Art of SIPS
Creativity drives our work and enriches our lives in the community of students, staff, faculty and friends of the School of Integrative Plant Science (SIPS).
To explore how we can strengthen the ties between art and science and take advantage of synergies between the two, we've launched the Art of SIPS Working Group. At our first meeting, we brainstormed possible projects and where we might focus our efforts. Some ways you might join in include:
- Contributing to our Instagram (@artofcornellsips) and other social media.
- Identifying spaces that could use art to enliven our workspaces.
- Identifying art we might be able to put in those spaces.
- Establishing web presence for our efforts.
- Identifying speakers we might want to invite or art events we might want to sponsor.
- Raising funds to support activities.
Want to join in or follow our activities? Have other ideas? Send us an email at artofcornellsips [at] (artofcornellsips[at]cornell[dot]edu) and we'll add you to our mailing list.
Follow Art of SIPS on social media
Soil painting in Art of Horticulture class.
Watercolor bookmarks by Masoume Amirkhani
Watercolor by Marcia Eames-Sheavly
Watercolor by Rosemary Glos
First true leaf of Arabidopsis plant emerging between two cotyledons captured by Roeder Lab.