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Teaching Awards & Grants

Supporting and celebrating educators who inspire and engage students through innovative and transformative teaching practices



Innovative Teaching & Learning Awards 

facilitate faculty exploring teaching innovations with new tools, approaches, and ideas that enhance teaching and learning


Faculty Micro Grants Program 

grants for instructors of up to $1500 to support efforts to enhance teaching and learning


Active Learning Initiative 

provides departments and faculty with opportunities to adopt high-impact learning practices, enhance learning with technology, and integrate active learning pedagogies into their classes


Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities APS Innovative Teaching Awards

awards for faculty who wish to expand their scholarship of teaching and learning by providing innovative teaching and learning experiences for students. These awards should serve as a base or pilot for future grant proposals and can be either interinstitutional ($5,000) or single institution ($3,000).


CALS Awards

Early Career Faculty Teaching Award

recognizes early-career CALS faculty who demonstrate a commitment to quality instruction, show evidence of a creative combination of teaching strategies and generate enthusiasm in students


Robert H. Foote Mid-Career Teaching Award

recognizes mid-career CALS faculty who engage with students using creative and novel techniques, introducing students to cutting edge information in their field


Louis and Edith Edgerton Career Teaching Award

recognizes a meritorious and senior faculty member who has provided outstanding teaching and advising to students across their career


Donald C. Burgett Distinguished Advisor Award  

student-nominated award that recognizes excellence in advising by academic advisors of CALS undergraduates


Kathy Druckman Berggren Diversity and Inclusion Award

recognizes members of the CALS faculty or academic staff who have made a significant contribution to enhancing a positive climate for multicultural diversity within their teaching, research and/or extension program


Professor of Merit Award

student-nominated award that recognizes excellence in undergraduate teaching by CALS faculty


SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching

recognizes CALS faculty who demonstrate superior teaching at the graduate, undergraduate, or professional level



Cornell Awards

Stephen H. Weiss Teaching Awards

honor faculty who have a sustained record of commitment to the teaching and mentoring of undergraduate students and to undergraduate education


Provost Award for Teaching Excellence in Graduate and Professional Programs

recognizes teaching excellence at the masters, PhD, DVM, DMA or JD level


Kendall S. Carpenter Advising Award

recognizes the sustained and distinguished contributions of professorial faculty and senior lecturers to undergraduate advising


Faculty Award for Excellence in Research, Teaching, and Service through Diversity

recognizes faculty who have made an outstanding impact in research or creative work, teaching and mentoring, and/or service in outreach in diversity


George D. Levy Engaged Teaching and Research Award

recognizes a faculty member whose community collaborations serve as models for outstanding community-engaged learning in the classroom or through research


Kaplan Family Distinguished Faculty Fellowship

celebrates faculty who involve students in challenging community-engaged learning programs



External Awards

USDA National Awards for Excellence in College and University Teaching in the Food and Agricultural Sciences

recognize outstanding college professors of agriculture, natural resources, veterinary and human sciences


North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture

several awards for educators that have demonstrated a commitment to teaching in agricultural sciences


Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture

several awards that recognize educators in the field of landscape architecture


ASEE National Outstanding Teaching Award

recognizes engineering or engineering technology educators for excellence in outstanding classroom performance, contributions to the scholarship of teaching, and participation in ASEE Section meetings and local activities




Do you know of a grant or award that should be on this list? Contact cals-cdis [at]