Xiaohong Wang
Courtesy Professor, School of Integrative Plant Science Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section
Plant-nematode interactions
Potato cyst nematodes
Nematode effector function
Recent Research
Potato cyst nematodes (G. rostochiensis and G. pallida) are internationally-recognized quarantine pests. As the only facility in the US that conducts both basic and applied research on potato cyst nematode G. rostochiensis, our program plays a vital role in helping maintain the viability of the US potato industry. There are two major areas of research ongoing in the lab: 1) Investigation of the molecular mechanisms of nematode parasitism with an emphasis on nematode effector functions and 2) Development of potato varieties resistant to G. rostochiensis.
Outreach and Extension Focus
I work with Walter De Jong, a potato breeder at Cornell (Plant Breeding and Genetics Section) to develop potato varieties resistance to different pathotypes of G. rostochiensis. My program also conducts nematode resistance screening for potato clones and varieties developed from many other potato breeding programs in the country. In addition, my program provides scientific and technical support to potato cyst nematode quarantine programs implemented in the states of New York and Idaho.
Selected Publications
- Mitchum, M.G., Hussey, R.S., Davis, E.L., Baum, T.J., Wang, X., Elling, A.A. and Wubbin, M. (2013). Nematode effector proteins: an emerging paradigm of parasitism. New Phytologist DOI: 10.1111/nph.12323 (Tansley Review).
- Chronis, D., Chen, S., Lu, S., Hewezi, T., Carpenter, S.C.D., Loria, R., Baum, T.J. and Wang, X. (2013). A ubiquitin carboxyl extension protein secreted from a plant-parasitic nematode Globodera rostochiensis is cleaved in planta to promote plant parasitism. The Plant Journal 74: 185-196 (Featured article and Journal cover).
- Replogle, A., Wang, J., Paolillo, V, Smeda, J., Kinoshita, A., Durbak, A., Tax, F., Wang, X., Sawa, S. and Mitchum, M.G. (2013). Synergistic interaction of CLAVATA1, CLAVATA2, and RECEPTOR-LIKE PROTEIN KINASE 2 in cyst nematode parasitism of Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 26: 87-96.
- Mitchum, M.G., Wang, X., Wang, J. and Davis, E.L. (2012). Role of nematode peptides and other small molecules in plant parasitism. Annual Review of Phytopathology 50: 175-195.
- Guo, Y.F., Ni J., Denver R., Wang X. and Clark, S. (2011). Mechanisms of molecular mimicry of plant CLE peptide ligands by the parasitic nematode Globodera rostochiensis. Plant Physiology 157:476-484.
- Replogle, A., Wang, J., Bleckmann, A., Hussey, R.S., Baum, T.J., Shinichiro, S., Davis, E.L., Wang, X., Simon, R. and Mitchum, M.G. (2011). Nematode CLE signaling in Arabidopsis requires CLAVATA2 and CORYNE. The Plant Journal 65:430-440.
- Wang, J., Replogle, A., Hussey, R., Baum, T., Wang, X., Davis, E.L. and Mitchum, M.G. (2011). Identification of potential host plant mimics of CLV3/ESR (CLE)-like peptides from the plant-parasitic nematode Heterodera schachtii. Molecular Plant Pathology 12:177-186.
- Yu, H., Chronis, D., Lu, S. and Wang, X. (2011). Chorismate mutase: an alternatively spliced parasitism gene and a diagnostic marker for three important Globodera nematode species. European Journal of Plant Pathology 129:89-102.
- Wang, J., Lee, C., Replogle, A., Joshi, S., Korkin, D., Hussey, R., Baum, T.J., Davis, E.L., Wang, X. and Mitchum, M.G. (2010). Dual roles for the variable domain in protein trafficking and host-specific recognition of Heterodera glycines CLE effector proteins. New Phytologist 187:1003-1017.
- Lu, S.-W., Chen, S., Wang, J., Yu, H., Chronis, D., Mitchum, M.G. and Wang, X. (2009). Structural and functional diversity of CLAVATA3/ESR(CLE)-like genes from the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 22:1128-1142.
- Lu, S.-W., Tian, D., Borchardt-Wier, H.B. and Wang, X. (2008). Alternative splicing: A novel mechanism of regulation identified in the chorismate mutase gene of the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 162:1-15.
- Mitchum, M.G., Wang, X. and Davis, E.L. (2008). Diverse and conserved roles of CLE peptides. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 11:75-81.
Contact Information
113 Academic Surge Facility A
Ithaca, NY 14853
xw57 [at] cornell.edu
School & Section
School of Integrative Plant Science
Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology SectionGraduate Fields
Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology
More information
- Ph.D.
Institute of Microbiology
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing China
- M.S.
Beijing Normal University
Beijing China
- B.S.
Beijing Normal University
Beijing China
- Ph.D.
Xiaohong in the news
- School of Integrative Plant Science
- Agriculture
- Food