SIPS Minor Declaration of Intent Form

Complete this form to apply to any of the minors offered by the School of Integrative Plant Science.
SIPS Minor you would like to declare:
Have you taken PLSCI 1101, Plant Science and Systems (4 credits) or PLSCI 1115, Nature of Plants (3 credits)?
Have you taken PLSCI 1420, Functional Plant Biology (3 credits)?
Have you taken PLSCI 2410, Introductory Plant Biodiversity and Evolution (3 credits)?
Which course from the required list will you use to fulfill the minor requirements?
Which course do you plan to use for your crop science requirement?
Which course do you plan to use for your soil science requirement?
Which course do you plan to use for your plant protection/pest management requirement?
Have you taken PLSCI 3190: Mushrooms of Field and Forest?
Have you taken PLSCI 3010 - Biology and Management of Plant Diseases
Have you taken PLSCI 4300 - Mycology
Which elective courses do you plan to take to fulfill the minor requirement?
Have you taken PLSCI 1101: Plant Science and Systems?
Have you taken PLSCI 1115: Nature of Plants?
Have you taken PLSCI 2250: Plant Genetics?
Have you taken PLSCI 4030: Genetic Improvement of Crop Plants?
Which courses do you plan to use for your elective requirements (minimum of 5 credits)?
Have you taken PLSCI 2600: Soil Science?
Select the course you will use for your Environmental Information Science Requirement.
Select the elective courses you will use to complete the minor (7 credits minimum)