John Sipple
Professor, Department of Global Development
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Global Development

John W. Sipple is a professor and researcher who studies how public schools and communities adapt to different policies and challenges. He is interested in how these changes affect the quality and fairness of education for students from diverse backgrounds and locations. He has vast experience working with the State of New York, rural communities, and promoting the use of data to make better decisions. He teaches courses on how social and political factors influence community development and education, quantitative research methods, and democratizing data access and use.
Some of the topics that Prof. Sipple explores are 1) population decline and the role demography, policy and local actions play across a selection of US States, Ireland, and Scotland; 2) How the K-12 education system, which spends over $600 billion a year, impacts the well-being of communities; 3) How policy supports and inhibits early childhood education and care; and 4) how school-based health clinics can benefit families and communities.
Before joining the Global Development department, Prof. Sipple was a faculty member of Cornell’s Departments of Education and Development Sociology.
- Professor, Global Development
- Director of Undergraduate Studies, Global Development
- Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR) for Cornell University to NCAA and Ivy League
Areas of Expertise
- Research: Sociology of Education and Organizations; Educational & Social Policy; Rural Studies, Community Vitality; Mixed and Quantitative Research Methods
- Extension/Outreach: Data tool development; Community and Economic Development linked to Educational Systems; Equity, Fiscal & Opportunity Analyses; Rural schools; Policy Implementation
Graduate Field Memberships
- Development Studies
- Education
- Public Policy
- Cornell Center for the Study of Inequality, Faculty Affiliate
- 1997, Ph.D. (Education), University of Michigan
- 1992, M.Ed., University of Virginia
- 1988, B.A. (Religion), Dartmouth College
Pk-12 education
Sociology of communities
Awards & Honors
- 2017 Cornell University CALS, Professor of Merit Award (student nominated)
- 2017 Juror, Brock International Prize in Education (nomination by Univ. Of Oklahoma)
- 2015 Friend of THE COUNCIL Award, New York State Council of School Superintendents.
- 2009 Howard A. Dawson Award, Top Research Paper at 2009 meeting of National Rural Education Association
- 2006 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, Cornell University
- 2003 Appreciation Award, Rural Schools Association of New York State
Research Focus
Prof. Sipple studies the linkages between the $600 Billion/year K-12 educational system and the vitality of communities. This includes problems and policies related to equity in state assessment, earlycare and PreK, demographic change, and the intersection of school-based health clinics and broader community well-being. He leads an effort to put data in the hands of local decision makers via easy-to-use data tools. He provides a link between the Rural Schools Association and Cornell University through the work of the NYS Center for Rural Schools.
Research Projects
- Enhancing the role of School-Based Health Centers in creating a community of health and well-being in rural communities. In partnership with Prof. Sharon Tennyson, Prof. Mildred Warner, and Dr. Chris Kjolhede MD and Wendy Bruner PhD at the Basset Healthcare Network (Cooperstown, NY), we have used mixed-methods to identify unique strengths and weaknesses of schools and the healthcare facilities linking to and supporting families. This work is currently funded through a large grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
- Assessing the Capacity of Communities to support Families and Economies through UPK Policy. Defining "Capacity" as the proportion of day-care and PreK slots available for age-eligible children in communities across New York State, Prof. Hope Casto, Dr. Lisa McCabe, and I assess absolute and relative capacity of communities to serve children and communities, including the decision to partner with local community-based organizations.
- School-Community Framework. Together with Prof. Hope Casto and PhD student Kristie LeBeau, we have developed and published an analytic framework to expand discussions about the multitude of linkages and dependencies of school with the communities they aim to serve. Building on the Framework, we have piloted an instrument to collect community-level data with and for school and community leaders to examine a custom data-dashboard with their local data to help communities better understand the strengths and blind spots of local decision-making and investment in programs.
- Impact of School Presence on Local Community Vitality: GIS-enhanced analyses. Using GIS, descriptive, and regression analyses, we are empirically testing and advancing the hypothesis (laid out by Prof. Tom Lyson) that the presence of a school is healthy for local communities. Using census data from villages, we replicate Lyson's binary model (have school or not) and then advance the modeling by creating gradients around each village centroid and assessing the impact of school proximity.
- Former East Ramapo (NY) Monitor. NY State Education Commissioner, MaryEllen Elia, appointed three monitors to study and oversee the situation in East Ramapo, NY and then make recommendations to the State. I was reappointed twice and continued in my role of Monitoring with Chuck Szuberla until June of 2018. East Ramapo and the takeover of the public school board by Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men was made famous by NPR's "This American Life" in 2014.
- Casto, H. G., McCabe, L. A., & Sipple, J. W. (Under review). Mixed Delivery Prekindergarten Systems: Partnering Practices and Early Care and Education Capacity over Time and Geography.
- Casto, H. G., LeBeau, K. N. & Sipple, J. W. (Accepted for Publication). Leading for Educational Equity and Community Vitality: A Comprehensive School-Community Framework. School Community Journal.
- Eckert, S. & Sipple, J. W. (2024). Every Student Succeeds and Other Important Policies, in The School Services Sourcebook, Oxford Press.
- Yang W., M. E. Warner & J. W. Sipple (2023). Sharing spaces: Joint use service delivery in New York state school districts, Community Development, 54:4, 567-587. Special Issue on Children, Schools, and Community Development. DOI: 10.1080/15575330.2023.2217900
- Tennyson, S., Sipple, J.W., Fiduccia, P. F., Brunner, W., Lembo, E., & Kjolhede, C. (2023). School-based Health Centers and Rural Community Health. Community Development, 54:4, 549-566. Special Issue on Children, Schools, and Community Development.
- Sipple, J., Cody Fiduccia, P., & LeBeau, a. (2021). The Why and How of Enhancing Data Use in Rural Education Research and Practice. In A. Price Azano, K. Eppley & C. Biddle (Eds.). The Bloomsbury Handbook of Rural Education in the United States (pp. 72–83). London: Bloomsbury Academic. Retrieved September 27, 2021, from
- Casto, H., & Sipple, J. (2021). Rural School–Community Partnerships: Creating Community-Aware Educational Practices. In A. Price Azano, K. Eppley & C. Biddle (Eds.). The Bloomsbury Handbook of Rural Education in the United States (pp. 137–144). London: Bloomsbury Academic. Retrieved September 27, 2021, from
- Giroux, S., Eloundou-Enyegue, P., Sipple, J. W. & Tenikue, M. (2021). A Global equalizer? Education and the Recent Economic Convergence of World Countries. Annual review of comparative Education, International Perspectives on Education and Society, v39, pp. 113–133.
- Sipple, J. W., Casto, H. G. & McCabe, L. M. (2020). Child Care Deserts in New York State: Factors Related to the Community Capacity to Care for Children. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. p. 167-177.
- Sipple, J. W., Francis, J. D., Fiduccia, P. (2019). Exploring the Gradient: The Economic Benefits of ‘Nearby’ Schools on Rural Communities. Journal of Rural Studies. 68, pp. 251-263. Special Issue: “Rural Inequalities Amidst Economic Crisis”.
- Sipple, J. W., Fiduccia, P. & LeBeau, K (2019, July). #RuralReality in NY State in 2019. The culmination of a 12-part series of data/maps/charts depicting the current reality of rural schools and the communities they serve in NYS. Available at
- Casto, H. G., Sipple, J. W., & McCabe, L. M. (2016). A Typology of School–Community Relationships: Partnering and Universal Prekindergarten Policy. Educational Policy. 30(5), pp.659-687. DOI:10.1177/0895904814557770
- Avery, L. M. & Sipple, J. W. (2016). Common Core, STEM, and Rural Schools: Views from Students and States. in Fulkerson, G. M & Thomas, A. R. (Ed), Reimagining Rural: Urbanormative Portrayals of Rural Life. Lexington: Lanham, MD, pp. 123-145. ISBN: 9781498534062
- Casto, H., McGrath, B., Sipple, John W., & Todd, L. (2016). “Community Aware” education policy: Enhancing individual and community vitality. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 23 (50).
- Wolcott, D., George-Fields, M. & Sipple, J. W. (2015, December). Opportunity Deferred: A Report on the East Ramapo Central School District, December 2015. A report to the New York State Education Department and New York State Board of Regents DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.17020.54403
- Sipple, J. W. & Yao, Y. (2015). The Great Recession and its Impact on the Capacity of Rural Schools, in Williams, S. M. & Grooms (Ed.), The Politics of Educational Opportunity in Rural Contexts. Charlotte, NC: Information-Age Publishing. pp. 35-58. ISBN: 9781681232508
- Sipple, J. W., Brent, B. (2015). Challenges and Strategies Associated with Rural School Settings. In H. F. Ladd & M. E. Goertz (Ed.), Handbook of Research in Education Finance and Policy (pp. 607-622). NY: Routledge.
- Sipple, J. W. & Dilani-Miller, A.C. (2014). Shared School Services: A Common Response to Fiscal Stress. Policy Brief published by the New York State Center for Rural Schools. Ithaca, NY.
- Casto, H. G. & Sipple, J. W. (2011). Who and What Influences School Leaders’ Decisions: An Institutional Analysis of the Case of Universal Pre-Kindergarten in New York State. Educational Policy. 25(1), pp. 134-166.
- McCabe, L. M. & Sipple, J. W. (2011). Colliding Worlds: Practical and Political Tensions of Prekindergarten Implementation in Public Schools. Educational Policy. 25(1), pp. e1-e26.
- Brown, C. A., McCabe, L. M. & Sipple, J. W. (2011). Introduction: Crossing Boundaries and Colliding Worlds: The Politics of Prekindergarten Education. Educational Policy. 25(1). DOI:10.1177/0895904810387593
- Evans, G. W., Yoo, M. J., & Sipple, J. W. (2010). The Ecological Context Of Student Achievement: School Building Quality Effects Are Exacerbated By High Levels Of Student Mobility, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30, 239–244.
- Sipple, J. W. (2009). Bolstering capacity for heightened state and federal standards? An Exploration of national, state, and school district staffing trends, 1986-2003. In Chris Roellke & Jennifer King rice (Ed.), The Costs of Accountability: Implications of High Stakes Education Policies on Resources and Capacity. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Sipple, J. W. & Brent, B. (2008). Challenges and Opportunities Associated with Rural School Settings., in Ladd, H. F. & Fiske, E. B. Handbook of Research in Education Finance and Policy. New York: Routledge.
- Sipple, J. W., McCabe, L. M, & Ross-Bernstein, J. (2008). The Capacity of Early Childhood Care & Education in Rural New York State. Albany, NY: Legislative Commission on Rural Resources & Rural Education Advisory Committee.
- Sipple, J.W., McCabe, L.A., & Ross-Bernstein, J. (2007). Assessing Capacity: Early Childhood Education in Rural New York State. Published report for the Rural Education Advisory Committee. Albany, NY.
- Sipple, J. W. & Casto, H. G, (2007). School-Based Health Centers in NYS, Research and Policy Brief, Community and Rural Development Institute (CaRDI), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
- Sipple, J. W. (2006). School-Based Health Care in New York State. Newsletter of the Rural Schools Association of New York State: Ithaca, NY
- Ithaca City School District (2006). Equity Report Card: Holding ourselves accountable. A report co-sponsored by the ICSD and the Village at Ithaca: Ithaca, NY.
- Sipple, J. W. (2006). Major issues in American schools. In P. Allen-Meares (Ed.), Social work services in schools (5th ed.). Boston: Pearson.
- Killeen, K. M. & Sipple, J. W. (2006). The challenge of regional geography in upstate school reform. The Brookings Institution: Washington, DC.
- Sipple, J. W., & Banach, L. (2006). Helping schools meet the mandates of federal policies: No Child Left Behind and other cutting edge policies. In C. Franklin, M. B. Harris & P. Allen-Meares (Eds.), School Social Work and Mental Health Workers Training and Resource Manual: Oxford.
- Killeen, K. M. & Sipple, J. W. (2005). Mandating supplemental intervention services: Is New York state doing enough to help all students succeed? Education Policy Analysis Archives, 13(19).
- Sipple, J. W. (2004). Local anchors versus state levers in state-led school reform: Identifying the community around public schools. In W. K. Hoy & C. G. Miskel (Eds.), Educational administration, policy, and reform: Research and measurement (Vol. 3, pp. 25-57). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
- Sipple, J. W., Killeen, K., Monk, D. M. (2004) Adoption and adaptation: School district responses to state imposed high school graduation requirements. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 26(2), pp. 143-168.
- Brent, B. O., Sipple, J. W., Killeen, K. M., & Wischnowski, M. W. (2004). Stalking cost-effective practices in rural schools. Journal of Education Finance, 29(3), pp. 237-256.
- Sipple, J. W. & Killeen, K. M. (2004). Context, Capacity, and Concern: A District-Level Analysis of the Implementation of Standards-Based Reform in New York State. Educational Policy. 18(3)., DOI:10.1177/0895904804265639.
- Killeen, K., & Sipple, J. W. (2002). How have performance standards changed school district practice? Results from a statewide survey of New York State school districts. Educational Finance Research Consortium: Albany, NY. (available at
- Killeen, K. & Sipple, J. W. (2000). School Consolidation and Transportation Policy: An Empirical and Institutional Analysis. A Working Paper for the Rural School and Community Trust.
- Killeen, K. & Sipple, J. W. (1999). Preliminary Analyses of rural school transportation costs. Report for the Rural School and Community Trust Policy Program. Sipple, J. W. (1999). Institutional constraints on business involvement in K-12 education policy. American Educational Research Journal. 36(3). DOI:10.3102/00028312036003447
- Sipple, J. W., Miskel, C. G., Matheney, T. M. & Kearney, C. P. (1997). The Creation and Development of an Interest Group: Life at the Intersection of Big Business and Education Reform. Educational Administration Quarterly. 33(4)., DOI:10.1177/0013161X97033004003
- Riehl, C. & Sipple, J. W. (1996). Making the Most of Time and Talent: Secondary School Organizational Climates, Teaching Task Environments, and Teacher Commitment. American Educational Research Journal. 33(4). DOI:10.2307/1163419
Courses Taught
- GDEV 2710/5710 – America’s Promise: The Social and Political Context of American Education (cross listed with Sociology, Education, American Studies)
- GDEV 4045/5045 – Data and Development
GDEV 6190 – Quantitative Research Methods: Using Statistics to Explore Social Policy
GDEV 6610 Complex Organizations, Education and Development
Sipple continues to update and develop a suite of data tools. These tools are publicly available and free of charge and aim to democratize data, data visualization, and mapping. Using state of the art technologies, his team continues to be responsive to needs and requests from across NYS from officials, educational and community leaders.
Sipple was invited by NY State's Commissioner of Education in August of 2015 to serve as one of three Monitors for a troubled community and school district in Rockland county: East Ramapo Central School District. After a year of work studying and influencing local practice and state policy, they secured $3 million for the local school district. Sipple was reappointed as one of two Monitors in August of 2016 and again in June of 2017 for another year of study and service.
Sipple has a program of outreach that builds off his research program and focusses on the intersection of community development and the $600 Billion/year Educational System ($60 Billion here in New York State). This work includes the sharing of strategies municipalities and schools use to share services. It also focusses on the public policy issues of closing/merging schools and their impact on educational opportunity and community vitality.
Dr. Sipple's primary focus of outreach is in his capacity as Director of the New York State Center for Rural Schools which was established in September 2008. In this position, he works in support of the nearly 400 small and rural school districts of New York State, the state legislature, Governor's office, and the State Education Department. He has a lengthy and productive relationship with the NYSED. The work of the Center emphasizes building connections between key constituents, capacity of local school districts as well as the state of NY, and research in support of all its activities.
A grant portfolio of over $1,680,000 as Principal Investigator
Tennyson, S., Brunner, W., Sipple, J.W., Warner
National Institutes of Health: $3,118,676
“School Based Health Centers - An approach to address health disparities among rural youth.”
Hopkins, J, Currie, M., Sipple, J.W., LeBeau, K.
The Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) (via The James Hutton Institute): £20,000
“Tracking Rural Vibrancy and Loss: The Role of Schools as Keystone Services”
Sipple, J. W., LeBeau, K. & Foster, K.
Polson Institute for Global Development: $10,000
“Trans-Atlantic Collaboration for Resilient Rural Communities”
Sipple, J. W., McCabe, L. & Casto, H.
2023 - 2024
U.S. Dept. Health and Human Services, Admin for Children and Families: $100,000
“Inequity in Early Childhood Education”
Sipple, J. W., McCabe, L. & Casto, H. 162-8205
2020 - 2022
U.S. Dept. Health and Human Services, Admin for Children and Families: $105,000
“Inequity in Early Childhood Education”
Sipple, J.W. (PI) & Tennyson, S. 2020-23-28
2020 - 2023
Hatch/Smith-Lever Federal Formula Fund: $80,500
“Enhancing the impact of School-Based Health Centers in New York’s Rural Communities.”
Sipple, J.W. (Subcontract) 159-87473
2019 - 2024
U.S. Department of Education, Institute for Education Sciences, $210,000
The National Center on Rural Education Research Networks (of $10 million). A subcontract from Harvard University, Center for Education Policy. As Regional Partner, I will help facilitate New York State rural school districts participation in Center network, interventions and evaluation.
Sipple, J. W. (PI), McCabe, L. M. & Casto, H. G.
Project 2Gen Research Seed Grant, BCTR, Cornell University, $20,000
Capacity for Two Generation Care in Rural Communities: Implications of Educational Policy Community Characteristics on Head Start Program Trends
Sipple, J. W. (PI) 159-8362
New York State Education Department MOU, $112,290
Served as a State-Appointed Monitor for the East Ramapo Central School District. Provided fiscal analyses and recommendations for the District and NY State Education Department and Board of Regents. Three one-year contracts.
Kopko, K. (PI), Tennyson, S. & Sipple, J. W.
Hatch/Smith-Lever Federal Formula Fund, $105,000
“Enhancing the impact of School-Based Health Centers in New York’s Rural Communities.”
Sipple, J. W. (PI)
Internationalizing the Curriculum Grant, Provost Office, Cornell University, $13,750
“The Intersection of Local Schools, Community Development and Policy: U.S., Irish and Scottish Cases.” Grant from Global Cornell Funding to internationalize my course (DSOC 4710) Schools, Community Development and Policy Reform.
Sipple, J. W. (PI)
Rockefeller Institute at UAlbany Contract, $7,000
To consult with Prof. Mike Hattery on the design, development, and implementation of a Statewide (NY) survey regarding the (re)organization and efficiency of BOCES.
Sipple, J. W. (PI), Blakely, R., Kay, D. 1597824
USDA Multi-State Project, $125,000
University-Community Intermediaries: Supporting Informed Decision-Making in a Polarized Context. Together with partners from five states, we will review all relevant literature, design and carry out multiple network analyses of individual communities engaged in polarized decisions.
Sipple, J. W.(PI) & Warner, M. 159-7602
CUAES – Hatch/Smith Lever, $87,000
Fiscal Stress and Creative Local Response. This project extends the shared-services project to directly examine the differential impact of fiscal stress by governmental agency and local demography.
Sipple, J. W. (PI) & Warner, M. 159-7422
CUAES – Hatch/Smith Lever, $105,000
A Census of shared and inter-municipal service agreements and partnerships. Provide an empirical basis for understanding the prevalence and variation of shared municipal partnerships.
Sipple, J. W. (PI) 68759
New York State Education Department Contract, $19,966
Educational Opportunity Index - Definition and and Development.
Sipple, J. W. (PI)159-8140
New York State Senate, $175,000
To operate the New York State Center for Rural Schools.
Sipple, J. W. (PI) 137-8130
New York State Senate, $250,000
To establish and operate the New York State Center for Rural Schools.
Sipple, J. W. (PI) & Lisa McCabe 137-8150/60/70
Rural Education Advisory Committee (NY), $200,000
A Proper Diagnosis: Early Childhood Education in Rural New York State. Project to measure and assess the rate of implementation of and obstacles to quality childcare and pre-kindergarten services in rural New York State. – Three one-year grants ($35k, $80k, $85k).
Sipple, J. W. (PI) 137-6405
CUAES – Hatch Funding, $73,500
Rural Schools and Their Communities: Life After High Stakes School Reform
Sipple, J. W. (PI) & Kieran Killeen 137-45160
New York State Education Department/SUNY Research Foundation, $33,780
How New York State Schools have Implemented Academic Intervention Services.
Sipple, J. W. (PI) 137-41615
Spencer Foundation, $35,000
Local School Responses to Increased Graduation Requirements in New York State.
137-3150 (Sipple, J. W.)
Hancock (NY) Central School District, $3000
Hired to conduct an analysis of their K-12 Program of Academic Intervention Services.
Sipple, J. W. (PI) & Killeen, K. M. 137-8307
2001 – 2002
New York State Education Department/SUNY Research Foundation, $33,780
Proposal to fund the development and implementation of a survey to document district programmatic and organizational responses to heightened state academic standards.
Monk, D. M. & Sipple, J. W. 137-7402
New York State Education Department/Penn State (sub), $33,780 ($11,470)
Adoption or Adaptation: NY State School Districts' Responses to State Imposed High School Graduation Requirements: An Eight Year Retrospective.
137-3150 (Sipple, J. W.)
Southern Cayuga (NY) Central School District, $500
Gift to assist with analysis of the district’s student performance indicators and to promote the use of data analysis in improving classroom, school, and district policy and practice.
Sipple, J. W. 137-7402
1999 – 2003
USDA Hatch Research Grant, Cornell University, $45,000
To investigate public school district response to shifting environmental expectations.
Sipple, J. W. 137-3150
SUNY-College of Environmental Science and Forestry, $2900
Awarded for an external evaluation of the "Environmental Community of Scientists" program.
Sipple, J. W.
1999 – 2001
Syracuse University and Marathon (NY) Public Schools, $15,000
Awarded to conduct an external evaluation of the “Upstate High Needs Rural Schools Consortium”.
Killeen, K., Sipple, J. W., Maxwell, L., Pendall, R.
Clarence S. Stein Institute for Urban and Landscape Studies, $10,000
Funding to develop an interdepartmental lecture series and seminar for Spring Semester 2000. Involves Cornell University Departments of Education, Design & Environmental Analysis,, and City & Regional Planning.
Sipple, J. W.
Rural Education Advisory Committee (REAC), $1500
Research Grant (January 1999). To study the impact of video-conferencing on the development of future school administrators.
Sipple, J. W.
Rockefeller Center, Dartmouth College, $2500
Research and Teaching Improvement Grant: to study the response of the Vermont State Legislature to the Brigham VT Supreme Court decision and to improve instruction on state finance and legal policy.
Contact Information
261 Warren Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
jws28 [at]
Outreach Activities
- cCabe, L.A., Sipple, J. W. & Casto, H. G. (2024, April 9). Systems level connection issues and community aware policies. Invited presentation at the 0224 Cornell University Town-Gown event. Ithaca, NY.
- Sipple, J.W. & Little, D. (2022, September 19). Let’s Understand the Past to Optimize the Future. Invited presentation at the New York State Council of School Superintendents Annual conference. Saratoga Spring, NY.
- Sipple, J. W. (2022, September 15). Preliminary Findings from Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES Demographic Study presented to the Board of Directors. Auburn, NY.
- Sipple, J.W. (2022, July 10). Pre-Conference Keynote Presentation at the Rural Schools Association of NYS Annual Summer Conference. Cooperstown, NY.
- Sipple, J. W., Fiduccia, P., LeBeau, K., Foster, K. (2022, March 4). Panelist at the Rural Housing Roundtable. organized by the NYS Legislative Commission on Rural Resources.
- Sipple, J. W., Fiduccia, P., LeBeau, K. & Foster, K. (2022, February). The State of Rural New York State. Keynote presentation to Legislative Hearing, organized by a new collaboration of leaders from Rural Housing, Rural Education, Rural Healthcare, Rural Economic Development, & Rural Agriculture. Albany, NY
- Sipple, J. W. & LeBeau, K. (2021, July). A framework for Enhancing School-Community Understanding. Invited talk at the annual Meeting of the Rural Schools Association of NYS. Cooperstown, NY.
- Sipple, J. W. (2021, February 4). Using the “Budget Playground” to Enhance the Local Budget Process. Invited e-workshop for the membership of the Rural Schools Association of NYS.
- Sipple, J. W. (2020, December 10). Using Data Tools to Enhance Local Decisionmaking. Invited e-workshop for the membership fo the Rural Schools Association of NYS.
- Sipple, J.W. (2020, June 9). Getting Back to School: Collaborative Strategies for Reopening K–12 Public Schools in a Fiscal Crisis. Invited panelist along with Randi Weingarten (President of the American Federation of Teachers), Dan Domenech (Executive Director, AASA), and John McCarthy (Prof., ILR School).
- Sipple, J. W. (2019, July). Enhancing and Studying School-Based Health Centers. Invited presentation to the Rural Schools Association of NYS.
- Sipple, J. W., Fiduccia, P. & LeBeau, K (2019, July). #RuralReality in NY State in 2019. The culmination of a 12-part series of data/maps/charts depicting the current reality of rural schools and the communities they serve in NYS. Available at
- Sipple, J.W. (2019, February). Data Enhanced Planning and Decisionmaking: Democratizing data for school and district leaders. Invited workshop for the Ulster BOCES. 19 Districts participated.
- Sipple, J.W. (2018, December). The Democratization of Data: Serving BOCES, Districts, and Schools Across New York State. Keynote presentation to the New York State Data Analysis Technical Assistance Group (DATAG). Albany, NY. 250 participants.
- Sipple, J.W. (September, 2018). Data Enhanced Planning and Decisionmaking: Democratizing data for school and district leaders. Invited workshop for the Nassau BOCES (am) and the Eastern Suffolk BOCES (pm). 28 districts participated.
- Sipple, J.W. (September, 2018). Opioid Crisis in Rural Schools. Invited presentation to the Parent Education In-Service, organized by the Parenting Project at Cornell University. Ithaca, NY
- Sipple, J. W., Fiduccia, P. & LeBeau, K (2019, July). #RuralReality in NY State in 2019. The culmination of a 12-part series of data/maps/charts depicting the current reality of rural schools and the communities they serve in NYS. Available at
- Szuberla, C. & Sipple, J. W. (2018, October). Continuing Progress: 2018 Annual Report on the East Ramapo Central School District. A report to the New York State Education Department and New York State Board of Regents.
- Szuberla, C. & Sipple, J. W. (2017, October). A Balanced Budget: 2017 Annual Report on the East Ramapo Central School District. A report to the New York State Education Department and New York State Board of Regents.
- Szuberla, C. & Sipple, J. W. (2017, January). A New Beginning: A Report on the East Ramapo Central School District, January 24, 2017. A report to the New York State Education Department and New York State Board of Regents. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.13545.70245
- Wolcott, D., George-Fields, M. & Sipple, J. W. (2015, December). Opportunity Deferred: A Report on the East Ramapo Central School District, December 2015. A report to the New York State Education Department and New York State Board of Regents DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.17020.54403
- Sipple, J. W. & Dilani-Miller, A.C. (2014). Shared School Services: A Common Response to Fiscal Stress. Policy Brief published by the New York State Center for Rural Schools. Ithaca, NY.
- Sipple, J.W. & Blakely, R.M. (2009). School Consolidation: What do New Yorkers Think? Rural New York Minute, Community and Rural Development Institute (CaRDI) and the NYS Center for Rural Schools, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
- Sipple, J. W., McCabe, L. M, & Ross-Bernstein, J. (2008). The Capacity of Early Childhood Care & Education in Rural New York State. Albany, NY: Legislative Commission on Rural Resources & Rural Education Advisory Committee.
- Sipple, J.W., McCabe, L.A., Ross-Bernstein, J, Casto, H. G. (2008). Educational Services for Preschool Children in Rural New York State: Links among Community-based Organizations, Pre-kindergarten programs, and School Districts. New York State Rural Education Advisory Committee. July 2008.
- Blakely, R.M. & Sipple, J.W. (2008). Are New Yorkers Satisfied with the Public Education in their Communities? Rural New York Minute, Community and Rural Development Institute (CaRDI), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
- Sipple, J.W., McCabe, L.A., & Ross-Bernstein, J. (2007). Assessing Capacity: Early Childhood Education in Rural New York State. Published report for the Rural Education Advisory Committee. Albany, NY.
- Sipple, J. W. & Casto, H. G, (2007). School-Based Health Centers in NYS, Research and Policy Brief, Community and Rural Development Institute (CaRDI), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
- Sipple, J. W. (2006). School-Based Health Care in New York State. Newsletter of the Rural Schools Association of New York State: Ithaca, NY
- Ithaca City School District (2006). Equity Report Card: Holding ourselves accountable. A report co-sponsored by the ICSD and the Village at Ithaca: Ithaca, NY.
- Killeen, K. M. & Sipple, J. W. (2006). The challenge of regional geography in upstate school reform. The Brookings Institution: Washington, DC.
- Sipple, J. W., Benjamin, L., Faessler, L. (2003). Status of NYS Rural Schools in Meeting the NYS Regents and the Federal NCLB Standards. A Study prepared for the Rural Schools Association of New York State: Ithaca, NY. (Available at
- Killeen, K., & Sipple, J. W. (2002). How have performance standards changed school district practice? Results from a statewide survey of New York State school districts. Educational Finance Research Consortium: Albany, NY. (available at
- Killeen, K. & Sipple, J. W. (2000). School Consolidation and Transportation Policy: An Empirical and Institutional Analysis. A Working Paper for the Rural School and Community Trust.
- Sipple, J.W. (2000). A study analyzing the relationships among school district staffing of teachers, district wealth, and higher learning standards in New York State. A Report prepared for the Rural Schools Association of New York State: Ithaca, NY.
- Sipple, J. W., Avery, L., Meyer, D. (2000). A final report on the evaluation of the Environmental Community of Scientists (ECOS) Project. Submitted to the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and forestry, Syracuse, NY.
- Killeen, K. & Sipple, J. W. (1999). Preliminary Analyses of rural school transportation costs. Report for the Rural School and Community Trust Policy Program. Sipple, J. W. (1999).
- Matheney, T. M., Sipple, J. W., & Miskel, C. G. (1996). Corporate business leaders for education excellence, 1989 - 1996: A history. Commissioned manuscript for the Michigan Business Leaders for Educational Excellence, University of Michigan.
- Sipple, J. W. (1993). Goal 2: Elementary and Secondary Education Act. In Shank, P. (ed.) Major federal programs supporting the National Education Goals: An analysis. University of Virginia. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 366 060).
- Sipple, J.W. (2020, June 9). Getting Back to School: Collaborative Strategies for Reopening K–12 Public Schools in a Fiscal Crisis. Invited panelist along with Randi Weingarten (President of the American Federation of Teachers), Dan Domenech (Executive Director, AASA), and John McCarthy (Prof., ILR School).
- Sipple, J. W. (2019, July). Enhancing and Studying School-Based Health Centers. Invited presentation to the Rural Schools Association of NYS.
- Sipple, J.W. (2019, February). Data Enhanced Planning and Decisionmaking: Democratizing data for school and district leaders. Invited workshop for the Ulster BOCES. 19 Districts participated.
- Sipple, J.W. (2018, December). The Democratization of Data: Serving BOCES, Districts, and Schools Across New York State. Keynote presentation to the New York State Data Analysis Technical Assistance Group (DATAG). Albany, NY. 250 participants.
- Sipple, J.W. (September, 2018). Data Enhanced Planning and Decisionmaking: Democratizing data for school and district leaders. Invited workshop for the Nassau BOCES (am) and the Eastern Suffolk BOCES (pm). 28 districts participated.
- Sipple, J.W. (September, 2018). Opioid Crisis in Rural Schools. Invited presentation to the Parent Education In-Service, organized by the Parenting Project at Cornell University. Ithaca, NY
- Sipple, J. W. & Szuberla, C. (2018, March). Program and Budget Update on the East Ramapo Central School Distinct. Invited presentation to the New York State Board of Regents. Albany, NY.
- Sipple, J. W. & Fiduccia, P. C. (2018, March). Data-Enhanced Planning and Decisionmaking. Invited Keynote presentation to the Winter Meeting of the Staff and Curriculum Development Network of New York State (S/CDN): The Instructional leadership arm of the thirty-seven Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) and the Big 5 Cities in New York State. Albany, NY
- Sipple, J. W. (2017, November 7). Historical Perspectives on Contemporary School Reform. Guest Lecture for Cornell Prison Education Program. Auburn State Penitentiary, Auburn, NY.
- Sipple, J. W. (2017, September). The Future of Rural Schools: Rust, Renewal or Revolt? Invited presentation to the NYS Council of School Superintendents’ Fall Leadership Summit. Saratoga, NY.
- Sipple, J. W., Kristen, B., Samantha, A., Bubble, T. (June, 2017). IVY-Plus Biannual Meeting of Admissions Officers, "The Long, Winding, Unpaved Path from Rural Schools to Higher Education", Invited, IVY-Plus, Ithaca, NY. (June 14, 2017.
- Szuberla, C. & Sipple, J. W. (2017, January). A New Beginning: A Report on the East Ramapo Central School District, January 24, 2017. A presentation to the New York State Education Department and New York State Board of Regents. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.13545.70245
- Sipple, J. W. (2017, January 17). Enhancing Data to Strategically Enhance Planning. Invited presentation to the Erie 2 BOCES District Superintendent Mtg. Angola, NY.
- Sipple, J.W. (2016, August 18). Invited speaker at the Annual Retreat of the Herkimer BOCES. “Strategic Data Use & Planning. Blue Mountain Lake, NY.
- Sipple, J. W. (2016). Cornell Municipal Clerks Institute, "Education Pipelines & Community Vitality”. CaRDI, Ithaca, NY. (July 16, 2014).
- Sipple, J. W., Blakely, R. & Kay, D. L. (2016). University-Community Intermediaries: Supporting Informed Decision-Making in a Polarized Context. Invited presentation to the New York State Association of Counties Legislative Conference, Albany, NY. Feb 2.
- Wolcott, D.W., George-Fields, M., Sipple, J. W. (2015). Opportunity Deferred: A Report on the East Ramapo Central School District. A report and presentation to the New York State Board of Regents, December 14, 2015.
- Sipple, J. W., East Ramapo Monitor Public Forum, "Updates and Listening Session", Invited, NYS Education Department, Spring Valley, NY. (October 1, 2015).
- Sipple, J. W. (2015, October). “Informed Decision Making in Highly Contentious Arenas.” Presentation given at the National Conference of County Association Executives, Point Clear, AL. October 22.
- Sipple, J. W. (2015). Leadership Meeting of the Orange-Ulster BOCES, "Data tools to inform local planning", Invited, Orange-Ulster BOCES, Goshen, NY. (May 3, 2015).
- Sipple, J. W., Schultz, E., Slifkin, E. (2015). GST Regional School Board Mtg., "Student Performance Data in the GST BOCES: Assessing the Past, Preparing for the Future", Invited, Greater Southern Tier BOCES, Corning, NY. (April 30, 2015).
- Sipple, J. W. (2015). Horseheads CSD Board of Education Retreat, "Informed Decisionmaking: Development and use of data tools", Invited, Horseheads CSD, Horseheads, NY. (January 5, 2015).
- Sipple, J. W. (2014, December). Local Fiscal Stress: State Austerity Policy and Creative Local Response. Invited Talk ”Schools and Fiscal Stress in NYS”. CaRDI, NYSUT, Saratoga Springs, NY.
- Sipple, J. W., Rural Research Symposium, "Trading Fiscal Insolvency for Educational Insolvency", Invited, Northeast and Islands Regional Lab, Concord, NH. (October 30, 2014).
- Sipple, J. W., Four Counties School Board Association Fall Meeting, "Linking School District and Community Responses to Fiscal Constraint", Invited, Four Counties School Board Association, Geneva, NY. (September 30, 2014).
- Sipple, J. W., New York State Association of Counties Fall Conference, "Fiscal Constraint and Creative Local Response", Invited, NYS Association of Counties, Buffalo, NY. (September 24, 2014).
- Sipple, J. W. & Mouilleseaux-Kunzman, H., Cornell Municipal Clerks Institute, "Municipal Clerks Conference - Workshop on education pipelines and community development. CaRDI, Ithaca, NY. (July 16, 2014).
- Sipple, J. W., Annual Conference of the Rural Schools Association of NYS, "Trading Financial Insolvency for Educational Insolvency and other Sticky Trends. Keynote talk at RSA conference. Cooperstown, NY (150 people)", Invited, Rural Schools Association of NYS, Cooperstown, NY. (July 14, 2014).
- Sipple, J. W., Municipal Exchange (MIX) Summit on Fiscal Stress, "Shared municipal and school services in NYS: Recent Evidence", Invited, MIX (NYS Association of Counties, NYS Association of Towns, NYS Conference of Mayors, NYS School Boards Association), Albany, NY. (June 17, 2014).
- Sipple, J. W., Chautauqua County School Boards Association Spring Dinner, "Educational Insolvency & Fiscal Stress", Invited, Chautauqua County School Boards Association, Jamestown, NY. (May 8, 2014).
- Sipple, J. W., State of Upstate Cities Conference, "Demographic Change and School Fiscal Stress", Invited, CaRDI, Ithaca, NY. (March 25, 2014).
- Sipple, J. W. (2013, October). “Shared Municipal and School Services.” Presentation given at the National Conference of County Association Executives, Florida Keyes, FL. October 24.
- Sipple, J. W. (2013, October). “Educational Insolvency.” Keynote presentation, Rockefeller Institute of Government symposium on Fiscal Stress, Albany, NY. October 13.
- Sipple, J. W. (Author Only), Annual Meeting of the NYS Council of School Superintendents, "Shared School Services", NYS Council of School Superintendents, Saratoga, NY. (October 2013).
- Sipple, J. W. (Presenter & Author), Rockefeller Institute of Government Symposium on Fiscal Stress, "Educational Insolvency", Rockefeller Institute of Government @ U-Albany, Albany, NY. (October 13, 2013).
- Sipple, J. W. (2013, September). Shared School Services.” Presentation to the NYS School Board Association, Saratoga, NY. September 22.
- Sipple, J. W. (2012, October), RELNEI Executive Leadership Meeting, "App Development to Maximize Utility of State Data", Regional Education Lab of the Northeast and Islands, Boston, MA. (October 23, 2012).
- Sipple, J. W. (2012, October), "Shared Services, Data Tools, and Communities", Presentation at the National Conference of County Administrators and Executives, Williamsburg, VA. (October 17, 2012).
- Sipple, J.W. (2013, July). “Responses to Fiscal Stress in New York State: Data Tools and Shared Services.” Keynote presentation of the Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress Symposium on School Closures, Kingston, NY. July, 31.
- Sipple, J. W. (2012), NYS Comptroller's Leadership Institute, "NYS's Schools and Communities in Times of Fiscal Stress", NYS Office of the State Comptroller, Syracuse, NY. (June 20, 2012).
- Sipple, J. W. (2011, December). Contemporary Challenges and Opportunities in Rural Settings. Keynote address at the Capital Area School Development Association Rural Summit. Albany, NY. (100 local education and community leaders)
- Sipple, J. W. (2011, December). “Economic Impacts of Schooling in Rural Communities.” NYS Educational Conference Board, Annual Meeting. Albany, NY. (200 academic, state and local education and community leaders)
- Sipple, J. W. (2011, September). Participant in a NYS Board of Regents/State Education Department School Finance Symposium. Albany, NY (100 state and local leaders)
- Sipple, J. W. (2011, December). Contemporary Challenges and Opportunities in Rural Settings. Keynote address at the Capital Area School Development Association Rural Summit. Albany, NY.
- Sipple, J. W. (2011, August). Participant in a NYS School District Reorganization Conference, Syracuse, NY (100 state and local education leaders)
- Sipple, J. W. (2009, August). Participant on a panel at the NY State Comptrollers Conference for Local Municipal Leaders. Ithaca, NY (25 municipal leaders).
- Sipple, J. W. (2009, 2010, 2011, July). Presentation at the CaRDI’s Summer Clerks Institute. Ithaca, NY (20 municipal clerks).
- Kiley, L. K. & Sipple, J. W. (2009, July). Leading During Times of Scarcity: Changing Conditions at the Top of the State. Presentation to 250 rural school leaders, Lake Placid, NY, July.
- Sipple, J. W. (2009, June). Current Challenges for Rural Schools in NYS. Keynote presentation to the Greater Southern Tier BOCES Annual School Board Dinner. Watkins Glen, NY. (100 school board members and Superintendents).
- Sipple, J. W. (2009), REAC Showcase, "REAC Funded Study on Early Childcare and Pre-K Education: Policy Recommendations", Rural Education Advisory Committee, Albany, NY. (March 12, 2009).
- Sipple, J. W. & Kiley, L. (2009, March). Small School District Summit, Sponsored jointly by the NYS Center for Rural Schools, NYS Rural Schools Association, and REAC. Syracuse, NY. (120 school leaders, members of the Board of Regents, and REAC). I was the principal organizer.
- Sipple, J. W. (2008), National Rural School-Based Health Symposium, "Schools, Communities, and the Need for Collaboration", Basset Hospital, Cooperstown, NY. (October 18, 2008).
- Sipple, J. W., McCabe, L. M. & Casto, H. G. (2008). Annual Meeting of the Rural Schools Association of New York State, "The Push toward Universal Pre-K in Rural Schools: Trends, Successes, and Challenges", Rural Schools Association of New York State, Cooperstown, NY. (July 12, 2008).
- Sipple, J. W., Eberts, P., Brady, S., Kiley, L., (2005-2007). Dropout prevention: Information and Caution. Two-day workshop for superintendents, principals, and teachers at BOCES throughout the state, organized by the Rural School Association of NYS. (18 workshops to date, with audiences ranging from 25 to 90 administrators and teachers).
- Sipple, J. W. (2007, October 23). Invited presentation to the Ithaca High School PTSA. “NCLB: What is it and why should be care.” (30 parents, teachers, and administrators).
- Sipple, J. W. (2007, July 11). Broadening the Boundaries of Rural K-12 Schooling Invited presentation at the Annual Conference of the Rural Schools Association of New York State, Cooperstown, NY. (150 superintendents and school board members)
- Sipple, J. W. (2007, February). Public Schools, Communities, and Institutions: A Decade of Reform in New York State. Department of Development Sociology Faculty Colloquium.
- Sipple, J. W. (2006, July 11). School-Based Health Centers: What are they and how do I get one? Invited presentation at the Annual Conference of the Rural Schools Association of New York State, Cooperstown, NY. (150 superintendents and school board members)
- Sipple, J. W. (2005, July 12). NYS Rural Schools: how are we doing? Invited presentation at the Annual Conference of the Rural Schools Association of New York State, Cooperstown, NY. (150 superintendents and school board members)
- Sipple, J. W. (2004, July 13). Staffing trends in an era of heightened state and federal standards, 1992-2002. Invited presentation at the Annual Conference of the Rural Schools Association of New York State, Cooperstown, NY. (150 superintendents and school board members)
- Sipple, J. W. (2004, April 23). Invited discussant comments at one-day conference, Now What? Affirmative Action and Higher Education in 2004 and Beyond, co-sponsored by the Cornell Center for the Study of Inequality and the Cornell Law School.
- Sipple, J. W. & Killeen (2003, December 12). The implementation of Academic Intervention Services in New York State public schools. Meeting of the Data Analyst and Testing Analysis Group (DATAG). Albany, NY. (60 data analysts and school administrators)
- Sipple, J. W. (2003, November 11). The implementation of New York State learning and graduation standards, 2000-2003. State University of New York, Cortland, NY. (150 student-teachers and faculty)
- Sipple, J. W. (2003, November 11). The implementation of New York State Learning and Graduation Standards, 2000-2003. State University of New York, Cortland, NY. (100 student teachers and faculty)
- Sipple, J. W. & Killeen, K. (2003, September 26,). The implementation of Academic Intervention Services in New York State public schools. Fall Symposium of the Educational Finance Research Consortium, Albany, NY. (75 statewide organization leaders, State Education Department Officials, Regents, Faculty).
- Sipple, J. W. (2003, July 15). A Statewide study of rural school districts: Implications for standards reform. Annual Conference of the Rural Schools Association of New York State, Cooperstown, NY. (100 superintendents and school board members)
- Sipple, J W. (2003, April 11). Presentation to the Organizations Working Group, Department of Sociology, Cornell University.
- Sipple, J. W. (2003, March). New York standards reform: Implications for new teachers. Keynote Address, Syracuse University School of Education Professional Symposium: “Meeting the challenge of No Child Left Behind.” (300 student-teachers, teachers, and faculty)
- Sipple, J. W., Killeen, K. M. (2002, May). How have performance standards changed school district practice? Results from a statewide survey of New York State school districts. Spring symposium of the NY State Educational Finance Research Consortium. Albany, NY
- Monk, D., Sipple, J. W., Killeen, K. (2001, December). Presentation to the New York State Board of Regents on the state of school district response to the new learning and graduation standards.
- Sipple, J.W. (2001, October). Invited address for the Rural Schools Association of New York State Annual Breakfast at the Annual Meeting of the New York State School Boards’ Association, Buffalo, NY. (500 school board members and superintendents)
- Sipple, J. W., D. Monk (2001, May). Adoption and adaptation: New York State school districts' responses to state imposed high school graduation requirements: An eight year retrospective. Spring symposium of the New York State Educational Finance Research Association, Albany, NY. (100 people – Agency Leaders, SED officials,
- Sipple, J. W. (2001, May) Panel presentation for Leadership Tompkins on the "The Future of our School Systems”.
- Sipple, J. W. (2001, April). Panel Presentation at the Alternative Community School (ACS), Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, NY.
- Sipple, J. W. (2001, March). Panel presentation at the New York State Education Department symposium on the Achievement Gap in Rural Schools, Ithaca, NY. (200 school leaders and Regents)
- Sipple, J.W. (2000, September). Applying research to administrative problems. Workshop presentation at the Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning's (McREL) Rural Symposium, Aurora, CO.
- Sipple, J. W. (1999). New York State Standards and Assessments: Impact on the Board of Education's role in the community. Keynote presentation given at the Annual Dinner of the Cayuga-Onondaga School Board Association (May 27) and the Cortland-Madison School Board Association (October 5).
- OnBoard, NY School Board Association
- Jan., 2024 "Declining fertility rates in NYS raise questions for public schools,”
- Apr 2019 - "Harvard to study rural school strategies,”
- Oct 2012 - “Enrollment losses grow worrisome,”
- May 2011 - “Census data sheds light on causes of rural schools’ enrollment declines,”
- North Country Public Radio
- March, 2024 - “Population loss and the future of local Colleges and Main Streets,” provided background information/data ( )
- April 2013 - “North Country schools face uncharted ground,”
- May 2013 - "Stressed schools face troubling budget votes,”
- WRFI Public Radio
- Feb., 2024 "FEATURE: Governor’s budget plan could cost rural schools millions of dollars in state aid,”
- The Hill
- May 2023 - “What falling test scores mean for US students,”
- New York Times - helped Jay Root on background/data
- Feb 2023 - “How Public Money Goes to Support a Hasidic Village’s Private Schools,”
- Dec. 2022 - “How Hasidic Schools Reaped a Windfall of Special Education Funding,”
- Albany Times Union
- Aug 2016 -
- Dec 2015 -
- Aug 2015 -
- Jan 2015 -
- Mar 2013 - Op/Ed piece -
- Tompkins Weekly
- Cornell Chronicle
- Jan 2024 -
- Aug 2023 -
- Feb 2019 -
- Aug 2017 -
- May 2016 -
- Dec 2014 -
- Apr 2014 -
- Jun 2012 -
- Mar 2008 -
- Cornell Daily Sun
- Sept 2022 -
- Feb 2019 -
- Oct 2016 -
- Oct 2008 -
- Cortland Standard
- WSKG Radio and Television
- Jun 2017 -
- Dec 2015 -
- Apr 2015 -
- Nov 2011 - WSKG's 9 Seconds: A Community Talkback on School Dropout Phenomenon -
- Twin Cities PBS
- Ready for the Future: Career readiness programs in rural communities help students discover & prepare for jobs. A documentary Produced by TwinCities PBS, American Institutes for Research (AIR), and the REL-Midwest produced a documentary. Invited me to participate in the planning for and filming of the documentary.
John in the news

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- Global Development