Megan Keller
Visiting Lecturer, Microbiology
Contact Information
Weill Hall 363
Ithaca, NY 14853
mrk269 [at]
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Visiting Lecturer, Microbiology
Megan earned her B.S in Biology from Florida Gulf Coast University in 2019. She then came to Cornell and received her Ph.D. in Microbiology in 2024. Her research specializes in exploring how antibiotics alter the bacterial metabolism, and is interested in finding ways to repurpose existing antibiotics. Her love of teaching originated from TAing numerous classes during her undergraduate career, and at Cornell she designed a BIOG 1250 seminar class on wastewater microbiology. She was a CTI Teaching Fellow in 2023/2024 and has been a popular guest lecturer in BIOMI 2900. She is excited to continue contributing to the Microbiology Departments' mission of excellence in microbiology education.
Weill Hall 363
Ithaca, NY 14853
mrk269 [at]