Digital Agriculture Minor
Declaring a minor in digital agriculture (DA) will provide you with new opportunities to study and do research in DA, gain new perspectives on the future of agriculture, network across the university, and engage with the Cornell Institute for Digital Agriculture (CIDA). To learn more and declare the minor, schedule a meeting with minor coordinator Lindsay Glasner.
Jason Londo, associate professor in the School of Integrative Plant Science, and student Hongrui Wang conduct research in a grape vineyard at Cornell AgriTech.
A total of 16-18 credits related to DA with elective courses that are outside your undergraduate major, attendance at CIDA seminar series for at least 2 semesters, and participation in at least one CIDA Hackathon.
- A team-taught ALS 1110 Introduction to Digital Agriculture course to provide an overview of this rapidly emerging field and to serve as a unifying experience. This course will be team-taught by faculty in different Colleges at Cornell involved in CIDA. The course is designed to give you a broad understanding of DA, exploring different dimensions, applications, perspectives, and impacts on society.
- An introductory course in Data/Computer Science
- A course in ethics in relation to the data economy
- An introductory or advanced course in a specific ag production or food production system*
- Two elective courses OUTSIDE their major*
*NOTE: you must define these courses in consultation with and approval by the DA minor faculty advisor or minor coordinator. Please be aware that many elective courses have non-negotiable prerequisites. Select on courses for which you are qualified.
Courses must be completed with a letter grade of "C" or above. No more than two courses taken for your major may count toward the DA minor to meet the requirements of categories 1 to 4 above. For category 5 (i.e, elective courses), both must be outside the student's major. Students may not "double count" any course to meet the requirements of the DA minor with other minors (i.e., cannot use the same course to fulfill two different minor requirements).
- Introduction to Digital Agriculture: ALS 1110 (2 cr, Fall)
- Data Science/Computer Science (choose one):
- Data Science for All: CS/ORIE/STSCI/INFO 1380 (4 cr, Spring)
- Introduction to Computing: CS1110 (4 cr, Fall/Spring)
- Introduction to Data Science: INFO 2950* (4 cr, Fall)
- Alternatively advanced programming or data science technical course (3-4 cr)
- Ethical issues that inform "digital agriculture” (choose one):
- Information, Ethics, Law and Policy: INFO 1200/STS 1201 (3 cr, Spring)
- Ethical Issues in Engineering Practice: ENGRG 3600 (3 cr, Spring)
- Ethics and Policy in Data Science: INFO 4270 (3 cr, Fall)
- Agriculture, Food, Sustainability and Social Justice: GDEV 3400 (3 cr, Fall)
- Digital Capitalism: GDEV 4060 (3 cr, Fall)
- Privacy and Security in the Data Economy: INFO 4145 (3 cr, Fall)
- An introductory or advanced course in ag production system(s) (choose one)
- TBD – selected by you in communication with faculty advisor, consistent with guidelines. See list of ag production system courses.
- Elective courses for minor in Digital Agriculture (choose two)
- TBD – selected by you in communication with faculty advisor, consistent with guidelines. See list of elective courses. Cannot overlap with major requirements.
*Course has either a pre-requisite course at 2000 or greater level or more than two pre-requisite courses
The following list includes courses that may be used to fulfill the introductory or advanced course in ag production system(s) course requirement. *Course has either a prerequisite course at 2000 or greater level or more than two prerequisite courses.
- Principles of Vegetable Production: PLSCI 3575* (3 cr, Fall)
- Berry Crops: Culture and Management: PLSCI 4520 (3 cr, Fall)
- Hydroponic Food Crop Production and Management: PLSCI 3025 (4 cr, Fall)
- Sustainable Orchard Management: PLSCI 3350 (3 cr, Spring)
- Introduction to Wines and Vines Laboratory: FDSC 1105 (2 cr, Fall)
- Global Cropping Systems and Sustainable Development: PLSCI 4140* (3 cr, Fall)
- Just Food: Exploring the Modern Food System: PLSCI 1300 (4 cr, Fall)
- Food Cycle: Systems Thinking Toward Circular Economy for Organic Resources: PLSCI 3030 (3 cr, Fall)
- Dairy Cattle Principles: ANSC 2500 (3 cr, Fall)
- Dairy Herd Management: ANSC 3510* (4 cr, Spring)
- Dairy Sheep Management: ANSC 3850* (3 cr, Fall)
- Sustainable Food & Companion Animal Systems and Perspectives: ANSC 2000 (3 cr, Spring)
- Honey Bees: Their Intriguing Biology and Interactions with Humans and More: ENTOM 2030 (3 cr, Fall)
The following list includes courses that may be used to fulfill the elective course requirement for the DA minor.
We recommend that students take lower-level courses in an area of interest early in their undergraduate career (i.e., during first and second years) to enable enrollment in upper-level courses that fulfill course requirements for the minor in DA. Please consult with your academic advisor and the current course catalog to identify the best strategy to fulfill the requirements for a DA minor.
Courses with a Focus on Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Production and Management of Greenhouse Crops: PLHRT 4175
- Field Crop Systems: PLSCI 2110
- Remote Sensing and Modeling for Ecosystems: PLSCI 4290
- Introduction to Mapping and Spatial Analysis with GIS: PLSCI 2200
- Nutrient and Carbon Cycling and Management in Ecosystems: PLSCI 4720*
- Plant Responses to Environmental Stress & Climate Change: PLSCI 4100*
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS): Concepts and Application: PLSCI 4200*
- Spatial Modeling and Analysis: PLSCI 6200*
- Remote Sensing and Modeling for Ecosystems: PLSCI 4290
- Soil Ecology: PLSCI 4660
- Soil and Crop Management for Sustainability: PLSCI 3210
- Environmental Chemistry: Soil, Air, and Water: PLSCI 3650
- Sustainable Orchard Management: PLSCI 3350
- Hydroponic Food Crop Production and Management: PLSCI 3025
- Plant Physiology: PLSCI 3420*
- Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering of Plants: PLSCI 3430*
- Concepts and Techniques in Computational Biology: PLSCI 4000*
- Dairy Herd Management: ANSC 3510*
- Whole-Farm Nutrient Management: ANSC 4120
- Animal Genomics and Epigenomics: ANSC 4310*
- Fish Physiology: ANSC/BIOAP 3300
- Sustainable Development: BEE 3299
- Computer-Aided Engineering: Applications to Biological Processes: BEE 4530*
- Digital Food Physics and Engineering: BEE 4630*
- Engineering Processes for Environmental Sustainability: ENGRD/BEE 2510*
- Bio-Robotics: BEE 3900*
- Biologically Inspired Microsystems Engineering: BEE 4550*
- Introduction to GIS: CRP 4080*
- Intro to Physiochemical and Biological Aspects of Food: FDSC 2000/ NS 3450
- Food Engineering Principles: FDSC 4210*
- Conventional and Emerging Technologies in Food Processing: FDSC 4250
- Integrated Pest Management: ENTOM 4440
Courses in Data and Information Science
- Networks: INFO 2040
- Inventing an Information Society: INFO 2921/STS 2921/ENGRG 2980
- Data Analytics for Information Science: INFO 3950*
- Interactive Information Visualization: INFO 4310*
- Introduction to Rapid Prototyping and Physical Computing: INFO 4320*
- Data Science for Engineers: ECE 2720*
- Practical Tools for Operations Research, Machine Learning, adn Data Science: ORIE 3120*
- Spreadsheet-Based Modeling and Data Analysis: ORIE 4820*
- Simulation Modeling and Analysis: ORIE 4580*
Courses in Engineering
- Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanoengineering: ENGRI 1200
- Introduction to Biomedical Engineering: ENGRI 1310
- Sustainable Engineering of Energy, Water, Soil, and Air Resources: ENGRI 1130
- Engineering Processes for Environmental Sustainability: ENGRD/BEE 2510*
- Digital Signal Processing and Statistical Inference: ECE 4250*
- Digital Logic and Computer Organization: ECE 2300
- Digital System Design Using Microcontrollers: ECE 4760*
- Computer Vision and Image Analysis: ECE 5470*
- Embedded Systems: ECE 3140/CS 3420*
- Autonomous Mobile Robots: MAE 4180/CS 4758
- Foundations of Robotics: CS 4750*
- Circuits, Signals, and Sensors: BME 4390*
- Introduction to Biogeochemistry: EAS/NTRES 3030
Courses in Policy and Social Impact
- Designing Technology for Social Impact: INFO 4240
- Information Policy: Research, Analysis, and Design: INFO 4200
- Introduction to Quantitative Methods for the Analysis of Public Policy: CRP 3210
- The Data Science & Society Lab: STS 3440
- Toward a Sustainable Global Food System: Food Policy for Developing Countries: AEM 6455*
- Global Food, Energy and Water Nexus – Engage the US, China, and India for Sustainability: ANSC/FDSC/AEM 4880/CEE 5820
- Food Safety Assurance: FDSC 3960*
- Computing Cultures: INFO/STS 3561
Centers & Institutes
Course Information