I am part of Julio Giordano's lab. My research focuses on the use and development of automated technologies to optimize health, reproduction, and overall management in dairy cows.
In addition, I am currently working on a project with CAST for the Farm of the Future aimed at developing low-cost and accessible virtual fencing for sustainable grazing systems. Specifically, I am responsible for implementing the different prototypes of the virtual fence device on cows and evaluating their behaviors. Based on my evaluations, I suggest changes to make the system more effective.
Doctorate - Animal Science, Cornell University
Residency in Animal Health - INTA Balcarce
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine - Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina.
Farming can be hard and risky, but technology has the potential to change that. With the help of data generated by devices such as wearable livestock sensors, drones and video cameras, farms can become more efficient and productive, said Dr...