Hannah Blair
Postdoctoral Associate, Natural Resources and the Environment

Hannah is a biological oceanographer broadly interested in the trophic and spatial ecology of pelagic (open water) communities. She is particularly interested in using hydroacoustics and autonomous platforms to collect increasingly spatially- and temporally-extensive data, and in using those big data to answer ecological questions previously outside our reach. Hannah earned her PhD studying spatiotemporal distribution patterns and diversity of fish and zooplankton along the continental shelf break off the southeastern U.S. coast. Her current research investigates possible biases in Great Lakes acoustic fisheries surveys due to surface and bottom acoustic dead zones, as well as the diel migration patterns of Great Lakes fish and zooplankton.
- Ph.D. Marine & Atmospheric Science, Stony Brook University, 2023
- M.S. Biology, Syracuse University, 2015
- B.S. Wildlife Ecology & Management, Arkansas State University, 2013
Recent Research
Blair, H. B., Miksis-Olds, J. L., & Warren, J. D. (2021). Spatial variability of epi-and mesopelagic 38 kHz backscatter from nekton and macrozooplankton across the southeastern US shelf break. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 669, 33-50.
Blair, H. B., Merchant, N. D., Friedlaender, A. S., Wiley, D. N., & Parks, S. E. (2016). Evidence for ship noise impacts on humpback whale foraging behaviour. Biology Letters, 12(8), 20160005.
Contact Information
G09 Fernow Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
hbb59 [at] cornell.edu
Hannah in the news

- Biological Field Station
- Natural Resources and the Environment
- Natural Resources