Technical Assistance

Sometimes a road or street problem is just a bit too tough to tackle without some help.

We offer our assistance to you in several ways:

  • A simple phone call may be all that is needed. We have two staff engineers, David Orr, PE, and Geoff Scott, PE who are available to answer your questions.
  • If you call us about a particular topic, we may send you a publication or a video that will be helpful. Check out our Online Answer Center for additional help!
  • We offer referrals if we know of someone more qualified to help you with a specific problem; for example, lab testing in the private sector.
  • During a break at a workshop, ask the instructor about an issue you may be dealing with. You can also ask during the workshop. Another attendee may have had the same situation and will be able to offer advice.
  • If an on-site visit is possible, we will do it free of charge and sometimes no other solution will do. Just give us a call to schedule a time!

The following are some of the technical issues we've helped to resolve in the past:

  • Failed surface treatments
  • Inefficient culvert pipes
  • Installing guiderail in a difficult location
  • Materials investigation for a proper base repair
  • Calculations for an asphalt paving project
  • Test pits in a road prone to potholes and base problems
  • Sign inventory system for a village
  • Road rehabilitation in a state park
  • Guiderail evaluation
  • Road design standards for low-volume roads
  • Proper signage at a complicated intersection
  • What sections of the law may need to be examined to reduce liability for a town.