Vipan Kumar
Associate Professor, School of Integrative Plant Science, Soil and Crop Sciences Section
I am an Associate Professor of Weed Science and lead statewide weed science research and extension program in field crops in New York (NY). Prior to joining Cornell, I was an Assistant Professor at Kansas State University Agricultural Research Center in Hays, KS. My research program at K-State was focused on understanding the biology and ecology of most problematic weed species and developing integrated weed management (IWM) strategies for dryland agroecosystems in western Kansas and the High Plains region.
Integrated weed management, including weed biology and ecology, crop-weed competition and cover crops
Herbicide-resistant weeds and herbicide-based weed control
Artificial intelligence and precision weed control
Recent Research
The overall goal of my research program at Cornell University is to evaluate and develop cost-effective and sustainable integrated weed management (IWM) strategies for corn (field corn, sweet corn, silage corn), soybean, small grains (winter wheat, barley, oats) and alfalfa in the New York state and Northeast Region. My research program is also instrumental in better understanding of applied ecological/biological aspects of most troublesome weed species in the region. Findings from these applied ecological studies lay foundation for the development of effective IWM strategies. In recent years, highly invasive weed species such as Palmer amaranth, common waterhemp, and Johnsongrass have been identified in NY field crops. In addition, horseweed, common lambsquarters, velvet leaf, common and giant ragweed, redroot pigweed, foxtails (green, yellow, giant), fall panicum, etc. also provide management challenges to the NY producers. To achieve the overall goal, my research program has some specific research priorities as listed below:
- Surveillance and confirmation of new cases of herbicide-resistant weeds in NY field crops and in northeast region. This is a key area of my research program.
- Evaluate and develop herbicide strategies for use in rotation or tank-mixtures for crop safety and control of most troublesome weeds in winter wheat, barley, oats, corn, soybean, and forage crops.
- Investigate the interaction of environment and management practices on life-history stages (germination, emergence, growth, and reproduction) of most troublesome weed species.
- Integration of chemical, mechanical (interrow cultivator or mower, electric weeder, seed impact mill) and cultural practices (cover crops, crop rotation, etc.) for sustainable weed management in NY cropping systems.
- Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and precision weed control technologies for improved weed management in NY field crops.
- Evaluate newly developed herbicide-tolerant crop technologies and alternative crops for improved weed management.
- Off-target injury risk assessment from newly developed herbicide-resistant crops through simulation drift studies.
- Evaluation of non-chemical tools and technologies for developing IWM strategies in organic grain production in NY and in the northeastern region.
Extension and Outreach
The overall philosophy of my extension and outreach program is to deliver practical, research-based (data driven) weed related information to various stakeholders in New York and in the Northeast region. I am leading a state-wide educational and outreach program in weed science to disseminate the key findings of research projects. Both research and extension programs complement in addressing major weed problems such as emerging weed issues, herbicide recommendations, prevalence of herbicide resistance, and the use IWM strategies in small grains, corn, soybeans, dry beans, forages, and other agronomic crops in New York. The overall goal of the program is to provide innovative recommendations, educational materials, and training activities focused on IWM in both conventional and organic cropping systems. An extensive network of county extension agents, certified crop advisors, crop consultants with special engagement with Cornell Cooperative Extension and the private sector is utilized for outreach programming among NY growers and other stakeholders.
Awards & Honors
- Outstanding Early Career Weed Scientist Award from Weed Science Society of America (2023)
- Outstanding Early Career Award from Crop Science Society of America (2022)
- Distinguished Young Weed Scientist (public sector) Award from Northcentral Society of Weed Science (2020)
- Outstanding Weed Scientist-Early Career (public sector) Award from Western Society of Weed Science (2020)
- Outstanding Reviewer for Weed Science Journal Award from Weed Science Society of America (2020)
- Elena Sanchez Memorial Outstanding Ph.D. Student Award from the Western Society of Weed Science (2015)
- Dhanda S, Kumar V, Dille JA, Obour A, Yeager EA, Holman J (2024) Influence of cover crop residue and residual herbicide on emergence dynamics of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in grain sorghum. Weed Science DOI:
- Aulakh JS, Kumar V, Brunharo C, Veron A, Price A (2024) EPSPS gene amplification confers glyphosate resistance in Palmer amaranth in Connecticut. Weed Technology DOI:
- Todd OE, Creech CF, Kumar V, Mahood A, Peirce E (2024) Future outlook of dryland crop production systems in the semiarid High Plains amid climate change. Outlook Pest Management DOI:
- Singh M, Kumar V, Knezevic SZ, Lindquist JL, Irmak S, Pitla S, Jhala AJ (2024) Pollen-mediated gene flow from herbicide-resistant yellow corn to non-genetically engineered food-grade white corn. Crop Science DOI:
- Kaur G, Dhaliwal Tarun, Bhullar MS, Sharma P, Kumar V (2024) Sensitivity of littleseed canary grass populations from Punjab, India to clodinafop-propargyl and isoproturon. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment DOI:
- Singh M, Kumar V, Knezevic S, Irmak S, Lindquist J, Pitla S, Jhala A (2023) Interaction of quizalofop-p-ethyl with 2,4-D choline and/or glufosinate for control of volunteer corn in corn resistant to aryloxyphenoxypropionates. Weed Technology DOI:
- Dhanda S, Kumar V, Sharma A, Liu R (2023) Tumble windmill grass (Chloris verticillata Nutt.) control with POST herbicides. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management DOI:
- Dhanda S, Kumar V, Liu R, Geier PW, Currie RS, Dille JA (2023) Synergistic interactions of 2,4-D, dichlorprop-p, dicamba, and halauxifen/fluroxypyr for controlling multiple herbicide-resistant kochia (Bassia scoparia L.). Weed Technology DOI:
- Kumar V, Liu R, Chauhan D, Perumal R, Morran S, Gaines TA, Jha P (2023) Characterization of imazamox-resistant shattercane (Sorghum bicolor L.) populations from Kansas. Weed Technology DOI:
- Sharma P, Kumar V, Jha P (2023) Efficacy and economics of light-activated sensor-controlled sprayer for site-specific weed control. Agronomy Journal DOI:
- Kumar V, Aulakh J, Liu R, Jhala A (2023) Late postemergence glufosinate-based programs for glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth control in dicamba/glufosinate/glyphosate-resistant soybean. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment DOI:
- Jhala AJ, Kumar V, Yadav R, Jha P, Jugulam M, Williams II M, Hausman N, Dayan F, Burton P, Dale R, Norsworthy J (2022) 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) inhibiting herbicides: Past, present, and future. Weed Technology DOI:
- Meyeres T, Lancaster S, Roozeboom K, Kumar V, Peterson D (2022) Non-dicamba-resistant soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) response to multiple dicamba applications. Agronomy Journal DOI:
- Childers JT, Manuchehri MR, Kumar V, Ochsner TE (2022) Sensitivity of non-tolerant winter wheat to quizalofop-p-ethyl in central Oklahoma and Kansas. Weed Technology DOI:
- Obour A, Dille JA, Holman J, Sancewich B, Kumar V (2022) Spring-planted cover crop effects on weed suppression and crop yield in no-tillage dryland crop production. Crop Science DOI:
- Perumal R, Tesso TT, Jagadish SVK, Kumar V, Aiken RM, Bean S, Smolensky D, Peiris KHS, Prasad PVV, Little CR (2022) Registration of grain sorghum seed (A/B) and pollinator (R) parent lines for chilling and drought tolerance. Journal of Plant Registrations DOI:
- Brunharo CACG, Gast R, Kumar V, Mallory-Smith CA, Tidemann BD, Beckie HJ (2021) Western United States and Canada perspective: Are herbicide-resistant crops the solution to herbicide-resistant weeds? Weed Science DOI: (Selected as feature article in Weed Science Journal volume 70, issue 3, 2022)
- Liu R, Kumar V, Jha P, Stahlman PW (2021) Emergence pattern and periodicity of Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) populations from southcentral Great Plains. Weed Technology DOI:
- Liu R, Kumar V, Jhala AJ, Jha P, Stahlman PW (2021) Control of glyphosate/mesotrione-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in glyphosate/glufosinate-resistant corn. Agronomy Journal DOI:
- Kumar V, Liu R, Jhala AJ, Jha P, Manuchehri MR (2021) Palmer amaranth control in postharvest wheat stubble in Central Great Plains. Weed Technology DOI:
- Lim CA, Jha P, Kumar V, Dyer A (2021) Effect of EPSPS gene copy number and glyphosate selection on fitness of glyphosate resistant Bassia scoparia in the field. Scientific Reports DOI:
- Kumar V, Liu R, Currie RS, Jha P, Morran S, Gaines TA, Stahlman PW (2020) Cross-resistance to atrazine and metribuzin in multiple herbicide-resistant kochia accessions: confirmation, mechanism, and management. Weed Technology DOI:
- Meyeres TP, Lancaster S, Kumar V,Roozeboom K, Peterson DE (2020) Response of non-dicamba-resistant soybean (Glycine max) varieties to dicamba. Weed Technology DOI:
- Aulakh JS, Chahal PS, Kumar V, Price AJ, Guillard K (2020) Multiple herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in Connecticut: Confirmation and response to post herbicides. Weed Technology DOI:
- Kumar V, Liu R, Peterson DE, Stahlman PW (2020) Effective two-pass herbicide programs to control glyphosate-resistant Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in glyphosate/dicamba-resistant soybean. Weed Technology DOI:
- De Sanctis JHS, Barnes ER, Knezevic SZ, Kumar V, Jhala AJ (2020) Residual herbicides affect critical time of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) removal in dicamba/glyphosate-resistant soybean. Agronomy Journal DOI:
- De Sanctis JHS, Knezevic SZ, Kumar V, Jhala AJ (2020) Effect of single or sequential POST herbicide applications on seed production and viability of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in dicamba/glyphosate-resistant soybean. Weed Technology DOI:
- Kumar V, Liu R, Manuchehri MR, Westra E, Gaines TA, Shelton C (2020) Feral Rye control in quizalofop-resistant winter wheat in central Great Plains. Agronomy Journal DOI:
- Kumar V, Obour A, Jha P, Liu R, Manuchehri MR, Dille JA, Holman J, Stahlman PW (2020) Integrating cover crops for weed management in the semi-arid U.S. Great Plains: opportunities and challenges. Weed Science DOI:
- Kumar V, Liu R, Stahlman PW (2020) Differential sensitivity of Kansas Palmer amaranth to glyphosate, chlorsulfuron, 2,4-d, dicamba, atrazine, and mesotrione. Agronomy Journal DOI: (Featured in the CSA News magazine of ASA, CSSA, and SSSA. Volume 65, Issue 5, page 14)
- Lyon DJ, Thorne ME, Jha P, Kumar V, Waters TM (2019) Volunteer buckwheat control in wheat. Crop, Forage, Turfgrass Management DOI:
- Kumar V, Liu R, *Boyer G, Stahlman PW (2019) Confirmation of 2,4‐D resistance and identification of multiple resistance in a Kansas Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) population. Pest Management Science DOI:
- Kumar V, Currie RS, Jha P, Stahlman PW (2019) First report of Kochia (Bassia scoparia) with cross-resistance to dicamba and fluroxypyr in western Kansas. Weed Technology DOI:
- Mikha M, Obour A, Kumar V, Stahlman PW (2018) Soil physicochemical properties influenced by nitrogen sources and rates in the central Great Plains. Journal of Soil Water Conservation DOI:
- Kumar V, Engel RP, Currie RS, Jha P, Stahlman PW, Thompson C (2018) Dicamba-resistant kochia (Bassia scoparia) in Kansas: Characterization and management with fall- or spring-applied preemergence herbicides. Weed Technology DOI: (Featured article in Weed Technology journal Vol 33, Issue 2)
- Kumar V, Jha P, Jugulam M, Yadav R, Stahlman PW (2018) Herbicide-resistant kochia (Bassia scoparia) in North America: A review. Weed Science DOI: (Featured article in Weed Science journal Vol 67, Issue 1)
- Kumar V, Jha P, Lim CA, Stahlman PW (2018) Differential germination characteristics of dicamba-resistant kochia (Bassia scoparia) populations in response to temperature. Weed Science DOI:
- Shaw J, Jha P, Nugent P, Donelick A, Scherrer B, Kumar V (2017) Discrimination of herbicide-resistant weeds with hyperspectral imaging. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing DOI:
- Ganie ZA, Kaur S, Jha P, Kumar V, Jhala AJ (2017) Effect of late-season herbicide applications on inflorescence and seed production of glyphosate-resistant giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida L.). Weed Technology DOI:
- Kumar V, Felix J, Morishita D, Jha P (2017) Confirmation of glyphosate-resistant kochia (Kochia scoparia L.) from sugar beet fields in Idaho and Oregon. Weed Technology DOI:
- Kumar V, Jha P, Dille JA, Stahlman PW (2017) Emergence dynamics of kochia (Kochia scoparia) populations from the US Great Plains: A multi-site-year study. Weed Science DOI:
- Kumar V, Jha P (2017) First report of Ser653Asn mutation endowing high-level resistance to imazamox in downy brome (Bromus tectorum L.). Pest Management Science DOI:
- Kumar V, Jha P, Jhala A (2017) Confirmation of glyphosate-resistant horseweed (Conyza canadensis L.) in Montana cereal production and response to postemergence herbicides. Weed Technology DOI:
- Kumar V, Jha P, Spring JF, Lyon DJ, Burke IC (2017) Glyphosate-resistant Russian thistle (Salsola tragus L.) identified in Montana and Washington. Weed Technology DOI:
- Kumar V, Jha P (2017) Effect of temperature on germination characteristics of glyphosate-resistant and -susceptible Kochia scoparia. Weed Science DOI:
- Gaines TA, Barker AL, Patterson EL, Westra P, Westra EP, Wilson RG, Jha P, Kumar V, Kniss AR (2016) EPSPS gene copy number and whole-plant glyphosate resistance level in Kochia scoparia. PLoS One DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0168295
- Kumar V, Udeigwe TK, Clawson E, Rohli R, Miller D (2015) Crop water use and stage-specific crop coefficients for irrigated cotton in mid-South United States. Agricultural Water Management DOI:
- Kumar V, Jha P, Reichard N (2014) Occurrence and characterization of kochia (Kochia scoparia) accessions with resistance to glyphosate in Montana. Weed Technology DOI:
Chemical Weed Control Guides/Field Crops Guidelines
- Kumar V, Amsili J, Bergstrom G, Cherney J, Hansen J, Helms M, Hunter M, Ketterings Q, Lawrence J, Van Es H, Smith E, Smith M, Stanyard M, Workman K (2024) Cornell Guide for Integrated Field Crop Management.
- Lingenfelter D, Wallace J, VanGessel M, Vollmer K, Besancon T, Flessner M, Singh V, Chandran R, Kumar V, Sosnoskie V (2024) Mid-Atlantic Weed Control Guide-Essentials for Agronomic Crops.
- Lancaster SR, Fick WH, Currie RS, Kumar V (2023) Chemical weed control for field crops, pastures, rangeland, and noncropland. Report of Progress 1176. Kansas State University, January 2023. Contribution no. 23-112-S from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station.
- Lancaster SR, Fick WH, Currie RS, Kumar V (2022) Chemical weed control for field crops, pastures, rangeland, and noncropland. Report of Progress 1162. Kansas State University, January 2022. Contribution no. 22-109-S from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station.
- Lancaster SR, Fick WH, Currie RS, Kumar V (2021) Chemical weed control for field crops, pastures, rangeland, and noncropland. Report of Progress 1162. Kansas State University, January 2021. Contribution no. 21-106-S from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station.
- Lancaster SR, Peterson DE, Fick WH, Currie RS, Kumar V, Slocomb JW (2020) Chemical weed control for field crops, pastures, rangeland, and noncropland. Report of Progress 1155. Contribution no. 20-103-S from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station.
- Peterson DE, Fick WH, Currie RS, Kumar V, Slocomb JW (2019) Chemical weed control for field crops, pastures, rangeland, and noncropland. Report of Progress 1148. Kansas State University, January 2019. Contribution no. 19-100-S from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station.
- Thompson CR, Peterson DE, Fick WH, Currie RS, Kumar V, Slocomb JW (2018) Chemical weed control for field crops, pastures, rangeland, and noncropland. Report of Progress 1139. Kansas State University, January 2018. Contribution no. 18-215-S from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station.
Field Research Reports/Extension Articles/Fact Sheets
- Kumar V, Hunter M, Stanyard M (2024) PRE and POST herbicide options for weed control in NY field corn. Cornell Field Crops What’s Cropping Up? Blog
- Kumar V, Helms M, Hunter M, Stanyard M (2024) 2024 updates on XtendiMax, Engenia and Tavium registrations and use in dicamba-tolerant soybeans for NY producers. Cornell Field Crops What’s Cropping Up? Blog
- Kumar V (2024) Glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth and tall waterhemp in Northeast- A new frontier. Pro Diary Publications. The Manager.
- Kumar V, Sosnoskie L, Hunter M, Stanyard M (2023) Cut-off date and other considerations for Xtendimax, Engenia and Tavium applications in dicamba-tolerant soybeans. Cornell Field Crops What’s Cropping Up? Blog
- Kumar V, Liu R, Lambert T, Perumal R, Bean B (2022) Confirmation and control of imazamox-resistant shattercane. Field Research Report. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 8: Iss. 4.
- Dhanda S, Kumar V, Obour A, Dille A, Holman J (2022) Fall-planted cover crops for weed suppression in western Kansas. Field Research Report. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 8: Iss. 4.
- Liu R, Kumar V, Lambert T (2022) Glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth control in XtendFlex soybean. Field Research Report. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 8: Iss. 4.
- Liu R, Kumar V, Marrs M, Lambert T (2022) Response of conventional sorghum to IMIFLEX, Zest WDG, and FirstAct. Field Research Report. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 8: Iss. 4.
- Kumar V, Schmale D, Anderson R, Klein B (2021) Jointed goatgrass: Best management practices central Great Plains. Washington State University Extension. EB2033E.
- Kumar V, Manuchehri M, Schmale D, Peeper T, Stahlman P (2021) Jointed goatgrass: Best management practices southern Great Plains. Washington State University. EM011E.
- Kumar V, *Effertz I, *Lambert T, *Liu R, Bean B (2021) Efficacy of Imiflex, Zest, and Assure II on green foxtail control. Field Research Report. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 7: Iss. 5.
- Kumar V, Lambert T, Liu R, Currie RS, Stahlman PW (2021) Auxinic herbicide mixtures for controlling multiple herbicide-resistant kochia in fallow. Field Research Report. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 7: Iss. 5.
- Liu R, Effertz I, Lambert T, Jhala A, Kumar V (2021) Interaction of 2,4-D with glyphosate or graminicides on grass weed control in Enlist E3 soybeans. Field Research Report. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 7: Iss. 5.
- Liu R, Effertz I, Lambert T, Jhala A, Kumar V (2021) Effect of tank-mixing glyphosate, dicamba, and graminicides on grass weed control in Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans. Field Research Report. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 7: Iss. 5.
- Liu R, Effertz I, Lambert T, Kumar V (2021) Control of volunteer Enlist corn in Enlist E3 soybean. Field Research Report. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 7: Iss. 5.
- Kumar V, Liu R, Lambert T (2020) Response of Kansas feral rye populations to aggressor herbicide and management in CoAXium wheat production system. Field Research Report. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 6: Iss. 5.
- Liu R, Kumar V, Aquilina N, Lambert T (2020) Efficacy of late-season herbicide programs for controlling Palmer amaranth in postharvest wheat stubble. Field Research Report. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 6: Iss. 5.
- Liu R, Kumar V, Lambert T (2020) Control of multiple herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth in Enlist corn. Field Research Report. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 6: Iss. 5.
- Liu R, Kumar V, Currie RS, Lambert T, Stahlman PW (2020) Response of dicamba/fluroxypyr/glyphosate-resistant kochia to atrazine and alternative postemergence herbicides. Field Research Report. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 6: Iss. 5.
- Kumar V, Lawrence N, Aquilina NK, Jones JF, Creech C, Spring J (2020) Effectiveness of PRE herbicides followed by Zidua POST for controlling glyphosate-resistant weeds in High Plains sunflower production. National Sunflower Association Forum Proceedings.
- Kumar V, Liu R, Lambert T, Stahlman PW (2019) Herbicide strategies for managing glyphosate- and dicamba-resistant kochia in Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybean. Field Research Report. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 5: Iss. 6.
- Kumar V, Liu R, Lambert T, Peterson DE, Minihan C, Stahlman PW (2019) Effective herbicide options for controlling glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth in Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybean. Field Research Report. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 5: Iss. 6. /
- Kumar V, Liu R, Lambert T (2019) Characterization and management of glyphosate- and HPPD-inhibitor-resistant Palmer amaranth in Kansas corn production. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 5: Iss. 6.
- Liu R, Kumar V, Perumal R, Lambert T, Ostmeyer T (2019) Influence of cultural practices and herbicide programs for managing glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth in cold-tolerant sorghum. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 5: Iss. 6.
- Obour AK, Holman JD, Dille JA, Kumar V (2019) Effects of spring-planted cover crops on weed suppression and winter wheat grain yield in western Kansas. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 5: Iss. 6.
- Kumar V, Stahlman PW, Boyer G (2018) Palmer amaranth populations from Kansas with multiple resistance to glyphosate, chlorsulfuron, mesotrione, and atrazine. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 4: Iss. 7.
- Kumar, V, Stahlman PW, Currie RS, Engel RS, Boyer G (2018) Variable response of kochia accessions to dicamba and fluroxypyr in western Kansas. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 4: Iss. 7.
- Jha P, McVay K, Varanasi A, Kumar V (2013) Glyphosate-resistant kochia in Montana: Herbicide recommendations and best management practices for growers. 4602. Montana State University Extension Research Bulletin. AgandNaturalResources/4602.pdf
- Jha P, Kumar V (2013) Effect of fertilizer N on crop-weed interactions in Montana cereal production. 64. Montana State University Extension Agricultural Experiment Station. Available at
- Kumar V, Liu R, Lancaster S, Lambert T (2022) Control of volunteer Enlist corn in Enlist E3 soybean (eUpdate: May 5, 2022)
- Lancaster SR, Kumar V (2022) Control annual weeds with fall-applied herbicides ahead of corn and sorghum (eUpdate: September 29, 2022)
- Lancaster SR, Kumar V (2021) Pre-plant herbicide applications for kochia control (eUpdate: Feb 4, 2021) Lancaster SR, Kumar V (2021) Late winter kochia control in fields going to corn or grain sorghum (eUpdate: Feb 11, 2021 & Feb 17, 2022)
- Lancaster SR, Kumar V (2021) Late winter kochia control in fields going to soybeans, sunflowers, and wheat (eUpdate: Feb 18, 2021)
- Kumar V, Bean B (2021) Imazamox-resistant shattercane populations identified from sorghum fields in northwest Kansas (eUpdate: April 22, 2021)
- Lancaster SR, Kumar V (2021) Control annual weeds with fall-applied herbicides ahead of corn and sorghum (eUpdate: October 7, 2021)
- Kumar V, Bean B (2020) In-season Palmer amaranth control in grain sorghum (eUpdate: July 24, 2020)
- Kumar V, Liu R (2020) New study evaluated different herbicide programs for Palmer amaranth control in postharvest wheat stubble (eUpdate: June 26, 2020)
- Kumar V (2020) Kansas weed survey: Producers/ag professional input requested (eUpdate: June 12)
- Lancaster S, Dille A, Kumar V (2020) World of Weeds: Kochia (eUpdate: Jan 17)
- Kumar V, Liu R, Peterson DE (2019) Management of feral rye with CoAXium wheat production system in Kansas (eUpdate: Oct 11, 2019)
- Kumar V, Currie RS, Stahlman PW (2018) Kochia accessions with cross-resistance to dicamba and fluroxypyr identified in western Kansas (eUpdate: Oct 5, 2018)
Peterson DE, Kumar V (2018) CoAXium wheat and aggressor herbicide for grass weed control (eUpdate: Nov 9, 2018)
Outreach Activities:
Presentations to Growers groups/Ag Professionals in New York, Kansas and other states
- Kumar V. Selection of adjuvants and nozzles for effective herbicide applications. 2024 Delaware County Spring Crop School, Hobart Community Center, Hobart, NY (total 55 attendees)
- Kumar V. Building tank-mixtures for managing herbicide-resistant weeds. 2024 Delaware County Spring Crop School, Hobart Community Center, Hobart, NY (total 55 attendees)
- Kumar V. Herbicide-resistant weeds and programs to control them in NY soybean and corn. Winter Shop Meetings with producers in Troy, Salem, Cobleskill, and Madison, NY on Feb 27 and 28, 2024 (total 85 attendees)
- Kumar V. Weed management research updates for New York production. Presented at Corn Day in Cooperstown, NY on Feb 21, 2024 (total attendees ~100)
- Kumar V. Weed control research update in NY soybeans. Presented at NY Soybean and Small Grains Conference in Rochester, NY on Feb 14, 2024 (total attendees ~189)
- Kumar V. Weed management updates: Herbicide-resistant weeds and programs to control them. Winter Crop Meeting in Dryden, NY on Jan 19, 2024 (total attendees ~ 72)
- Kumar V. Emerging weed control challenges and path forward for corn production in New York. Presented at NY Corn Congress in Rochester, NY on Jan 4, 2024 (total attendees 375)
- Kumar V. Weed management research update in NY field crops. Presented at Cornell Field Crop Dealer Meeting in Syracuse, NY on Nov 29, 2023 (total attendees ~125)
- Kumar V. Weed management research update in NY field crops. Presented at Cornell Ag-In Service in Ithaca campus on Nov 8, 2023 (total attendees ~ 24)
- Delivered six presentations at Small Grains Management (65 attendees), NY Soil Health Field Days (175 attendees), Aurora Farm Field Day (75 attendees) and Cornell Grain and Fiber Hemp Field Day (~169 attendees) in June, July, Aug and Sep 2023
- Kumar V. Cornell field crops weed control research and extension program and NY needs. NY Soybean and Small Grain Conference at Batavia and Waterloo on Feb 15 and 16, 2023 (270 attendees combined)
- Delivered 8 presentations and facilitated eight field tours at annual fall field days at Kansas State University Agricultural Research Center near Hays, KS and Southwest Research and Extension Center near Garden City, KS in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2022
- Kumar V. Weed management research in soybeans in western Kansas. Soybeans Schools in Feb 2022 (~75 attendees)
- Kumar V. Online Kansas weed survey: Producers/ag professionals input requested in July 2020 (~ 75 participants)
- Kumar V. Weed research update to county agents in Northwest and Southwest Area Agronomy Update meetings at Hays and Garden City, KS in Dec 2017, 2018, 2019
- Kumar V. Herbicide-resistant weed management research update in western Kansas. Weed Schools across 10 locations in western Kansas in Feb 2019, 2020 & 2021 (~ 300 attendees per year)
- Kumar V. Herbicide-resistant weed management research update in western Kansas. Crop Pest Management Schools in Dec 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022 (~250 to 300 attendees per year)
- Kumar V. Managing herbicide-resistant weeds in western Kansas. Cover Your Acres Conference for no-till producers from KS, NE and CO in Oberlin, KS in Jan 2019 and 2021 (~ 400 attendees per year)
- Kumar V. Herbicide-resistant kochia in southcentral Great Plains: Current options and path forward. Winter Crops School by Oklahoma State University at Stillwater, OK on Dec 18, 2019 (~210 attendees)
- Kumar V. An update on weed control in wheat: Clearfield and CoAXium wheat technologies. Crop Production Update by Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association at Salina, KS on Dec 5, 2019 (~75 attendees)
- Kumar V. Research update on weed management in western Kansas. Crop Pest Management Schools in Beloit and Goodland, KS in Nov 2019 and Nov 2020 (~ 250 total attendees per year)
- Kumar V. Current status and management of herbicide-resistant horseweed in Montana. 2019 Dealers and CCA Training at Montana State University Southern Agricultural Research Center in Huntley, MT on Aug 8, 2019 (zoom talk, ~45 attendees)
- Organized a weed management field day in Hays on July 2, 2019 (~75 attendees)
- Kumar V. Biology and management of herbicide-resistant kochia in the U. S. Great Plains. Nebraska Independent Crop Consultant Association (NICCA) meeting at Kearney, NE on Dec. 03, 2018 (~85 attendees)
Contact Information
1115 Bradfield Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
vk364 [at]
Learn More
Kumar Lab
- Doctorate
Montana State University
- Master of Science
Louisiana State University
- Bachelor of Science
Punjab Agricultural University
- Doctorate
Vipan in the news
Fifty-four research projects addressing New York’s agriculture, environment and communities have collectively received $1.6 million from the USDA.
- Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station
- Biological and Environmental Engineering
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station
- Musgrave Research Farm