Mission Statement

Improving the Quality and Safety of NYS Highways

The New York State LTAP Center - Cornell Local Roads Program provides unbiased, timely and exceptional technical assistance and training to highway and public works departments across New York State to help improve the quality and safety of roads and streets. We support local communities through strong collaborations with partners that enhance the sustainability of local highway assets.

A person standing in the middle of the road wearing a hard hat with a bright orange vest and jeans holding a stop sign, directing traffic

By following this tutorial, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage traffic control and enhance safety in various road work scenarios.

A brown plastic owl with headphones, sitting behind a laptop.

Check out what we have in store this winter!

4 People standing in front of 6 bright orange work zone signs, two people are folding the stop/slow paddle

We are excited to announce our 8th Work Zone Package Program to purchase sets of work zone equipment for distribution at no charge to highway and public works departments in NYS.

Contact Information

416 Riley-Robb Hall / Ithaca, NY 14853 / phone: 607-255-8033 / fax: 607-255-4080 / email: clrp@cornell.edu