Quick Answers: Infrastructure
- Is it legal for a Town highway department to install speed bumps at a 4-way stop?
- Can compaction make the road stronger?
- We sprayed brine on the salt pile and it crusted up the pile, does that always happen?
- What is the best time of year to clean out ditches?
- What is the time frame for a damaged stop, yield, no U-turn or do not enter sign to be repaired once an agency is notified?
- Does the span of the bridge determine ownership?
- Can I put brine down on a gravel road to help clear snow and ice?
- What are asphalt rejuvenators?
- What is a mini roundabout and how are they beneficial?
- What does the new legislation establishing 25 mph as the new lowest-allowable area speed limit actually change?
- How is mastic repair material applied?
- What is mastic pavement repair material, and what is it used for?
- Shouldn’t a double sided S1-1/School Area sign be manufactured to be mirrored (each opposing side reflecting the mirror-opposite of the other as viewed by oncoming traffic)?
- Where can I find information pertaining to when a road should or should not be striped.
- Where can I find a simple chart to help me calibrate my salt spreader?
- If we repair or update a ramp at one corner of an intersection, do we have to update every ramp?
- How close should the distributor be to the chipper in a chip seal application?
- What does a village need to do to prohibit parking in front of a ramp that provides access to the sidewalk (and is not at an intersection)?
- I am looking to remove a Y-intersection on one of our roads and I have a resident who doesn't like the idea of the T-intersection being installed. Do you have any supporting information on why the T-intersection would be safer and better?
- Where does the funding for road striping come from? It is often viewed as a safety issue and, therefore, is said to come out of the General Fund.
- During the Full Depth Reclamation process, when is calcium (or another stabilizer) supposed to be applied?
- Are rumble strips considered traffic control devices and, if so, does the MUTCD govern their design, spacing, etc.?
- Where can I find a simple specification so I can add a wedge joint or safety edge to my paving contracts?
- How do I adjust the asphalt emulsion rate for various surfaces when placing a chip seal?
- Are there any publications available on Culvert Flushing?
- What is the process for the request and installation of School Bus Stop Ahead Signs (S3-1)
- Are there any rules, regulations or requirements for how many hours a day a municipal worker with a CDL can plow a highway?
- Where can I find resources or workshops for engineers that deal with superpave mix designs?
- What do we do if we receive a red flag on a bridge inspection (and what does it mean)?
- Is there a simple way to know when a crew can clean a ditch on private property that is fed by a road crossing pipe?
- Where can I find seasonal snowfall records for regions within New York State?
- Why do chip seals fail?
- How do I calculate the percentage of asphalt in a mix?
- What is the Present Serviceability Index (PSI)?
- What are some Best Practices that should be considered when applying a Tack Coat?
- Why should I use Tack Coat and is it worth the extra cost?
- Does a smooth bore pipe have more capacity to carry water than a corrugated pipe?
- Is it better to place cobbles or sand directly on a weak subgrade?
- What is the traffic volume cut off between high-volume and low volume?
- With the current emphasis on vegetated ditches and bioswales, what is the rule of thumb for roadside ditch depth?
- How thick should the gravel be on a reconstructed road?
- What is the most efficient way to fill potholes?
- What should I use to seal a driveway?
- What is the proper technique for filling potholes?
- Why do we need to mow grass lined ditches?
- What is the size of a parking lot stall?
- How much latitude does a Town have in "adjusting" the width of Main Street as part of a comprehensive plan?
- Where can I find specifications for installing plastic culvert pipe (HDPE)?
- Where can I find information on gravel road maintenance?
- What should I do if there is a mud slide affecting my highway?
- Is it necessary to reclaim by grinding a very poor surface before placing a new gravel base or surface?
- Why do I have to bury the base of a silt fence?
- When do we need to install silt fence?
- I don't live in a watershed; why do I need to worry about stormwater management?
- What is the width of road right-of-way?
- Where can I find geometric design standards for roads and street?
- Where would I find a standard rental rate for various highway equipment?
- What is Cold-in-place recycling and what are its advantages?
- Which Tack Coat material should I use for an asphalt overlay?
- What is a Cape Seal and how is it compared to other Surface Treatments?
- Where can I find out more information on rumble strips?
- Where can I find out the functional classification of a particular highway?
- Where can I find a specification for a product or service
- Is it true that they are no longer making Marshall Mix?
- What can I use to clean paving equipment other than diesel fuel?
- How late into the Fall can I do paving, and how early can I start in the Spring?
- What can we do to stop beavers from clogging up our culverts?
- We have a low-volume local road that was reconstructed two years ago. It is now showing cracks in the center of the travel lane, running parallel to the edge of the road. What should we do?
- Can I replace my 24-inch corrugated pipe with a 21-inch smooth bore plastic pipe?