David Brown
Postdoctoral Associate (Tufan Lab), School of Integrative Plant Science, Plant Breeding and Genetics Section
David Brown is a Post-Doctoral Associate at the Tufan Lab within the School of Integrative Plant Sciences, Genetics and Plant Breeding Section. Brown is a Geo-information scientist working on the development and application of data synthesis approaches to produce location-specific information to support decision making in crop variety evaluation. In his work, he collaborates with a multidisciplinary group of scientists in the NextGen Cassava project in Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, and with the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Crop Improvement in Costa Rica.
Selected Journal Publications
Brown D, de Sousa K, van Etten J (2023) ag5Tools: An R package for downloading and extracting agrometeorological data from the AgERA5 database. SoftwareX 21:101267.
Brown D, de Bruin S, de Sousa K, Aguilar A, Barrios M, Gómez M, Hernandez JC, Chaves N, Madriz B, Machida L, Mejía P, Mercado L, Pavón M, Rosas JC, Steinke J, Suchini JG, Zelaya V, van Etten J (2022) Rank-based data synthesis of common bean on-farm trials across four Central American countries. Crop Science.
van Etten, J., Abidin, E., Arnaud, D., Brown, E., Carey, E., Laporte, M.-L., López-Noriega, I., Madriz, B., Manners, R., Ortiz-Crespo, B., Quirós, C., de Sousa, K, Teeken, B., Tufan, H.A., Ulzen, J., & Valle-Soto, J. (2020). The tricot citizen science approach applied to on-farm variety evaluation: methodological progress and perspectives. Lima, Peru: CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB). RTB Working Paper. No. 2021-2
Brown D, Van den Bergh I, de Bruin S, Machida L, van Etten J (2020) Data synthesis for crop variety evaluation. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 40 (4):25.
Ocimati W, Bouwmeester H, Groot JCJ, Tittonell P, Brown D, Blomme G (2019) The risk posed by Xanthomonas wilt disease of banana: Mapping of disease hotspots, fronts and vulnerable landscapes. PLOS ONE 14 (4):e0213691
Calberto, G., Blake, D., Staver, C., Carvajal, M. and Brown, D. (2018). The frequency and effects of weather events on banana productivity - results of a global survey. Acta Hortic. 1196, 179-186.
Van den Bergh, I., Ramirez, J., Staver, C., Turner, D.W., Jarvis, A. and Brown, D. (2012). Climate change in the subtropics: The impacts of projected averages and variability on banana productivity. Acta Hortic. 928, 89-99.
Data synthesis
Location-specific information
Genotype-by-environment interaction
Contact Information
122 Academic Surge Facility A
Ithaca, NY 14853
db877 [at] cornell.edu
- Doctorate
Wageningen University
- Master of Science
University of Salzburg
- Doctorate