Patrick Sullivan
Professor Emeritus, Natural Resources and the Environment
Patrick Sullivan is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment at Cornell University. With a PhD in Biostatistics and Biomathematics from the University of Washington, his research focuses on marine, estuarine, and freshwater fisheries population assessment and management. He also has expertise in the statistical modeling of the spatio-temporal dynamics of fish and other species (both aquatic and terrestrial). Dr. Sullivan is a member of the Scientific and Statistical Committee that advises the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council and is on the Steering Committee of the Center for Independent Experts, which provides independent scientific peer reviews of fisheries assessment methods nationally for NOAA/NMFS. He is on Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee that advises NOAA and the Secretary of Commerce and prior to his arrival at Cornell, served for 10 years with the International Pacific Halibut Commission as their population dynamicist.
- Ph. D. University of Washington, Biostatistics/Biomathematics, 1988
- Dissertation: A Kalman Filter Approach to Catch at Size Analysis.
- M.S. University of Washington, Fisheries Biology, 1985
- Dissertation: The Effect of Spatial Heterogeneity on Predator-Prey Interactions: A Theoretical Analysis Using Mathematical and Computer Simulation Techniques.
- B.S. University of California at Davis, Biology, 1978
Recent Research
Prof. Sullivan’s research seeks to find a new and better understanding about what drives the spatial and temporal dynamics of natural populations and communities and how they respond to anthropogenic influences. To do this he focuses on nonlinear dynamics in these systems that can be used to tease out and identify important factors and processes that define these systems more generally. In addition to this he has an interest in and tries to contribute to other research areas including the practical issues surrounding survey design and analysis, database management, and fisheries stock assessment as well as some more philosophical issues such as identifying what is the nature of good science, determining better ways for communicating and utilizing science and statistics, and clarifying scientific responsibility in issues of governance.
Selected Publications
- Morano, J. L., J. T. Tielens, C. A. Muirhead, B. J. Estabrook, P. J. Sullivan, P. J. Dugan, C. W. Clark, and A. N. Rice. (2020). Seasonal movements of Gulf of Mexico sperm whales following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and the limitations of impact assessments. Marine Pollution Bulletin 161 (2020):
- Watkins, L., P. J. Sullivan, and M. T. Walter. (2019). A case study investigating temporal factors that influence microplastic concentration in streams under different treatment regimes. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26 (21):21797-21807
- Miller, T. J., C. M. Jones, C. Hanson, S. Heppell, O. Jensen, P. Livingston, K. Lorenzen, K. Mills, W. Patterson, P. Sullivan, R. Wong. (2018). Scientific Considerations Informing Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Reauthorization. Fisheries. 43. 533-541. 10.1002/fsh.10179.
- Kaplan, K. A., D. R. Hart, K. Hopkins, S. Gallager, A. York, R. Taylor and P. J. Sullivan. (2018). Invasive tunicate restructures invertebrate community on fishing grounds and a large protected area on Georges Bank. Biological Invasions 20(1):87-103.
- Peach, M. A., J. B. Cohen, J. L. Frair, B. Zuckerberg, P. Sullivan, W. F. Porter, and C. Lang. (2018). Value of protected areas to avian persistence across 20 years of climate and land-use change. Conservation Biology 33(2): 423-433 DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13205.
- Sullivan, P. J., and L. G. Rudstam. (2016). Quantifying acoustic survey uncertainty using Bayesian hierarchical modeling with an application to assessing Mysis relicta population densities in Lake Ontario. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 73(8):2104-2111. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsw080.
- National Research Council, Parma, A. & Sullivan, P. J. (Co-chairs), Collie, J., Hartley T. W., Heyman W., Johnston R., Punt A. E., Rose K .A., Sanchirico J., Sissenwine M. P., & Sugihara G. (2013) Evaluating the Effectiveness of Stock Rebuilding Plans of the 2006 Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act. The National Academies Press. 282 pp.
Awards & Honors
2013 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences’ Research and Extension Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Science and Public Policy.
Courses Taught
- STSCI 2200, Biological Statistics I, (2003-2015)
- STSCI 3200, Biological Statistics II (2004-2016)
- NTRES 4110/6110, Quant Ecology and Mgmt of Fisheries Resources, (1999-2019, odd years)
- NTRES 6700, Spatial Statistics, (2000-2020, even years)
Patrick in the news
- Natural Resources and the Environment
- Environment
- Climate Change
- Natural Resources and the Environment
- Environment
- Nature