The latest news from New York State Integrated Pest Management. 

In the News

EIQ Aids Pesticide Decisions

New York State Integrated Pest Management's Environmental Impact Quotient is reducing environmental and health risks for global food and agriculture leaders and family farms.



Annual Report

The New York State Integrated Pest Management program is proud to present its 2023-2024 Annual Report, highlighting our continued dedication to sustainable pest management and our commitment to creating a healthier and more resilient New York State.


Spotted Lanternfly Update

Vehicle inspections, circle and sticky traps, vacuums and drones touted as key management tools in New York’s battle against invasive spotted lanternfly.


Weed Seedbank Project

Germinating weed seeds from soil samples collected from farms across New York State.


Biopesticides: A Different Approach to Plant Pest Control

Tom Christopher talked to The New York State IPM Program's Amara Dunn-Silver about biopesticides on the most recent episode of the Growing Greener Podcast.  

close up view of a leaf. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash.
person working on a weather station with clouds in the background
squished red black and white bug
person posing in front of a greenhouse full of trays of soils of different shades
Portrait of Amara Dunn
Adult spotted lantenfly


Invasive spotted lanternfly detected in Finger Lakes vineyard

The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets identified the invasive pest in Romulus, New York, following reports from Cornell’s New York State Integrated Pest Management Program.

  • Cornell Cooperative Extension
  • New York State Integrated Pest Management
  • Viticulture and Enology
An adult spotted lanternfly sitting on a branch


Following a report from an alert town of Romulus resident, Ag and Markets inspectors traveled to the infestation site, where they were able to confirm the presence of SLF nymphs. The first SLF in the U.S. were confirmed in Berks County...
  • New York State Integrated Pest Management
Sarah Dressel-Nikles '11, right with check, president of the Hudson Valley Research Laboratory board, New York State Sen. Michelle Hinchey (D-41st), left with check, and Jared Buono, director of the lab with CALS leaders, lab staff and board, and members of the New York Farm Bureau.


The Hudson Valley Research Laboratory in Highland, New York, a partnership between Cornell AgriTech and area growers, is receiving $1 million in capital funding from the state for improvements that will take the research facility into the future...

  • Hudson Valley Lab
  • Cornell AgriTech
  • Cornell Cooperative Extension
Hannah Tolz with a spotted lanternfly on her hand

Field Note

Meet Hannah Tolz We recently talked to Hannah about what inspires her work and how it’s contributing to NYSIPM’s mission to lead research and education on the selection and use of pest management options to protect personal, environmental and...
  • New York State Integrated Pest Management
  • Entomology
grain seedheads frame field day crowd


  • New York State Integrated Pest Management
  • School of Integrative Plant Science
  • Plant Breeding and Genetics Section