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Sahara Byrne

Senior Associate Dean, Office of the Senior Associate Deans

Professor, Department of Communication

Woman looking into camera for selfie

Contact Information

482 Mann Library Building
Ithaca, NY 14853

(607) 255-8058

seb272 [at]

Selected Publications

  • Kim, K., Niederdeppe, J., Kalaji, M., Scolere, L., Porticella, N., Mathios, A., Avery, R., Dorf, M., Safi, A. G., & Byrne, S. (2024). Contingent Effects of E-Cigarette Warning Label Messages on Cognitive Elaboration and Fear Among U.S. Youth Ages 14–17 by Vaping Experience and Peer Vaping Behavior. Health Communication, 1–13. [PEER REVIEWED]
  • Niederdeppe, J., Porticella, N. A., Mathios, A., Greiner Safi, A., Avery, R. J., Dorf, M., Kalaji, M., Scolere, L., & Byrne, S. (2024) Managing a policy paradox? Responses to textual warning labels on e-cigarette advertisements among US national samples of youth overall and adults who smoke or vape, 344. Social Science & Medicine. [PEER REVIEWED]
  • Avery, R., Kalaji, M., Niederdeppe, J., Mathios, A., Dorf, M., Byrne, S., & Greiner Safi, A. (2023). Perceived threat and fear responses to e-cigarette warning label messages: Results from 16 focus groups with youth and adults. PLOS ONE. [PEER REVIEWED]
  • Greiner Safi, A., Kalaji M.*, Avery, R., Mathios, A., Dorf, M., Byrne, S., Niederdeppe, J. (2023) Examining Perceptions of Uncertain Language in Potential E-Cigarette Warning Labels: Results from 16 Focus Groups with Adult Tobacco Users and Youth. Health Communication. [PEER REVIEWED]
  • Avery, R., Byrne, S., Dorf, M., Greiner Safi, A., Kalaji, M., Mathios, A., Niederdeppe, J., Porticella, N. (2022), Challenges in communicating the benefits of switching from cigarettes to e-cigarettes: Responses from eight adult focus groups with varying smoking experience, Preventive Medicine Reports, 30. [PEER REVIEWED]
  • Kalaji, M.*, Mathios, A., Skurka, C., Niederdeppe, J., Byrne., S. (2022). Youth and young adult-targeted e-cigarette warnings and advertising messages: An experiment with young adults in the US. Journal of Health Communication27(8), 574-584. [PEER REVIEWED]
  • Jovanova, M.*, Skurka, C*., Byrne, S., Kalaji, M.*, Greiner Safi, A., Porticella, N., Mathios, D. A., Avery, J. R., Dorf, C. M., Niederdeppe, J. (2021). Should graphic warning labels proposed for cigarette packages sold in the United States mention the Food and Drug Administration?  Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 23, 2. [PEER REVIEWED]
  • Jesch, E.*, Niederdeppe, J., King, A. J., Safi, A.G., & Byrne, S. (2020). “I quit”: Testing the added value and sequencing effects of an efficacy-focused message among cigarette warning labels. Journal of Health Communication[PEER REVIEWED]
  • Katz, S. J., Byrne, S., Mathios, A. D., Avery, R. J., Dorf, M. C., Safi, A. G., & Niederdeppe, J. (2020) Testing the effects of certain versus hypothetical language in health risk messages. Communication Monographs, 87, 1. [PEER REVIEWED]
  • Greiner Safi, A., Reyes, C.B.*, Jesch, E., Steinhardt, J., Niederdeppe, J., Skurka, C.*, Kalaji, M.*, Scolere, L.*, & Byrne, S. (2019). Comparing in person vs internet methods to recruit low-SES populations for tobacco control policy research. Social Science and Medicine. [PEER REVIEWED]
  • Kemp, D.* Niederdeppe, J., Byrne, S. (2019). Adolescent Attention to Disgust Visuals in Cigarette Graphic Warning Labels.  Journal of Adolescent Health. [PEER REVIEWED]
  • Byrne, S., Greiner Safi, A., Kemp, D. G.*, Skurka, C.*, Davydova, J.*, Scolere, L.*, Mathios, A. D., Avery, R. J., Dorf, M. C., Steinhardt, J.*, Niederdeppe, J. (2019). Effects of varying color, imagery and text of cigarette package warning labels among socioeconomically disadvantaged middle school youth and adult smokers. Health Communication, 34. [PEER REVIEWED]
  • Skurka, C. *, Byrne, S., Davydova, J. *, Kemp, D. *, Greiner Safi, A., Avery, R., Dorf, M., Mathios, A., & Niederdeppe, J. (2019). Testing competing explanations for graphic warning label effects among adult smokers and non-smoking youth. Social Science & Medicine. [PEER REVIEWED]
  • Byrne, S., Kalaji, M.*, & Niederdeppe, J. (2018). Does visual attention to graphic warning labels on cigarette packs predict key outcomes? A large-scale eye tracking study among youth and low-income smokers. Tobacco Regulatory Science, 4 1-37. [PEER REVIEWED]
  • Skurka, C.*, Kalaji, M.*, Dorf, M., Kemp, D.*, Greiner Safi, A., Byrne, S., Mathios, A., Avery, R., & Niederdeppe, J. (Forthcoming). Independent or synergistic? Effects of varying size and using pictorial images in tobacco health warning labels. Drug & Alcohol Dependence. [PEER REVIEWED] 
  • Niederdeppe, J. Kemp, D.*, Jesch, E.*, Scolere, L.*, Greiner Safi, A., Porticella, N. A., Avery, R., Dorf, M., Mathios, A., & Byrne, S. (in press). Using warning labels to counter effects of social cues and brand imagery in cigarette advertising. Health Education Research. [PEER REVIEWED]
  • Cannon, J. S.* & Byrne, S. (2019). Boomerang Effects. Encyclopedia of Media Literacy. Wiley.
  • Katz, S. & Byrne, S. (2018). Cognitive bridging: Using strategic communication to connect abstract goals with the means to achieve them. Health Communication. [PEER REVIEWED]

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