John Sanderson
Associate Professor, Department of Entomology

Research Focus
Because of intensive reliance on pesticide use for managing pests on greenhouse crops, arthropod resistance to pesticides has repeatedly left greenhouse growers with severe pest management challenges and few ready-to-use alternatives. Growers thus are actively seeking simple, cost-effective alternative solutions to pesticides. The Sanderson lab therefore seeks to develop integrated pest management tactics that are less likely to lead to resistance problems, emphasizing a biological control approach. Past research contributions for both the scientific community and eventually for growers have included studies on the biology, behavior, and applied ecology of all important greenhouse arthropod pests, as well as of a range of arthropod predators and parasitoids, as well as fungal pathogens of insects. Some studies have evaluated the integration of pesticides with natural enemies. Fundamental studies of arthropod biology and behavior are always encouraged, but usually with a view toward some aspect of solving pest management challenges.
Outreach and Extension Focus
My individual extension program provides up-to-date information on IPM of greenhouse arthropod pests of controlled environment agriculture crops to growers in NY and the nation. This is done via in-service activities for extension educators (labs, presentations, conference calls, and collaborating on applied research projects), responding to questions via email or phone, speaking at and preparing informational handouts for national, regional, and statewide grower programs, writing articles for newsletters and trade magazines, participating in webinars, and adding information to the Greenhouse Horticulture website. I also prepare the annual Cornell Guide For The Integrated Management Of Greenhouse Crops And Herbaceous Ornamentals. Collaborative extension programming with the NYS IPM Program Ornamentals Coordinator and specialists is a key part of my extension activities, as is participation in the Greenhouse Horticulture Program Work Team. Cornell faculty and staff who work on greenhouse crops are fortunate to have an active and supportive statewide Greenhouse Industry Advisory Board, who provides industry-based advice on our research and extension plans and ensures our connection to the needs of the industry. We conduct numerous regional hands-on workshops for growers, using microscopes and live plants and arthropod specimens, to train growers across the state on identification and biology of greenhouse pests and beneficials. Instruction on biological control implementation is always a part of these workshops. Funding for much extension programming has come from Smith-Lever funds or from New York Farm Viability Institute competitive grants.
Outreach is very important in the Sanderson Lab. Insects are endlessly fascinating creatures! Enthusiasm for insects in the general public is often infectious, and we love to encourage that enthusiasm! My lab is very active at Insectapalooza (the annual Entomology Department open house), judging 4-H insect collections, giving talks about insects to Boy Scouts, home school groups, public school classes, church groups, and others.
Teaching Focus
Coursework teaching responsibilities include Applied Entomology (ENTOM 3410), the introductory entomology course for entomology majors (Insect Biology ENTOM 2120) and for non-majors (Alien Empire ENTOM 2010/2011). Guest lectures and lab exercises have been presented in ENTOM 7670, PLHRT 3025 (Hydroponic Food Crop Production and Management) and PLHRT 3100 (Production and Marketing of Greenhouse Crops).
Selected Publications
Journal Publications
- Jandricic, S. E., Wraight, S. P., Gillespie, D. R., & Sanderson, J. P. (2016). Biological Control Outcomes Using the Generalist Aphid Predator Aphidoletes aphidimyza under Multi-Prey Conditions. Insects. 7:75. doi:10.3390/insects7040075
- Wraight, SP, TA Ugine, ME Ramos, JP Sanderson. 2016. Efficacy of spray applications of entomopathogenic fungi against western flower thrips infesting greenhouse impatiens under variable moisture conditions. Biological Control 97, 31-47.
- Jandricic, S. E., Filotas, M., Sanderson, J. P., & Wraight, S. P. (2014). Pathogenicity of conidia-based preparations of entomopathogenic fungi against the greenhouse pest aphids Myzus persicae, Aphis gossypii, and Aulacorthum solani (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 118:34-46.
- Lee, D.-H., J.P. Nyrop & J.P. Sanderson. 2014. Non-consumptive effects of predatory beetle, Delphastus catalinae (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), on habitat use patterns of adult whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 49: 599-606.
- Braun, S. E., Sanderson, J. P., & Wraight, S. P. (2012). Larval Bradysia impatiens (Diptera: Sciaridae) potential for vectoring Pythium root rot pathogens. Phytopathology. 102:283-289.
Extension Publications
- Sanderson, J.P., S. Wainwright-Evans, R. Valentin. 2021. Best practices for biocontrols, parts 1-5. GrowerTalks Magazine, January through May issues.
- Braun, S.E., J.P. Sanderson, S.P. Wraight, L. Castrillo. 2012. Fungus gnats and Pythium: Conspirators or just cohabitants? GrowerTalks Magazine, August issue.
B.S. Zoology, San Diego State University, M.S. and Ph.D. Entomology, University of California, Riverside
Integrated pest management
Biological control
Biology and management of greenhouse crop pests
Courses Taught
ENTOM 3410 (Applied Entomology), ENTOM 2120 (Insect Biology), ENTOM 2010/2011 (Alien Empire)
Contact Information
168 Insectary Building
169 Helios Circle
Ithaca, NY 14853
jps3 [at]