
  • National Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
    PDF Copies of the current National MUTCD can be downloaded for free from the Federal Highway 
    Administration (FHWA) website at, and can also be downloaded from the New York 
    State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) webpage at the link given below.
    Additionally, a document containing corrections to the MUTCD can be downloaded.
    Printed copies of the National MUTCD can be purchased from organizations such as the American 
    Association of State Highways and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the Institute of 
    Transportation Engineers (ITE), and the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA). The 
    three links above will take you directly to the specific pages within the organization websites 
    where you can order printed copies of the National MUTCD. 
  • How to obtain copies of the New York State Supplement to the MUTCD
    PDF Copies of the New York State Supplement can be downloaded for free from the
    NYSDOT MUTCD webpage. This page contains detailed information from NYSDOT regarding the National MUTCD and the New York State Supplement, including an extensive list of direct web links and downloadable files.

    Printed copies of the New York State Supplement can be ordered from West Group. West Group refers to the publication as "NYCRR Volume17B". Questions about the New York State adoption of the National MUTCD and the New York State Supplement may be directed to the following people:

    Barbara Abrahamer, PE, PTOE
    Barbara.Abrahamer [at]">Barbara.Abrahamer [at] (Barbara[dot]Abrahamer[at]dot[dot]ny[dot]gov)
    (518) 457-2095


  • Flagging Tutorial 
    By following this tutorial, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage traffic control and enhance safety in various road work scenarios. The tutorial is broken down into 4 lessons: 
    • Lesson 1: The MUTCD - Learn to use the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) as the authoritative standard for traffic control devices on all public streets and highways, ensuring uniformity and safety.
    • Lesson 2: Work Zone Safety and Responsibility - Understand the major liability issues in work zones and the responsibilities of local highway departments to ensure public safety during construction and maintenance activities.
    • Lesson 3: The Work Zone - Identify and describe the primary components of a work zone. Learn the correct procedures for setting up and dismantling work zones to minimize the risk of accidents.
    • Lesson 4: Flagging, Equipment, and Procedures - Gain insights into the critical role of flagging in work zones and the importance of proper training for flaggers to protect workers, emergency personnel, and the public.