Snow and Ice Control Operations for Local Highway Officials

Who should attend

Established highway and public works officials who oversee and manage snow and ice control operations, and who have a basic understanding of these operations. Crew supervisors may also find this workshop valuable.

Participants taking this course will be able to:

  • Identify the backbone of an effective snow and ice control program.
  • Design an ice control material treatment plan.
  • Describe how to minimize the risk of snow and ice-related tort liability.
  • Identify which type of anti-icing strategy to use on which type of road.
  • Choose the best ice-control treatment for their roads.
  • Measure a reduction in cost to their municipality's snow control operation.

Workshop Details

  • Cost - $60 per attendee 
  • Timing of workshops
    • Workshops typically run from 8:30am - 3:00pm and lunch will be served.

Workshop-Related Materials


Jim Craw has been on the forefront of snow and ice control innovation for over 36 years. His experiences include 20 years with the Town of Manlius and over 16 years with the Villages of Fayetteville and Manlius.

Guy James was with the Allegany County Department of Public Works for over thirty years, serving as the Highway Superintendent for the last 7 years.