How to add BIOG 2990/4990 late by college
All students must submit the BIOG 2990/4990 online enrollment form.
If you wish to add research late, you will need to email Kristy Long (kll25 [at] to request a link to the online enrollment form.
Petition your college to add late:
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- After the published add deadline, students with extenuating or exceptional circumstances seeking to petition should email Kristy Long at kll25 [at] to request a BIOG 2990/4990 petition.
- Once the form is complete, it will be sent to CALS registrar. If approved, they will enroll you.
College of Arts and Sciences
- The college of Arts and Sciences asks you to complete a late add petition using the online form.
- If the petition is approved, the OUB will send your enrollment information to your college. Your college will then enroll you.
College of Engineering
- Students may petition to add using an add/drop form with required department approval but please note only those with extenuating circumstances will be accepted.
College of Human Ecology
- The College of Human Ecology asks that you complete a Petition form to add a class after the deadline. The procedure requires students to set up an appointment with a CHE Academic Counselor.
- If the petition is approved, student should inform kll25 [at] (Kristy Long) who will send your information to the college for enrollment.