the graduate student research hour FDSC6060, and intermittently teaches a course based around the biology of food perception.
Areas Of Expertise
- Food Science
- Sensory Evaluation
Graduate Fields
- Food Science and Technology
- Biomedical and Biological Sciences
- Neurobiology and Behavior
- Post Doc
University of Miami - 2012 - Doctorate
University of South Florida - 2007 - Master of Science
University of Sheffield - 2002 - Bachelor of Science
Sheffield Hallam University - 2001
Courses Taught
- FDSC 6060: Food Science Graduate Student Research Seminar
- FDSC 6950: Current Readings in Food Science – Sensory Section
- FDSC 6970: Graduate Individual Study in Food Science
- FDSC 6980: Graduate Teaching Experience
- FDSC 5000: Master of Professional Studies (Agriculture) Project
- FDSC 5100: Sensory Evaluation of Food – Graduate Section
- FDSC 4100: Sensory Evaluation of Food
- FDSC 4990: Undergraduate Research in Food Science
Contact Information
247 Stocking Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
robin.dando [at]
Additional Links
Robin in the news
- Animal Science
- Department of Global Development
- School of Integrative Plant Science
- Food Science
- Food
- Dairy