Michael Hoffmann
Professor Emeritus, Department of Entomology
Mike Hoffmann transitioned to Professor Emeritus in January 2020 after 30 years in the Department of Entomology. He maintained an active research and extension program in the department focused on integrated pest management and biological control, despite holding an 80% appointment in leadership/administration roles in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences from 1999 to 2020. His publication record includes 105 refereed journal articles, nine book chapters, and three books.
His career highlights include initiation of a professional development program, which benefited over 400 faculty from multiple colleges at Cornell and other institutions. He co-chaired a college Task Force with David R. Atkinson, ultimately leading to an $80 million gift to Cornell. Mike also created a “culture of sustainability” at the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Every employee was empowered to find ways to decrease costs and greenhouse gas emissions and ensure the well-being of staff. The benefits derived from this change in culture were inspiring.
Addressing the greatest challenge of our time — climate change — has been his focus for many years. Despite being an Emeritus Professor, he is not retired. He now dedicates all his time to this grand challenge and often helps people understand and appreciate what is happening through food. He tells the climate change story with passion, a little humor, and without doom and gloom. It’s a science-based message about what is happening and what we all can do about it. His TEDx, Climate change: It’s time to raise our voices has been well received. He continues to give presentations/seminars and keynotes (>150) on this topic and continues to publish climate change articles in the popular press — The Hill, Fortune, Medium, Syracuse Post Standard, Daily News, and USA Today. He is also the lead author of Our changing menu: Climate change and the foods we love and need (Cornell University Press 2021) and associated website – Our changing menu.
Leadership positions he has held at Cornell University include Executive Director of the Cornell Institute for Climate Change Solutions (2015-2020), Director of the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station (2005-2015), associate dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (2005-2015), associate director of Cornell Cooperative Extension (2003-2005), and director of the New York State Integrated Pest Management Program (1999-2005). He also chaired the Experiment Station Commission on Organization and Policy (ESCOP) (2012-2014). He received his BS Degree from the University Wisconsin (1975), MS from the University of Arizona (1978), and PhD from the University of California, Davis (1990). He served four years in the United States Marine Corps and is a veteran of the Vietnam War.
He currently serves as Cornell’s Senior Administrative Representative to the Menus of Change University Research Collaborative, he is a member for the Clearinghouse on Aging and Climate Change, and member of the Food Tank Academic Peer Working Group. He also co-chairs a Cornell-Wide Climate Change and Sustainability Curricular Working Group focused on getting more climate change into the curriculum.
Recent Research
He has published over 100 entomological and integrated pest management articles but given his current focus is on climate change and sustainability only those are included here.
Selected Publications
Schuldt, J. P., D. L. Eiseman and M. P. Hoffmann. 2020. Public concern about climate change impacts on food choices: The interplay of knowledge and politics. Agriculture & Human Values. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10460-020-10019-7.
Wolfe, D., A. D. DeGaetano, G. M. Peck, M. Carey, L. Ziska, J. Lea-Cox, A. Kemanian, M. Hoffmann, and D. Hollinger. 2018. Unique Challenges and Opportunities for Northeastern U.S. Crop Production in a Changing Climate. Climate Change. 146: 231. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-017-2109-7
Dixon, M., M. B. Deline, K. McComas, L. Chambliss, & M. Hoffmann. 2015. Saving Energy at the Workplace: The Salience of Behavioral Antecedents and Sense of Community. Energy Research and Social Science 6: 121-127.
Dixon, G., M. Deline, K. McComas, L. Chambliss & M. P. Hoffmann. 2015. Using comparative feedback to influence workplace energy conservation: A case study of a university campaign. Environment and Behavior. 47: 667-693
Books & Book Chapters:
Eiseman and Hoffmann. 2024. Telling the story of climate change through food. In: Storytelling to Accelerate Climate Solutions. Coren and Wang (ed.) Press.
Hoffmann, Koplinka-Loehr, Eiseman. May 25, 2022. Food: The Story of Climate Change is Written in our Changing Menus. Foresight, The Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Observatory on Climate Policies and Futures.
Hoffmann, M. P., C. Koplinka-Loehr, and D. Eiseman. 2021. Our Changing Menu: What climate change means to the foods we love and need. 252 pp. Cornell University Press.
Awards & Honors
- Faculty Fellow, Cornell Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future (2008)
- Experiment Station Section Award for Excellence in Leadership (2015)
Courses Taught
UNILWYL 1520: Using the Power of Food to Confront Climate Change
eCornell, Online Certificate Programs : Climate Change Leadership
Michael in the news
- Climate Change
- Food
Retired Cornell educators have until Nov. 6 to submit applications for the 2024 Podell Endowment Awards, which support projects that aim to make the world a better place.
- Department of Entomology
- Plant Breeding and Genetics Section