Changing What It Means to Work on the Land: Agroecology and Agrarian Change in Malawi
- Ph.D. Candidate: Sidney Madsen
- Student Bio: Sidney received her B.S. in 2013 from Cornell University in Biology and Society and International Agriculture and Rural Development. Since then, she has worked on a coffee-diversification project in Bolivia and Fulbright-funded research in Guatemala examining seasonal food insecurity, agrobiodiversity, and the CADER extension system in smallholder communities. She is interested in food sovereignty, agroecology, and solidarity economies. Her current work builds on long-term participatory work with smallholder farmers in Malawi, where she is studying agroecological pathways to food security.
Paper Rights: Struggles over Customary Land Tenure in Southern Tanzania
- Ph.D. Candidate: Ewan Robinson
- Student Bio: Ewan’s research examines the dynamics of land tenure, agriculture, and gender and generational relations in Tanzania and Senegal, employing conceptual tools from political ecology and the political economy of development. His work combines ethnographic, participatory, and quantitative methods.
Date & Time
April 12, 2024
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

More information about this event.
Contact Information
Rachel Bezner Kerr, Director of Graduate Studies, Graduate Field of Development Studies
- rbeznerkerr [at]
Department of Global Development
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