Peter Smallidge
NYS Extension Forester, Senior Extension Associate, Natural Resources and the Environment

Peter started at Cornell University in June 1996 and currently holds duties in applied research and extension ((70%), Arnot Forest Director (20%), and academic teaching (10%). As the NY State Extension Forester, Peter coordinates Cornell’s ForestConnect program. ForestConnect integrates applied research and extension to help forest owners, maple producers, managers, foresters and other practitioners find the information and skills they need to make informed decisions that sustain a working, productive and healthy forest.
As Director of Cornell’s Arnot Forest, Peter ensures the teaching, research and extension mission of the college is supported through Arnot Forest initiatives for timber management, maple syrup production and applied research.
B.S. in Forestry from Purdue University in 1986, an M.S (1998) and Ph.D (1993) in forest ecology from the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry.
Recent Research
Active research projects focus on sustainable use of forests. Issues of interest include reducing deer impacts on forest vegetation, ensuring health and productivity of sugarbushes, assessing deer impacts on forests, and strategies to control the overabundance of beech and related interfering vegetation. Peter’s extension program focuses on helping woodland owners, maple producers, foresters and loggers understand scientific knowledge that can inform their decision making. Active extension projects include: monthly webinar series, annual training for CCE educators, statewide director of the Master Forest Owner program, Ask the Professional column and fact sheets, online course through Cornell Small Farms Program, and related partnerships and opportunities that advance the mission.
Selected Publications
- Smallidge, P.J. 2020. What is tree vigor and why does it matter. New York Forest Owner 58(5): 6-7, 17-19.
- Chedzoy, B.J., P.J. Smallidge, R.J. Anderson, and J. Veverka. 2020. Slash walls exclude deer, encourage regeneration, and improve forest diversity. 6:39 minutes. Cornell Cooperative Extension Media Productions, Ithaca, NY. Available on at
- Smallidge, P.J. M. Isselhardt, A. D’Amato, G. Graham. (2020. Accepted/In Press) Sugarbush management for syrup production and forest health. Chapter 5, pages xx-xx, in the North American Maple Syrup Producers Manual, 4th edition.
Awards & Honors
- Fellow, Society of American Foresters
- Faculty Fellow, Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability
- NY Association of County Agricultural Agents. Award for service to CCE educators.
- National Woodland Owner Association and National Association of University Forestry Resources Programs (NAUFRP). National Family Forests Education Award to CUCE ForestConnect.
- Society of American Foresters, National Award for Technology Transfer.
- New York Forest Owners Association, Hieberg Award
Courses Taught
NTRES 3250 – Forest Management and Maple Syrup Production
Contact Information
Fernow Hall 219
Ithaca, NY 14853
pjs23 [at]
Additional Links
Peter in the news

Fifty-four research projects addressing New York’s agriculture, environment and communities have collectively received $1.6 million from the USDA.
- Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station
- Biological and Environmental Engineering
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

A $60 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture will support organizations across New York – including Cornell CALS – in building climate-smart farms and forests.
- Cornell Cooperative Extension
- Agriculture
- Animals