Anthony Hay
Associate Professor, Microbiology

Graduate Fields
- Environmental Toxicology
- Microbiology
- Soil and Crop Sciences
Selected Publications
Journal Publications
- Gupton-Campolongo, T., Damasceno, L. M., Hay, A. G., & Ahner, B. (2013). Characterization of a High Affinity Phytochelatin Synthase From The Cd-Utilizing Marine Diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. Journal of Phycology. 49:32-40.
- Snedeker, S. M., & Hay, A. G. (2012). Do Interactions Between Gut Ecology and Environmental Chemicals Contribute to Obesity and Diabetes? ehp: Environmental Health Perspectives. 120:332-339.
- George, K. W., & Hay, A. G. (2011). Bacterial Strategies for growth on aromatic compounds. Advances in Applied Microbiology. 74:#N/A.
- Chen, G., Chen, X., Yang, A. G., Hay, A. G., Yu, W., & Chen, Y. (2011). Sorption and Distribution of Copper in Unsaturated Pseudomonas putida CZ1 Biofilms as Determined by X-Ray Fluorescence Microscopy. AEM: Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 77:4719-4727.
- Vlaeminck, S. E., Hay, A. G., Maignien, L., & Verstraete, W. (2011). In quest of the nitrogen oxidizing prokaryotes of the early earth. Environmental Microbiology. 13:282-295.
- George, K. W., Keagle, J. M., Junker, L. M., Risen, A. J., & Hay, A. G. (2011). Growth of Pseudomonas putida F1 on styrene requires increased catechol-2,3-dioxygenase activity, not a new hydrolase. Microbiology. 157:89-98.
- Hidalgo, G., Chen, X., Hay, A. G., & Lion, L. W. (2010). Curli Produced by Escherichia coli PHL628 Provide Protection from Hg(II). AEM: Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 76:6939-41.
- El Gheriany, I. A., Bocioaga, D., Hay, A. G., Ghiorse, W. C., Shuler, M. L., & Lion, L. W. (2009). Iron requirement for Mn (II) oxidation by Leptothrix discophora SS-1. AEM: Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 75:1229-1235.
- Salvucci, W., Morales, Z., Chakmak, M. E., Hay, A. G., Steenhuis, T., & Zhang, W. (2009). The impact of biofilm forming potential and tafi on transport of environmental Salmonella through unsaturated porous media. Biologia. 64:460-464.
Presentations and Activities
- Rethinking Glyphosate: A Multidisciplinary Approach. 8th Annual Sustainability Pitch and Poster Competition. October 2017. Cornell - Atkinson Center for Sustainable Futures. Ithaca, NY.
- Doctorate
University of California - 1998 - Bachelor of Science
Brigham Young University - 1994
Courses Taught
- BIOMI 3210: Gut Microbiome "Human Microbes and Health"
- BIOG 4990: Independent Undergraduate Research in Biology
- BIOG 2990: Introduction to Research Methods in Biology
- BIOMI 4980: Teaching Experience
- BIOMI 1400: Antibiotics: Probing the Biology of Life and Death
- BIOMI 7100: Fundamentals of Environmental Microbiology
Contact Information
B75C Wing Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
agh5 [at]
Additional Links
Anthony in the news

At Cornell, the Turner Fellows are taking graduate courses and engaging in research, and on August 31, they were celebrated by the Cornell community at a welcome reception attended by Cornell faculty mentors, and program partners across the...
- Department of Global Development
- School of Integrative Plant Science
- Global Development

Eight graduate students from 1890 land grant institutions across the United States have been selected as part of the inaugural cohort of Thomas Wyatt Turner Fellows at Cornell University. Representing a wide range of research specialties...
- Animal Science
- Biological and Environmental Engineering
- Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management