David Barbano
Professor, Food Science

David Barbano is a professor in the Department of Food Science. Dave received his BS in Biology/Food Science in 1970 at Cornell University and his MS/Ph.D. in Food Science also at Cornell University (MS in 1973 and Ph.D. in 1976). He joined the Department of Food Science as an Assistant Professor in 1980. In 1988 he became the Director of the Northeast Dairy Foods Research Center. He is a member of ADSA, IFT, IDFA, AOACI, IAMFES, IDF, and NYS Assoc. of Milk and Food Sanitarians. Dave is past president of the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA), a fellow of ADSA and the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Dave receive the Harvey Wiley Award of AOAC in 2010. Dave in on numerous International Dairy Federation Committees for milk analysis.
Awards & Honors
- Cheese Laureate Award 2018 National Cheees Institute
- DeLaval Dairy Extension Award 2017 American Dairy Science Association
- Elanco Award for Excellence in Dairy Science 2015 American Dairy Science Association
- Honorary Faculty – 2015 University of Warmia, Olsztyn, Poland
Courses Taught
- FDSC 6980: Graduate Teaching Experience
- FDSC 8900: Master's Level Thesis Research
- FDSC 4940: Special Topics in Food Science
David in the news
Eleven 2030 Project grants were awarded to Cornell faculty for an array of fast-track climate solutions, including tools to help New York communities reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.