Sustainable Landscapes and Integrated Pest Management

person talking to a group outdoors. A row of sample weeds on the ground.
crowd of people in conversation around informational tables
person comparing a plant to a flyer with different plants and insects on it


chickadee with a grub in it's beak

Becca Rodomsky-Bish, Cornell Lab of Ornithology

lawn mower, shovel, and broom

Jody Gangloff-Kaufmann, New York State Integrated Pest Management

a group of people working together in a yard

Kathy Lewis, Cornell Cooperative Extension Monroe County

collards growing in a row

Jennie Cramer, Cornell University School of Integrative Plant Science


Ashley Helmholdt, Cornell University School of Integrative Plant Science

path through a meadow going toward trees

Laurie Broccolo, Broccolo LEEDS

Hands-on Demonstrations

a collection of gardening tools

Bryan Brown, New York State Integrated Pest Management

bumblebee on a purple flower

Amara Dunn, New York State Integrated Pest Management and Jen Lerner, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Putnam County

Kyle Wickings holding a chunk of turf

Kyle Wickings, Cornell University Department of Entomology

New York State Integrated Pest Management’s 2023 Annual Conference is presented by the NYSIPM and Sustainable Landscapes Work Teams