All Quick Answers
- Draft Letter for Purchasing Diesel Snow Plows to Comply with the Advanced Clean Truck Act
- Where can I find training for Transporting Hazardous Materials?
- Looking to transfer ownership of a small road
- Where can I find information about setting up a proper deer composting operation?
- Will the 2008 Work Zone pocket guide be updated to reflect NYSDOT's updates to work zone regulations?
- Does the municipality have to provide PPE for the employees?
- In a Town, how is a school speed reduction zone established? Who has the authority?
- What are the new rules for CHIPS reimbursement regarding preventive maintenance treatments?
- What can we do about people entering work zones to film and record workers?
- Can a highway department be considered for an "approved apprentice program" for NYS Labor Law requirement purposes?
- Where can I find information on how to mitigate and minimize work zone intrusions?
- What is the "50 Mile Radius Provision?"
- Is it legal for a Town highway department to install speed bumps at a 4-way stop?
- Our municipality is looking to do community outreach (e.g. visiting schools and participating in community events). Are there materials out there that highlight road and street safety?
- Where can I find a sample policy or liability release for spoil materials such as ditch cleanings?
- The town wants to change the name of a road. How should we go about this?
- Can compaction make the road stronger?
- Black Ice, why does it happen and what can I do?
- How many accessible parking spaces are required for parking areas?
- Do you have a sample certificate of abandonment for a roadway?
- Can someone who passes a flagger be given a ticket?
- Do you have any tips to help drivers avoid collisions with deer and moose?
- What are signs of burnout and are there any suggested coping techniques?
- How to build a positive safety culture?
- Do you have any suggestions on how to respond to hostile or leading questions from the media?
- We sprayed brine on the salt pile and it crusted up the pile, does that always happen?
- What is the best time of year to clean out ditches?
- What is the time frame for a damaged stop, yield, no U-turn or do not enter sign to be repaired once an agency is notified?
- Does the span of the bridge determine ownership?
- Can I put brine down on a gravel road to help clear snow and ice?
- Stop Bar Lines. Basically, are they required for a Stop Sign to be legal?
- Is there somewhere I can find what PESH training and documentation is required for my crew?
- I have residents who live on private roads who leave their garbage for collection in the right-of-way. A landowner whose property is utilized for garbage collection wants this practice discontinued. What (if anything) can I do?
- How long should I retain records?
- How far should parking spaces be from an intersection, driveway or crosswalk?
- How do I choose the right liquid de-icing agents and application rates for different weather conditions and temperatures?
- What is a quick, simple, and cost-effective way to prevent or reduce small animal crossings on local roads?
- Where can I find information, research, and resources about Deer-Vehicle crashes?
- Do you have a media cheat sheet?
- What are asphalt rejuvenators?
- What is a mini roundabout and how are they beneficial?
- What does the new legislation establishing 25 mph as the new lowest-allowable area speed limit actually change?
- How is mastic repair material applied?
- What is mastic pavement repair material, and what is it used for?
- Shouldn’t a double sided S1-1/School Area sign be manufactured to be mirrored (each opposing side reflecting the mirror-opposite of the other as viewed by oncoming traffic)?
- Where can I find information pertaining to when a road should or should not be striped.
- Vehicle and Traffic Law (VTL) amendment; green lights are now allowed on ice and snow removal vehicles.
- Are "Child with Autism" signs allowed and if so, what are the rules for placing them?
- Do I have to think about conflicts of interest when hiring engineering consultants?
- The Public Rights-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) guidance document referenced in the recent ADA workshop appears to be a draft. Is this a draft and where can I find the most current version?
- I have a question regarding the use of gutters as a stormwater conveyance structures. This question arises out of a bicyclist slipping on some ice at an intersection in which stormwater had frozen. Is there anything in writing that would withstand legal scrutiny that defines gutters as stormwater conveyance structures?
- We have a 700 ft local road that will soon be dedicated as a town road, the speed limit is currently 15 mph; can we leave it at 15 mph when the road is dedicated to the town?
- What are some first steps and resources that can get me started with evaluating and managing my guiderail assets?
- We have a soon to be dedicated road that was designed, and approved with light pole bases placed 2-feet from curb. However, in the final construction, the light pole bases are only 9 inches from curb. What are the regulations for a minimum distance from a curb on a town road?
- Is there any legal information on the placement of basketball hoops or other sporting equipment on or near the public Right of Way?
- What are the regulations or procedures that govern the use and obstruction of public roads for private business activities such as landscaping?
- The New York State Department of State (DOS) has a local law database where you can find sample laws.
- I have developed a Snow and Ice Policy and presented it to my town board. Does the board need to adopt the policy or just “support” it?
- Monarch Butterflies begin their annual fall migration in mid-August. What are some things I we can do to help monarchs at the local highway level?
- Where can I find a simple chart to help me calibrate my salt spreader?
- If we repair or update a ramp at one corner of an intersection, do we have to update every ramp?
- How close should the distributor be to the chipper in a chip seal application?
- What does a village need to do to prohibit parking in front of a ramp that provides access to the sidewalk (and is not at an intersection)?
- I am looking to remove a Y-intersection on one of our roads and I have a resident who doesn't like the idea of the T-intersection being installed. Do you have any supporting information on why the T-intersection would be safer and better?
- Where does the funding for road striping come from? It is often viewed as a safety issue and, therefore, is said to come out of the General Fund.
- Where can I find information on performing simple traffic studies for items such as stop sign placement or traffic counts?
- I would like to start a bicyclist safety campaign in my area, and I am looking for some ideas and materials to get me started.
- I have to hire some new employees and I need to find some sample interview questions that I can ask candidates. Where can I find some good questions specifically for local highway and public works positions?
- What is the new Excavator Certification Training and who needs to be certified?
- What are the new CDL requirements and when do they take affect?
- Can a Municipality use an intersection as part of a turnaround for a boat launch?
- Can an elected highway superintendent of one town work for a highway department of another town as a highway employee?
- What are the requirements for permanently posting a road for weight?
- Is there a way to submit CHIPS and other state reimbursement requests via email?
- Where can I find sample “piggybacking” contract language that my municipality can use?
- What signs should we replace first?
- Where can I find a sample policy or public notice about winter maintenance mailbox damage?
- Have the guidelines for the use of state owned rights-of-way (ROW) changed in any way as a result of the current COVID-19 crisis?
- Have CHIPS/PAVE NY allocations for FY 2020/2021 been reduced?
- Are Highway Department Employees essential in light of the 50% reduction of staff due to COVID-19?
- What is the risk of overspray from herbicide application?
- During the Full Depth Reclamation process, when is calcium (or another stabilizer) supposed to be applied?
- Are rumble strips considered traffic control devices and, if so, does the MUTCD govern their design, spacing, etc.?
- Where can I find a simple specification so I can add a wedge joint or safety edge to my paving contracts?
- How do I adjust the asphalt emulsion rate for various surfaces when placing a chip seal?
- Are there any publications available on Culvert Flushing?
- Can we use signs with LEDs in the border to enhance conspicuity?
- How do I post or assign a speed limit on a dead-end road?
- Does the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) require the use of diamond grade vinyl for stop signs, stop ahead signs, and/or double arrow signs?
- How do I obtain cloth or surgical masks for my employees who have to interact with the public?
- Can we put a concrete barrier across a closed bridge to keep vehicles from going around our Type III barricade?
- Can a town designate a town road: “No Through Traffic - Local Traffic Only”?
- What would be the process for establishing a weight limit for my roads?
- Who or what determines the responsibilities of a shared road between two municipalities?
- Is parking allowed across the street parallel to the opening end of a T-intersection?
- Can a town Highway Superintendent appoint a foreman within the department to the position of Deputy Highway Superintendent where the foremen would be serving in both capacities at the same time?
- Are there any regulations or guidelines regarding how far a salt storage barn should be located from a stream or waterway?
- How is new/additional mileage acknowledged, verified, and accounted for when we apply for CHIPS funding?
- Can I barricade a gravel road during frost-thaw months to restrict access to vehicles that would damage the road?
- Do horse riders have the right-of-way at a highway crossing?
- Are there Best Management Practice (BMP) guides on invasive species control available and written with public works and highway departments in mind?
- What is the process for the request and installation of School Bus Stop Ahead Signs (S3-1)
- Are there any rules, regulations or requirements for how many hours a day a municipal worker with a CDL can plow a highway?
- Where can I find resources or workshops for engineers that deal with superpave mix designs?
- Can street name signs be installed on the same post as a STOP sign?
- Where can I find information listing what safety equipment is required for my staff?
- What is the process for requesting the installation of a stop sign at an intersection near a school?
- What standards, requirements, or regulations govern town road striping?
- What are the recommended advanced posting distances for Deaf Child Area signs?
- What is the current acceptable standards for breakaways in posts?
- What are the dimensions that must be maintained for a clear path regarding vegetation and obstacles along a highway?
- Are there any good sources of information about how I can protect my workers from ticks when they are out working in the field?
- Can a municipality have different color cones for work zones so different departments can identify which cones are theirs?
- Where can I go to find resources on sexual harassment laws, policies, and training?
- Can a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) eliminate the power of the Highway Superintendent to hire as the Superintendent sees fit?
- Should road striping be paid for out of the highway department's general fund?
- Is there a law that allows a municipal highway department to remove trees, brush, and vegetation along the right of way area of a road and/or are there any regulations or laws that protect trees along the right of way, thus prohibiting a municipality from removing trees?
- Does a highway superintendent have to publicly advertise a vacancy for a position even if they already know of a person who is interested and would be a good fit for the position?
- Can a public entity apply some or all of their violation fines toward the remediation of a particular hazard or condition?
- Do Villages have their own version of the Office of the Town Highway Superintendent or “Red Book?”
- What is procurement piggybacking and when is it allowed?
- Can someone be the town highway superintendent of one town but live in a different town?
- Are town boards in charge of what type of regulatory, warning, informational, or guide signs are placed and where they are installed?
- Where can I find resources answers regarding drainage easements on a piece of property?
- What resources are available for property owners who have problems with stream bank erosion on their land?
- What options do I have to improve safety and awareness for a blind resident who must cross a roundabout in my town?
- Why do I need to use personal protective equipment (PPE) and what are the best ways to use them?
- If a village installs electric vehicle (EV) charging stations on public parking lots where parking enforcement regulations apply, are there any standards for pavement markings for the charging station areas? For example, should we use green paint for markings?
- Are purple and white acceptable colors for a village to choose for a village trail sign?
- Can I put any design or collection of art treatments in a crosswalk as long as the transverse white lines are present?
- Does the MUTCD allow intersection murals or widespread application of artwork to the street?
- What options do I have to improve safety and awareness for a blind resident who must cross a roundabout in my town?
- When are curve and turn signs required?
- Who has to authorize the placement of traffic lines for passing and no passing zones on a town highway?
- Where can I find chainsaw training resources in NYS?
- Can we still use our old “Men Working” signs until they wear out before we need to switch to the newer "Road Work Ahead" signs?
- Are date and initial stickers required on all signs as opposed to just stop signs?
- I participate in the NYS Office of General Services Road Salt Contract, who do I contact if I am having issues with delivery delays or poor salt quality?
- It appears that the New York State supplement to the MUTCD does not provide any information about whether a fluorescent red or orange flag may be used for traffic control. Can you clarify?
- Should I be removing X-lite guiderails?
- Are there any resources that can summarize the program and training requirements of the PESH standards that typically apply to highway and Public Works Departments?
- Are municipal employees allowed to use municipally owned trucks to complete their Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) A and B road test?
- Are you aware of any resource where I can obtain comparable information about municipal roads for other municipalities in NY?
- Where can I find guides on budgeting and planning for my highway department?
- When preparing a 284 agreement, do I include Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) dollars as money to be spent?
- Where can I find publicly available budget and expenditure data for my highway department?
- When a private contractor causes road damage, who is liable and responsible for damages?
- Do snowplow drivers have to obey the vehicle and traffic law?
- Where can I find information on road closures and travel advisories statewide?
- Do I have to put our town insignia on our trucks?
- What do we do if we receive a red flag on a bridge inspection (and what does it mean)?
- Is there a simple way to know when a crew can clean a ditch on private property that is fed by a road crossing pipe?
- Where can I find seasonal snowfall records for regions within New York State?
- Why do chip seals fail?
- It looks like there is a conflict between the 2009 MUTCD and the Traffic Sign Handbook when discussing speed reduction and the correct use of the W2-5 (reduced speed limit) sign. Can you clarify?
- What is the maximum recommended angle for an intersection?
- Where can I compare highway fatality rates by states, region or MPO?
- What performance level is needed for high-visibility safety apparel in a work zone?
- Do I have to follow the MUTCD?
- When can a single flagger be used?
- Where does the centerline start and stop at an intersection?
- Where can I find information on crash modification factors?
- Is the size of the double arrow sign (W1-7) changing?
- What is the minimum height of a sign?
- What signs are allowed since FLAGGER (W20-7a) & WORKERS (W21-1a) signs shall not be used in New York State according to the NYS Supplement?
- How do I use a roundabout?
- What are the drug and alcohol testing requirements for DOT CDL drivers?
- Can a village board lower the weight limit allowed on a street?
- Does the board need to pass a resolution to authorize the highway department to spend the additional money of PAVE NY program?
- How do I change the allowable weight limit on a bridge?
- What is the difference between No Parking, No Standing, and No Stopping?
- Where can I find a Temporary Easement form?
- What can the Town Highway Superintendent do when the Town Board eliminates an employee position from the highway crew?
- Does a municipality have to go to bid to purchase a used vehicle?
- Is there a specific regulation that sets a timer for the replacement of downed signs?
- How can I find out the official functional class of a highway?
- How do I calculate the percentage of asphalt in a mix?
- What is the Present Serviceability Index (PSI)?
- How can I get a quick estimate of traffic volume on my highways without traffic counters or a speed trailer?
- Are Deaf Child and Blind Child Area Signs limited to children?
- What does a blinking left arrow mean?
- What are the NYS requirements for a municipality to remove an existing sign?
- Where do I find guides for placarding hazardous materials on a truck?
- What are ways to protect against trench cave-ins?
- Is there a specific regulation that sets a timer for the replacement of downed signs?
- How close can a residential driveway be to an intersection?
- Can we use three flags to improve “Conspicuity” on our road signs?
- What is a clear definition of a “Clear Zone”?
- How do I sign/stripe a parking space for persons with disabilities on the street?
- Is it true that we have to start using a new handicap sign?
- What are the proper ways to sign one or more parking spaces for persons with disabilities?
- Are we allowed to put 12-inch high street signs (D3-1) on top of a stop sign (R1-1), or should they be put on a separate post?
- Should I use my personal email account for highway business?
- Is it better to turn off your computer when you’re not using it, or leave it on all the time?
- Where can I get a copy of the "284 Agreement"?
- What does the board have to do to use the “Best Value” method for purchasing?
- What is the easiest way to retire a right of way when both the Town and the adjacent landowners wish to abandon it?
- What permit processes should the Town have in place to handle new, buried private utilities that cross under the road?
- Who set speed limits on local highways?
- When do I have to call 811?
- Can a 284 Agreement be changed after it has been approved?
- In preparing a 284 Agreement, is the amount under General Repairs for materials only?
- Is there a law about homeowners putting markers along the roads to keep snowplows off the shoulders?
- Can a private landowner plow a seasonal road to access his property?
- Are the amounts under Permanent Improvements the total of the anticipated state aid? (i.e. CHIPS)
- Can I use CHIPS monies for crack repairs?
- Where can I find out how much my municipality will get in CHIPS funds?
- Can CHIPS funding be used to develop an asset or pavement management plan?
- How do I get reimbursements for work done under CHIPS and the new Winter Recovery Fund?
- What are the regulations regarding Building Permits, Zoning Regulations, and Peddler Restrictions on signs at the entry into a town?
- Where is a good source for financial information for Town Highway Superintendents?
- What are some Best Practices that should be considered when applying a Tack Coat?
- Why should I use Tack Coat and is it worth the extra cost?
- Does a smooth bore pipe have more capacity to carry water than a corrugated pipe?
- Is it better to place cobbles or sand directly on a weak subgrade?
- What is the proper layout and placement for a stop sign and street sign on a single post?
- When is it acceptable to post more than one sign on a single post?
- What is the minimum size and colors allowed for Street Name Signs?
- How far apart should signs be placed along the highway?
- What sign should be used when all trucks are banned from a highway?
- Can municipalities be compelled to replace their signs to meet the new retroreflectivity standards?
- Are “Turn Around Don’t Drown” signs allowed in New York State?
- Can we use existing rustic box beam in stock to replace rusting rustic box beam?
- What should you do if someone gets burned by hot liquid asphalt?
- Is it acceptable to use other descriptions for driveway entrance plaques (NYW5-16P, NYW5-17) than the “Hospital” and “Fire House” mentioned in the NYS Supplement?
- What does the Board need to do in order to have the Highway Department install a mid-block crosswalk?
- Are two-way bicycle lanes allowed on highways?
- When can a W1-1a or W1-2a combining horizontal warning AND advisory speed be used?
- How wide should a bicycle lane be?
- What are the requirements for the use of roll up speed limit signs used in work zones?
- Can a Police Chief create a ‘Police Parking Only’ spot near the police station?
- What signs can be used to alert drivers to bicycles using the highway?
- When should I use warning signs for bikes, pedestrians, buggies, or other non-typical highway use?
- Do unreported crashes count toward the accident history warrant, or do only reported crashes count?
- Do municipal trucks need to have fire extinguishers?
- What is the limit for idling a truck?
- What are the snow disposal responsibilities for property owners?
- How do I determine who owns a piece of property?
- Who is responsible for clearing brush at an intersection owned by two different municipalities?
- Where can I find legal opinions of the NYS Comptroller?
- What are the rules for Seasonal Limited Use Highways?
- Does creating a plan to deal with highway design or safety defects or accommodation issues increase liability?
- Where can we find that Piggybacking memo mentioned at the Highway School?
- Are highway departments considered ‘first responders’ by Homeland Security?
- Does a town have an obligation to remove diseased trees on roads on the town's right of way?
- What is the ‘Red Book’ that Highway Superintendents should have in their library and how do I obtain a copy?
- When does the price of salt automatically increase when using the State OGS bid?
- What is the traffic volume cut off between high-volume and low volume?
- With the current emphasis on vegetated ditches and bioswales, what is the rule of thumb for roadside ditch depth?
- How thick should the gravel be on a reconstructed road?
- What is the most efficient way to fill potholes?
- What should I use to seal a driveway?
- What is the proper technique for filling potholes?
- Why do we need to mow grass lined ditches?
- Are strobe lights allowed in red signals?
- How do I sign a skewed RR crossing which can cause problems for bikes and motorcycles?
- What is the width of a bike lane?
- Can we put a yield sign to warn drivers to yield when turning left at a sharp intersection?
- Can I paint a single yellow stripe down the center of a highway just for guidance?
- Is a Highway Department permitted to put up a "No parking on pavement" sign without a sidewalk district?
- What are the sign regulations for attaching a "No littering" sign to a speed limit sign post?
- What training and certification is needed for flaggers?
- What do I have to do to meet the sign retroreflectivity standard that goes into effect on June 13, 2014?
- What am I required to do concerning notification, barriers, etc. if I have to close a road temporarily?
- What is the lettering height and spacing for a Political Boundary sign (NY112-2)?
- Where can I find information about improving curve safety?
- What are the requirements for a roadside mailbox?
- A residential area wants a "speed hump" or "speed table." What are they?
- Why can't I use a Slow Moving Vehicle Triangle to mark the end of my driveway?
- What roads need to have Dead End Road signs?
- Can a CDL driver go back to safety-sensitive work after a post-accident alcohol and drug test, but before the results are known?
- Is there a requirement that the doctor doing the examination for a CDL license be certified?
- What are the fines for using electronic devices while driving?
- What are the requirements for a public hearing before paving a Town highway?
- Who sets work week schedule; the Town board or Highway Superintendent?
- Who is responsible to remove a tree when it falls into a stream?
- What are the critical dates for Town Highway Departments?
- Can I change a two-way road to a one-way road?
- What drug and alcohol tests are required for a CDL license?
- What can a municipality do about someone dumping snow onto a highway?
- Can Town Highway Superintendent plow a public official's driveway?
- What is the size of a parking lot stall?
- How much latitude does a Town have in "adjusting" the width of Main Street as part of a comprehensive plan?
- Where can I find specifications for installing plastic culvert pipe (HDPE)?
- Where can I find information on gravel road maintenance?
- What should I do if there is a mud slide affecting my highway?
- Is it necessary to reclaim by grinding a very poor surface before placing a new gravel base or surface?
- Why do I have to bury the base of a silt fence?
- When do we need to install silt fence?
- I don't live in a watershed; why do I need to worry about stormwater management?
- What is the distance between speed limit signs?
- Can you mark road shoulders as bike lanes?
- Does the type of street (Street, Avenue, Road...) have to be on a street name sign?
- What are work zone traffic control standards in New York State?
- When do you need to install ADA compliant curb ramps as part of a pavement resurfacing project?
- Is the S4-5a sign is still used?
- If the advisory speed (say 55 mph) equals the posted speed limit (55 mph), do you have to place a horizontal curve warning sign?
- Can I use my old steel barrels and homemade wooden barricades in a work zone?
- What constitutes a Federal off-system bridge or road?
- How does the new “Move Over” law apply to highway personnel?
- What is the definition of a highway?
- Are there any laws that address the placement of snow onto the sidewalks after the town has cleared them?
- What is the width of road right-of-way?
- Where can I find geometric design standards for roads and street?
- Where would I find a standard rental rate for various highway equipment?
- What is Cold-in-place recycling and what are its advantages?
- Which Tack Coat material should I use for an asphalt overlay?
- What is a Cape Seal and how is it compared to other Surface Treatments?
- Where can I find out more information on rumble strips?
- Where can I find out the functional classification of a particular highway?
- Where can I find a specification for a product or service
- Is it true that they are no longer making Marshall Mix?
- Where should Dead End Road signs be placed?
- How do I know if there is enough sight distance at an intersection?
- Where can I use the Clearview font?
- What do I do at a traffic signal when the power is out?
- Why are stops signs not recommended for speed control?
- UPDATE Can I use a “Child with Autism” warning sign in New York?
- What is the proper placement of the Railroad Advanced Warning Sign?
- Who is responsible for the placement and maintenance of Advanced Warning signs for railroad crossings?
- Are the requirements for crashworthiness posts to be changed with the proposed revision to the MUTCD?
- What is the status of the “Children at Play” sign?
- Do warning signs near a school need to be fluorescent yellow/green or can they stay yellow?
- How do I back up my computer?
- Are there any requirements for how many and how bright yellow (amber) flashing lights are to be on work trucks?
- What are the changes to the Professional Development Hour (PDH) requirements for professional engineers and surveyors?
- What is the speed limit when there is no posting (no signs)?
- Who hires office workers for the Highway Department?
- Is it OK to backfill culverts with material dug out from around an old pipe?
- What is the “Safety Edge” and why should we use it?
- Can you tell me more about shared lane markings, aka "sharrows"?
- Where should I put 911 emergency or grid address numbers on a street sign?
- What is the minimum size for a Stop sign? Can I use 24 inch signs I have in stock?
- Are there new sizes for work zone signs?
- What traffic control is required in a night time work zone?
- Are there minimum retroreflectivity requirements for pavement markings? If so, what are the expected standards?
- Can we use flags to control traffic?
- Where can I find the proper distances for the advance placement of warning signs?
- What is the text on Reduced Speed Limit Ahead Signs?
- Does the law about cell phone usage and texting apply to government workers?
- What are the dollar amounts for when sealed bids are required?
- I am in an MS4 regulated area, do I need to apply for NYS DEC Permits?
- We have been digging from our material pit for years, do we need a mining permit?
- Can the Town Board assign to the Highway Superintendent the duty of collecting trash? If so, it that a Highway or General Fund Charge?
- Where can I acquire a copy of the New York State Vehicle & Traffic Law (the V&T)?
- What can I use to clean paving equipment other than diesel fuel?
- How late into the Fall can I do paving, and how early can I start in the Spring?
- What can we do to stop beavers from clogging up our culverts?
- We have a low-volume local road that was reconstructed two years ago. It is now showing cracks in the center of the travel lane, running parallel to the edge of the road. What should we do?
- Can I replace my 24-inch corrugated pipe with a 21-inch smooth bore plastic pipe?
- When are retroreflective strips on sign supports required?
- When do sign posts have to meet the new standards for crashworthiness?
- Does a flagger have to wear a vest?
- Can I use my old signs even if they do not meet the requirements of the new 2009 National MUTCD?
- Do I really have to use chevrons and curves on every turn with a change in speed of 15 mph or more?
- Which National MUTCD should be followed in New York State?
- Are signs and sign hardware general fund items?
- What is the Highway Right-of-Way?
- Where do I find State / OGS bids?
- What do windchill and heat index temperatures mean?
- What is a Heater-Scarifier?
- I have a bunch of old signs in inventory. Can I use them even though the designations have changed?
- What is the proper layout for a new sign?
- What are the proper pavement markings in advance of a Railroad Crossing?
- Should all crosswalks be painted?
- What are the requirements for breakaway hardware for sign posts on rural roads?
- What are the requirements for safety vests in the right-of-way?
- Are work zone signs required to be retroreflective?
- Are Work Zone Traffic Control Templates Available?
- Do County Route Markers (M1-6) need to be high intensity?
- Can we keep using our older metal Work Zone signs?
- When and where is it appropriate to use an in-street pedestrian crossing sign?
- What are the minimum traffic volumes for using multiway stop signs?
- What color is a "Cross Traffic Does Not Stop" sign?