Alan Lakso
Emeritus Faculty, School of Integrative Plant Science, Horticulture Section, Cornell AgriTech

Dr. Alan Lakso, PhD in Plant Physiology at UC Davis, is an Emeritus Professor of Horticulture with 50 years of research in integrating crop development with environmental factors and cultural practices as they product productivity and quality. His research emphasized experimentation and simulation modeling approaches to understanding water and carbohydrate physiology of apples and grapes. His interests also include understanding crop responses to climate change and adapting and developing a variety of new technologies to help growers optimize their practices. He is a co-founder of a technology start-up, FloraPulse, that is commercializing research on an internal drought stress sensor for woody crops.
Lakso is a faculty member in the Graduate Field of Horticulture, and has remained active since his retirement 2015, publishing these papers:
- Meza, F., Darbyshire, R., Farrell, A.,Lakso, A., Lawson, J., Meinke, H., Nelson, G., & Stockle, C. (2023). Assessing temperature-based adaptation limits to climate change of temperate perennial fruit crops. Global Change Biology, 00, 1–15.
- Lakso, A.N., S. Zhu, M. Santiago, K. Shackel, V. Volkov and A.D. Stroock. 2022. A microtensiometer sensor to continuously monitor stem water potentials in woody plants - design and field testing. Acta Horticulturae 1335: 317-324. (Proc. Intl. Symp. Irrig. Hort. Crops 2019) DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1335.39
- Lakso, A.N. and D.S. Intrigliolo. 2022. Plant-based sensing for irrigation management in the field. Acta Horticulturae 1335: 247-262. (Proc. Intl. Symp. Irrig. Hort. Crops 2019). DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1335.30
- Lakso, A.N. 2022. Challenges to interpreting internal and external factors limiting apple fruit growth, set and abscission. Acta Horticulturae 1342:317-328. (Proc. Intl. Symp. Reproductive Biology of Fruit Crops) DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1342.45
- Lakso, AN, M. Santiago and A.D. Stroock. 2022. Monitoring stem water potential with an embedded microtensiometer to inform irrigation scheduling in fruit crops. Horticulturae 2022; 8(12):1207.
- Penzel, M., N. Tsoulias, A.N. Lakso and M. Zude-Sasse. 2021. Spatial variability of the individual tree’s fruit bearing capacity in commercial orchards of 'RoHo 3615' and 'Pinova' apple. Acta Hortic. 1314:125-131
- Ferlito, F., G. Distefano, A. Gentile, M. Allegra, A.N. Lakso, E. Nicolosi. 2020. Scion-rootstock interactions influence growth and behaviour of grapevine’s root system in a heavy clay soil. Australian J. Grape Wine Research 26:68-78.
- Lordan, J., G.H. Reginato, A.N. Lakso, P. Francescatto and T.L. Robinson. 2020. Modelling physiological and environmental factors regulating relative fruit set and final fruit numbers in apple trees. J. Hortic. Sci. Biotech.
- Penzel, M., A.N. Lakso, N. Tsoulias and M. Zude-Sasse. 2020. Carbon consumption of developing fruit and individual tree’s fruit bearing capacity of 'RoHo 3615' and 'Pinova' apple. International Agrophys., 34:409-423. doi: 10.31545/intagr/12754
- Lordan, J., G.H. Reginato, A.N. Lakso, P. Francescatto and T.L. Robinson. 2019. Natural fruitlet abscission as related to apple tree carbon balance estimated with the MaluSim model. Sci. Horticulturae 247:296-309.
- Izzo, R.R., A.N. Lakso, E.D. Marcellus, T.D. Bauch, N.G. Raqueño, J. van Aardt. 2019. An initial analysis of real-time sUAS-based detection of grapevine water status in the Finger Lakes wine country of upstate New York. Proc. SPIE Photonics Conf. Baltimore.
- Coniberti, A., V. Ferrari, E. Disegna, M. García Petillo and A.N. Lakso. 2018. Under-trellis cover crop and planting density to achieve vine balance in a humid climate. Sci. Hort. 227:65-74.
- Coniberti, A., V. Ferrari, E. Disegna, E. Dellacasa and A.N. Lakso. 2018. Under-trellis cover crop and deficit irrigation to regulate water availability and enhance Tannat wine sensory attributes in a humid climate. Sci. Hort. 235:244-252.
- Mirás-Avalos, J.M., D. Uriarte, A.N. Lakso and D.S. Intrigliolo. 2018. Modeling grapevine performance with ‘VitiSim’, a weather-based carbon balance model: Water status and climate change scenarios. Scientia Horticulturae 240:561–571.
- Coniberti, A., V. Ferrari, E. Disegna, M. Garcia Petillo and A.N. Lakso. 2018. Complete vineyard floor cover crop to reduce grapevine susceptibility to bunch rot. Eur. J. Agron. 99:167–176.
- Intrigliolo, D.S., J.M. Mirás-Avalos, and A.N. Lakso. 2018. Effects of post-bloom low light and girdling on fruit set of Vitis vinifera (L.) cv. ‘Riesling’ and Vitis labruscana (L.) cv. ‘Concord’. Oeno One 52(4):1-8.
- Robinson, T.L., A.N. Lakso, J. Lordan, P. Francescatto, D. Dragoni, A.T. DeGaetano, K. Eggleston. 2017. Precision irrigation management of apple with an apple-specific Penman-Monteith model. Acta Hort. 1150:245-250.
- Lakso, A.N. and M.C. Goffinet. 2017. ‘Advances in understanding apple fruit development’, Pp.103-133 in. K. Evans,Achieving sustainable cultivation of apples, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, United Kingdom (ISBN: 978 78676 032 6;
- Goffinet, M.C. and Lakso, A.N. 2017. Positional effects on retention potential within the spur of apple (Malus × domestica) with and without competition with other fruit on the spur. Acta Hort. 1177:169-176.
- A. Coniberti, V. Ferrari, E. Disegna, A.N. Lakso and M. García Petillo . 2017. Interactions of under-trellis cover crops and planting density to achieve vine balance in a temperate humid climate. Acta Hort 1177:339-348.
- A-L. Krasniqi, M.M. Blanke, A. Kunz, L. Damerow, A.N. Lakso and M. Meland. 2017. Alternate Bearing in Fruit Tree Crops- Past, Present and Future. Acta Hort 1177:241-248.
- Lakso, A.N. 2017 Perspectives on Physiology in Support of Fruit Production and Future Opportunities – Lessons from 40 Years of Fruit Research. Acta Hort 1177:1-12.
- Zhou, C., Liu, B., Lakso, A.N., Robinson, T.L. and Gan, S. 2017. Identification of genes associated with BA-induced apple fruitlet abscission. Acta Hortic.1177: 249-258.
- Robinson, T.L, Lakso, A.N. and Greene, D.W. 2017. Precision crop load management: the practical implementation of physiological models. Acta Hort. 1177:381-390.
- Miras-Avalos, J.M., Uriarte, D., Lakso, A.N. and Intrigliolo, D.S. 2017. Modeling ‘Tempranillo’ grapevines with “VitiSim”, a simplified carbon balance model: understanding water status effects. Acta Hort. 1177:391-397.
- Pagay, V., V. Zufferey B and A.N. Lakso. 2016. The influence of water stress on grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) shoots in a cool, humid climate: growth, gas exchange and hydraulics. Func. Plant Biol. 43(9) 827-837
- Martinson, T.E. and A.N. Lakso. 2016. Grapes 101 - How Grapevines Respond to Water Stress. in Appellation Cornell, No. 26, August 2016.
- Radville, L., T.L. Bauerle, L.H. Comas, K.A. Marchetto, A.N. Lakso, D.R. Smart, R.M. Dunst and D.M. Eissenstat. 2016. Limited linkages of aboveground and belowground phenology: A study in grape. Amer. J. Botany 103(11):1897-1911.
- Robinson, T.L., A.N. Lakso, D.W. Greene, G. Reginato and A. de R. Rufato. 2016. Managing fruit abscission in apple. Acta Hort 1119:1-14.
- Doerflinger, F. and A.N. Lakso. 2015. Adjusting the MaluSim Apple Tree Model for the Gala Variety. Acta Hort. 1068:267-272.
- Shaposhnikova, O., A.T. DeGaetano, and A.N. Lakso. 2015. Modeling Landscapes and Climates for Vineyard Site Selection in Two Marginal Climates. Acta Hort. 1068:141-146.
- Lakso, A.N. and T.L. Robinson. 2015. Decision Support for Apple Thinning Based on Carbon Balance Modeling. Acta Hort 1068:235-242.
- Neumann, L., P. Braun and A.N. Lakso. 2015. Adapting the MaluSim Model to Mid-European Growing Systems. Acta Hort 1068:221-226.
- Tozzini, L. J.A. Flore and Alan N. Lakso. 2015. Estimating The Carbon Footprint Of Michigan Apple and Cherry Trees - Lifetime Dry Matter Accumulation. Acta Hort 1068:85-90.
Contact Information
anl2 [at]
Graduate fields:
- Horticulture