Sumanta Basu
Assistant Professor, Computational Biology
Sumanta Basu is broadly interested in structure learning and prediction of complex, high-dimensional systems arising in biological and social sciences. His current research focuses on network modeling of high-dimensional time series and nonlinear ensemble learning methods.
Sumanta joined BSCB in July 2016 as an Assistant Professor. Before coming to Cornell, he completed his postdoctoral training at UC Berkeley Statistics and LBNL, and his PhD in Statistics at University of Michigan.
Courses Taught
- BTRY 4950: Statistical Consulting
- BTRY 7950: Statistical Consulting
- STSCI 4950: Statistical Consulting
- BTRY 6010: Statistical Methods I
- BTRY 6010: Statistical Methods I
- BTRY 6010: Statistical Methods I
- BTRY 6010: Statistical Methods I
- BTRY 6010: Statistical Methods I
- ILRST 6100: Statistical Methods I
- ILRST 6100: Statistical Methods I
- ILRST 6100: Statistical Methods I
- ILRST 6100: Statistical Methods I
- ILRST 6100: Statistical Methods I
Sumanta in the news
Researchers studying statistics applications in systems biology and next-generation wireless technology are among the nine Cornell faculty members who’ve received National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Awards.
- Biological and Environmental Engineering
- School of Integrative Plant Science
- Plant Biology Section
A seminal fluid protein transferred from male to female fruit flies during mating changes the expression of genes related to the fly’s circadian clock, an innovative technique has revealed.
- Molecular Biology and Genetics
- Biology
- Microbial biology