Andrew Turner
Director, Cornell Cooperative Extension
Associate Dean, Office of the Dean
Andy Turner has been serving as the New York State 4-H Program Leader for Cornell Cooperative Extension since 2014 and has been part of the Cornell Cooperative Extension Senior leadership team since 2012. The New York State 4-H Leadership Team, located in the Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research in the College of Human Ecology, provides program leadership, professional development and support to one of the largest and most diverse 4-H programs in the nation. Andy joined the CALS Extension team after 20+ years working with the CCE Associations in Rockland, Greene and Columbia Counties, holding the positions of 4-H Educator, Environmental Issues Program Leader and as Executive Director in Greene and Columbia Counties. Andy provided administrative and program leadership for the development of the CCE Greene Agroforestry Resource Center in Acra, NY and oversaw the unification of the CCE Greene and Columbia Associations that occurred formally in 2011.
Andy’s Doctoral Dissertation explored disruptive innovation in Cooperative Extension, identifying the characteristics and attributes of innovative extension leaders who were able to create and sustain high impact, innovative programming efforts. Andy has applied his research interests to the development of the National 4-H Pathways Leadership Institute, launching in the summer of 2020, designed to bring teams of 4-H, Extension and Land Grant University leaders together to create a shared vision for expansion and re-imagining of the 4-H program in alignment with Extension and broader University goals.
Andy is currently is currently serving as the Co-Chair of the National ECOP 4-H Leadership Committee, a core sub-group of the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy.
Andrew in the news
- Cornell Cooperative Extension