Thomas Zitter
Emeritus, Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology
My research program focuses on the epidemiology and management of bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases of fresh market vegetable crops (esp. potatoes, cucurbits, and tomato) grown in upstate New York. I integrate my program by working cooperatively with scientists in other disciplines to evaluate chemical and biological agents, varietal resistance, and cultural disease management strategies for a number of vegetable crops. My work has relevancy for conventional and organic production of vegetable crops. For tomato we work cooperatively with a plant breeder to develop tomato varieties with multiple disease resistance by conventional breeding methods. For potatoes we study the use of sustainable and conventional products as seed piece, in-furrow or foliar application to minimize the lost of foliage and produce more blemish-free tubers. For cucurbits we evaluate products to minimize the effects of bacterial and fungal pathogens.