NY CoE Food Safety Symposium
2016 Food Safety Symposium
July 19-21, 2016
Stocking Hall, PepsiCo® Auditorium
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
The NYCoE conducted a 2-day symposium on food safety at Cornell University's Stocking Hall. The weather cooperated nicely, so attendees from health departments all over the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region were able to enjoy the Ithaca summer in between talking about food safety and foodborne illness investigation. In addition to lectures, the agenda included an afternoon spent in one of the Cornell Dairy Processing facilities practicing environmental sampling techniques, with ample opportunities for group discussion and collaborative information exchange.
Topics were designed around the needs Assessment results, and included interactive discussions regarding whole genome sequencing (WGS), culture independent diagnostic testing (CIDT), CIFOR metrics, and communications. In total, 27 attendees from 11 regional network states/jurisdictions were present, as were 4 representatives from New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, 1 representative from the Colorado CoE, 3 program directors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 13 representatives from the NYSDOH Lab, Epi and EH branches, and 2 from Cornell University.