Elisabeth assists diversified vegetable and berry growers in the North Country and beyond with production and food safety issues as part of her role with the Cornell Cooperative Extension Eastern New York Commercial Horticulture Program. Prior to joining Cornell, Elisabeth gained experience in crop production through working on her family’s farm and on other commercial and university research farms. She completed her Ph.D. in 2019 from the University of Vermont with a focus on entomology and integrated pest management. Her responsibilities at CCE include:
- On-farm and remote pest, disease, and physiological disorder diagnosis and management consultation
- Participation in regional insect pest monitoring networks
- Pesticide education for fruit and vegetable growers
- Organization of the Empire State Producers Expo, Eastern NY Commercial Horticulture Program winter meeting, and the New England Vegetable and Fruit Conference
- Food safety education as a lead trainer for Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Courses and On-Farm Readiness Reviews
- Applied research in integrated pest management, high tunnel production, season extension, and novel crops with an interest in organic production practices
- Vegetable Program Work Team co-chair
- Integrated pest management
- High tunnel production
- Season extension
- Food safety
- Brassica crops