Brendan Rosen

MPS, Global Development
  • Hometown: La Verne, California
  • College attended and major: B.A. Political Science - University of California, Irvine
Tell us a fun fact about you.

I repelled down the tallest waterfall in Africa

What impact do you want to make on the world? 

I am hoping to help create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly global agriculture production and a more equitable food system. I want to motivate people to grow more food and take part in local environmental movements.

What were you doing before the MPS program?

Before the MPS program, I was serving in the U.S. Peace Corps Response in the Philippines as an Agro-ecotourism Advisor. 

What does global development mean to you?

Global development means global cooperation, sustainable environmental practices, and the movement towards a unified human race. It means the active participation in the transition from local to global citizenship.

What has been the most memorable or impactful experience of your career so far?

My most impactful experience was working with farmers in rural Lesotho, learning their language, and successfully establishing a hybrid vegetable seeding operation.

How do you envision your MPS degree contributing to your career?

I believe the MPS will allow me to create and support environmentally friendly agriculture production around the world. I also think it will help me to strengthen cross-cultural programs and movements in various countries, especially in the United States, Lesotho, and the Philippines.