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Bill Miller
Bill Miller


School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Bill Miller
Flower bulbs and floriculture
Greenhouse and nursery crops
Physiology and post-harvest management
Guarav Moghe
Gaurav Moghe

Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Gaurav Moghe
Evolution of plant specialized metabolism
plant natural variation; genomics
virginia moore
Virginia Moore

Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Virginia Moore
  • vm377 [at]
Breeding for sustainable cropping systems
Cover crops, intercropping, polycultures, organic farming systems
Legumes, forages, alfalfa, hemp
Lukas Mueller
Lukas Mueller

Adjunct Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Lukas Mueller
  • lam87 [at]
Genetics and genomics of solanaceous plants
SOL Genomics Network
June Nasrallah
June Nasrallah

Professor Emeritus

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

June Nasrallah
Plant reproduction
Receptor-ligand interactions and cell-cell signaling
Rebecca Nelson
Rebecca Nelson


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section


Department of Global Development

Rebecca Nelson
Circular bionutrient economy and enhancing wellbeing in peri-urban areas through waste valorization
Agroecology and supporting student leadership toward sustainability
Participatory research and extension
Andrew Nelson
Andrew Nelson

Adjunct Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Andrew Nelson
  • an425 [at]
Comparative and high-throughput bioinformatics approaches to plant transcriptome research.
daniel nickrent
Daniel Nickrent

Adjunct Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Daniel Nickrent
  • dn277 [at]
Plant evolutionary biology
Genomics, phylogenetics, systematics, population genetics, and taxonomy
Parasitic flowering plants (Santalales in particular)
Kevin Nixon
Kevin Nixon


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Kevin Nixon
  • kcn2 [at]
Theory and methodology of phylogenetic analysis
Angiosperm phylogeny
Systematics and taxonomy of the oak family
Ralph Obendorf
Ralph Obendorf


School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences

Ralph Obendorf
maddy oravec headshot
Madeline (Maddy) Oravec

Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Cornell AgriTech

Madeline (Maddy) Oravec
  • mwo23 [at]
Grapevine breeding, genetics, and genomics
Fruit quality and wine-making characteristics
Disease resistance and environmental resilience
Varsha Pathhare headshot
Varsha Pathare

Visiting Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Varsha Pathare
  • vsp29 [at]
Plant-atmosphere CO2-water fluxes
Climate change
Resource-use efficiency
Teresa E. Pawlowska
Teresa Pawlowska


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Teresa Pawlowska
Evolutionary and population genomics
Innate immunity in fungi and fungal-bacterial interactions
Arbuscular mycorrhizae
Wojtek Pawlowski
Wojtek Pawlowski


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Wojtek Pawlowski
Meiotic recombination
Advanced microscopy methods
Recombination and genome rearrangements in new polyploids
man in apple orchard
Gregory Peck

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Gregory Peck
Tree fruit and hard cider
Organic agriculture and soil health
Climate change