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Dominic Balog-Way

Research Associate, Department of Communication

Headshot of Dominic Balog-Way

Contact Information

461 Mann Library

db729 [at]

Selected Publications

  • Balog-Way, D. (2017). Transparency in risk regulation: the case of the European Medicines Agency. King's College London.
  • Balog‐Way, D. H. P., Cantor, R., McComas, K. A.,, Niederdeppe, J., Pidgeon, N., Rickard, L., and Zwickle, A. (2023) Communicating Effectively about Attenuated Risks: Where are we now and where are we going? Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting. December 11. Washington, DC.
  • Balog-Way, D.H.P (2023) Thinking Critically about Misinformation. 10th Annual Ditchley Group Forum. May 19. Ditchley Park, Oxford, UK.
  • Balog-Way, D.H.P. (2022) The Evolving Field of Risk Communication: Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going? Risk Communication Forum. December 8. Tampa, FL,
  • Balog-Way, D.H.P., Chu, H., Mitchell, J., and Weir, M. (2022) Roundtable: Public Health Risk Modelling & Communication in the time of COVID-19: What went right and what went wrong? Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting. December 7. Tampa, FL,
  • Aven, T., Balog-Way, D.H.P., Guikema, S., and McComas, K.A. (2022) Risk Science Perspectives on Information, Misinformation, and Disinformation. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting. December 7. Tampa, FL.
  • Balog-Way, D.H.P. (2022) How can we improve the effectiveness of risk communication. New York State Departments of Environmental Conservation, Health, and Agriculture & Markets. December 7.
  • Balog-Way, D.H.P. (2021) The Evolving Field of Risk Communication: Where are we now and where are we going? National Institutes of Health. July 8.
  • Science Reporting in a Changing Climate: How can we Do Better? Special SRA Event. December 2019. National Press Club, First Amendment Lounge, Washington, DC, USA.
  • Bridging the Risk-Science Policy Gap: Are Regulatory Agencies Ready? Society for Risk Analysis’s Annual Meeting. December 2019. SRA. Arlington, VA, USA.
  • Talking about My Generation (Part III): Benefit-Risk Communication and Older Adults. 9th Annual Ditchley Group Forum. June 2019. Convento do Espinheiro. Évora, Portugal.
  • Can Big Data Improve Healthcare Quality Regulation? An International Comparative Analysis. Health Care Quality and Outcomes (HCQO) Working Group. June 2019. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). Paris, France.
  • Talking about My Generation: Exploring Benefit-Risk Communication and Older Adults. Drug Information Association Europe’s Annual Meeting. February 2019. DIA. Vienna, Austria.
  • Medicines for Older People: The Importance of Experience in Benefit-Risk Decision-Making. 8th Annual Ditchley Group Forum. May 2018. Kerckebosch Castle. Zeist, Netherlands.
  • Transparency Policies Across the Atlantic: Our Research Journey. CORS Annual Conference. October 2017. Copenhagen Centre for Regulatory Science (CORS). University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Towards a Sophisticated Framework for Measuring Pharmacovigilance Impact. International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology. August 2017. ISPE. Palais des Congrés, Montreal, Canada.
  • Transparency in Risk Regulation: Towards a Sophisticated Typology. Inaugural Cambridge Risk and Uncertainty Conference. June 2017. Cambridge University. Cambridge, UK.
  • Comparing Transparency Policies at the European Food Safety Authority and European Medicines Agency. Constitutionality, Powers and Legitimacy of EU Agencies or Agency-Like Bodies. November 2016. European University Institute. Florence, Italy.

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